Reviews from

in the past

Baldur is blessed with invulnerability to all threats physical or magical

it´s a well game although the lack of enemies variety is a bad thing , it stills hold as a very good game

One of, if not the best, PlayStation exclusive of all time!

God of War (2018) is the sequel to God of War III (2010) and the original Greek era of this franchise. We follow the journey of Kratos and his son, Atreus, throughout the Norse realms. On their journey, Kratos battles powerful enemies while keeping his dark past and true nature secret from his son.

For someone who wasn't a God of War fan prior playing this game, I enjoyed every second I spent on this masterpiece. This game managed to make me interested in the franchise.
After watching some lore videos about God of War, especially the main plot in the original trilogy, they all sound interesting and I regret not engaging with this franchise sooner.

Playing God of War (2018) felt like an actual journey. Its story and gameplay are so immersive despite having a simple plot: A father and son fulfil their mother's final wish. However, three obstacles make this journey more difficult for the duo. The first is Baldur, a Norse God hunting them for unknown reasons. The second is Atreus, who starts dying from a mysterious illness connected to Kratos and his past. The final one is Faye's wish itself, having to find a way to the highest point in all nine realms so they may spread her ashes.

This game is filled with secrets, and each one gets unveiled throughout your journey as Kratos. What I love the most about this game are the characters. Kratos is much different compared to the previous saga. He is much older but, more importantly, is no longer full of rage and no longer the God of War. He's more calm, experienced, and wise in everything he does. When he does rage, he can channel it into something more. He uses his rage as a tool to fight and protect Atreus. Kratos must now be a good role model to his son. Atreus is an innocent boy who knows barely anything about the outside world besides what his mother told him when she was alive. He loves his father but is resentful of Kratos for being a shadow of a parent compared to his mother. There is a wall between them and the only way to break it is to tell his son the truth about his past. During the gameplay, you can feel the dynamic of this father-son relationship. It has ups and downs, but that makes it feel realistic. The character interactions outside the father-son relationship are well-written as well. We meet other characters such as Mimir, Sindri, and Brok. They always accompany us throughout the journey, and the conversations and dynamics between them all never bore me. The conversations remind me of NieR Replicant with how natural the conversations feel. Their conversations aren't just fun to listen to; they give the players lore and information about this new pantheon and world. Baldur is a Norse God who hunts Kratos and Atreus.
He's perfectly introduced in the first chapter of the game. In his introduction, he doesn't show or give a lot, but we know what he's capable of during our first battle with him. His motive is unclear even after the boss fight, which leaves a mysterious vibe that will haunt you for the rest of the journey.

The gameplay is amazing. The combat is grounded and realistic. You feel every punch, every swing, and every throw you make. It took me some time to adjust to the controls, but once you do, you are in for a blast! The combat feels like Dark Souls with a slightly different camera angle and a more simplified RPG system. The amount of weapons you get isn't a lot, so it's possible to feel a bit repetitive at times, but I think the varied move-sets easily cover it up. The semi-open-world design in this game is easily my favourite design of this type of all time. It's perfect from the map, the environment, and the interactions. It feels so immersive.
Another aspect I like about this game is that it doesn't tell you specifically what to do in the middle of a puzzle or search for something. It gives you hints, but it's not that obvious either. You still have to use your brain to explore and solve some puzzles. There are some areas I didn't think it was possible to explore, but when I found out that they are available through secret passages, it felt so satisfying. I mentioned puzzles earlier because this game is full of them. They remind me of one of my favourite game franchises, Uncharted. The puzzles aren't difficult, and they aren't too easy either. Very forgiving for new players and pretty fun to do.

After the main campaign ends, you can roam Midgard and other realms. There are a bunch of things to do after you finish it. You can go on side quests, complete challenges, and discover more secrets and lore. I find this stuff pretty enjoyable. I'm currently doing one of the last and hardest side missions: Freeing the Valkyries.

The bosses in this game are enjoyable enough for me. Most optional bosses are re-skins of previous bosses, which is a bit of a letdown, but I'm not mad about it because I still find them fun to fight. The final boss of this game didn't disappoint. I have never felt this hype in a game boss fight outside of Soulsbourne, and that says something. The boss isn't only fun to fight, but it's also visually beautiful and cinematic. The hardest bosses in the game aren't even in the main campaign but when you are freeing the valkyries. To free the valkyries, you must fight them all, and they are not easy to fight. One of them took me 3 hours to beat.
They sometimes feel like Dark Souls bosses to me.

Playing God of War (2018) was an experience of a lifetime. I love everything this game has to offer. I have spent a lot of time in this game, and I don't regret a single second. With this review, I can confidently say that God of War (2018) takes the throne in my list as the best PS exclusive, beating The Last of Us. Man, I desperately need God of War: Ragnarok now!

Written by Nate
Edited by Abhi

I enjoyed a lot about the game. The music was fenomenal, thr story rich and charming and the relationship between Kratos and Artreus felt real. I just wish more of the main bosses were like valkiries and the enemie design and placement were just bad. Nobody wants to have to fight 20+ enemies that can stunlock you in a small room.

Gostei desse, apesar de nunca ter sido próximo da saga God of War.

Unpopular opinion - It was kinda boring and too long for me.. fighting the valkyris for the plat was the most fun thing in this game.

Eu tive uma experiencia bem diferente com esse jogo... para quem teve um pai ausente como eu, esse jogo emociona, impacta por vários motivos, um jogo atemporal

super fun father-son story with really cool combat.

It was enjoyable and the main story was really good. The combat was kinda mindless the more upgrades and loot acquired and exploration just isn't fun

uma história incrível com uma incrível com um combate interessante, mas tem algo entre esse e os antigos que me fazem gostar menos. se não fosse um gow, talvez eu não ligasse tanto ou nem me lembraria que esse jogo existiu

A great character exploration of Kratos, great performances all around, satisfying combat and everything about the directing make this one of the best games of the decade

historia linda, jogabilidade muito bem feita, é um belo jogo

Melhor Jogo que joguei. Joguei ele em 2023 e é simplesmente emocionante.

I love teaching my son some good old fashoned family values, on which we used to rely.

A minha maior pendência gamer.
Depois de anos com o preconceito do goty venho a jogar este jogo e meudeus, QUE OBRA PRIMA SENHORES.
Fazia um tempo que não entrava de cabeça em um jogo assim e o último foi o próprio red Dead.

[European Portuguese - Windows PC - Dated 12/01/2022]

"Desconsiderando o meu ceticismo com os exclusivos da Sony, God of War mostrou-me uma aventura cheia de coração e emoção, uma viagem sem travões tanto na ação como no drama, espelhando uma relação instável, mas credível entre pai e filho. Felizmente todos os fãs da raça mestre, entre aspas, poderão jubilar em conjunto devido à qualidade do port e uma experiência que é, no mínimo, obrigatória de ser vivida com a devida atenção. Junta-se à lista de façanhas a jogabilidade divertidíssima e a exploração memorável. Admito, no entanto, que as lutas contra bosses dececionaram um pouco pela sua repetitividade. Fora isso? Após vinte e cinco horas de aventura posso continuar a não acreditar nos deuses nórdicos, mas de certeza que acredito em God of War. Venha daí a sequela para ontem."

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Such a great cinematic experience. The world is beautiful, and the combat is fun but not too Indepth. Atreus and Kratos' relationship is what makes the story, as you see them change. Only downside was I thought that the game finished relatively quickly. However, I didn't interact with many side quests

Very great game, the beginning is very slow, but very fun. The combat can be fun.

New mechanic idea: you hit your kid and he loses health, but gains just a little bit of experience.

The game that reignited my gaming passion.

It inspired me to build my own PC and started playing Video Games again. The game's combat system is a perfect balance of brutality and finesse, empowering players with a satisfying array of weapons and abilities. The relationship between Kratos and his son, Atreus, adds a layer of depth and emotional resonance to the narrative, making it more than just a tale of epic battles.

It stands out for its meticulous attention to detail, breathtaking set-pieces, and thought-provoking exploration of themes like fatherhood and redemption.

It showcases the evolution of the series while honoring its roots, creating a truly unforgettable gaming experience.

ALTHOUGH it can be a little polarizing, I would say that it relied too heavily on narrative-driven sequences, potentially overshadowing the gameplay experience.

Loved the story a lot lot more than the gameplay, and gosh darn it i have enough courage to say it

The game that reminded me how beautiful of an experience a video game could offer.

After I got distracted by life and then college (2013-2019) this game clawed me out of the endless mundane cycle of FPS games like Call of Duty and Battle Royale's Like Fortnite.

I experienced what it's like to be fully immersed into a story to the point that you completely ignore the medium. Good movies can do the same but not to the levels that good video games can like God of War.