Reviews from

in the past

some people say this game is free to play no its free to download but if you actually want to play pvp get your wallet ready

I really used to be a HUGE fan of this one. I finally woke up though, and realized I was paying WAAAAY too much money for like basically no content. This game can feel like a scam sometimes. But if you do get to actually play a deck or two you really like, the game is admittedly insanely fun and addicting.

Played a fair amount from around 2014-2016 then dropped off. I'm sure it's just about impossible to get good at now without being willing to take a million L's to grind good cards or spend money, but for someone interested in learning a very simplistic MTG for free it's worth a shot.

I don't know how many hours (or money) I have spent in this game. I played consistently with a few breaks here and there from a little before Whispers of the Old Gods up untill the release of Fractured in Alterac Valley which is about 6 years. I mainly played standard until Descend of Dragons where I switched to wild. I then stopped playing for over a year and came back just before Festival of Legends dropped. On top of this I have watched an ungodly amount of Hearthstone content on youtube. That is all to say that I care alot about the game event hough that I think it is flawed in many many ways.

At some point their card design started to favour big and satisfying plays rather than subtle and clever synergies and interactions. It is clear that they design cards and expansions with the power fantasy of the player in mind - that it's fun to feel like you're actually cheating a little bit. But this, I feel, ultimately makes the game about hitting those big moments while the strategic aspect suffers because most games will be dertermined who can do their 'big thing' first. Whether it's an aggro deck hitting the most beautiful curve you have ever seen, or a slower deck that can have mutiple winning plays in certain matchups or a combo deck that kills you before you can even begin to describe what is happening. It may all seem very trivial but over the years I have become less excited to win or loose depending on who of me or my opponent draw our powerful cards first. It is rare that a win feels truely earned and that a loss feel truely justified beyond that they drew better or had the better deck. It does happen, but a lot of the time it all feels too draw, luck and matchup dependant. And that critique of Hearthstone has been around for as long as I have been a player.

To keep the game "fresh" they produce cards and expansions at an all time high rate which I guess is good to keep interest in active players and intrigue old players with new exciting stuff, but I can't help but feel that it makes the game to expensive in both time and/or money to "keep up" with if you're not in the mood for playing it daily. You can get by with a viable deck or two per expasion but that is not the experience that are being sold to us. Not by Blizzard and not the content creators who have more resources the play the game with.

Lastly I want to praise the game's presentation. The sound design, the music, the animations, the voice work the game feel it's all of a level that I don't think you can find in any other digital competitive card game. I think it is in large part due to these factors that I have been playing the game for so long. Hearthstone is a deeply flawed but really satisfying card game that can absolutely be fun no matter what mode you prefer and at what level. And I am reluctantly very passionate about it.

i wish blizzard wasn't so awful this is a really good card game

Blizzard you're so close to a perfect game just stop making me pay 800 dollars to make a new deck every 3 months

Al final no es MTG y me faltan cosas para disfrutarlo

Fun, easy to pick up card game. Takes a while of playing to build up a decent competitive deck, but I've hit the top rank multiple times without spending anything on the game.

Curto, o problema é que parece ter muito smurf na categoria bronze, muito cara apelão nos ranks mais baixos.

I've tried to get into this game a billion times and I just can't do it.

If it wasn't pay to win I would rate it higher.

It was a good game, for the first 3-4 years. Then, power creep got out of hand and it wasn't fun anymore.

RGN gówno, ale kiedyś się grąło fajnie


5 stars if it werent for horrible developers ruining the game continuously.

um jogo de cartas bom, gigante em seus tempos de ouro, porém com a adição de diversas expansões pagas e centenas de cartas anualmente, ficou cada vez mais complicado acompanhar os decks que eram meta

Was ruined forever by constant power creep.

Artifact for even bigger losers

rating for the game as a whole. at the time it came out hearthstone was a fresh and novel twist in the ccg genre. it made it possible to play ccgs with anyone in the world. see individual set reviews.

It's pretty good. However:
Not always good, and not always fresh.

Good, casual cardgame, with some room to breed complexity from simplicity in a competitive sense.

One of the worst P2W games of all time. Frustrating RNG. Yet I keep coming back. I've played since Naxxramas only taking a few breaks, but I always come back. Addictive and fun.

Gran expansión la del festival legendario, es donde mas decks he podido jugar y más rango he llegado.
La tematica me ha molado un monton y han sacado muy buenas cartas aunque un miniset algo pobre tristemente

I'd love to give it another shot.