Reviews from

in the past

One of the best games Sony ever released

I finished it more than 20 years ago and I still hate when I see mist


Great game, really enjoyed the combo aspect . It was fun trying out different arts and seeing what effects they would have.

the story is pretty good too and got really dark at times.

own criticism i have is that the magic system could have been better and the battles felt really slow at times. But other than that, great game.

Give this game your time! Learn to love it!

I think Legend of Legaia is often overlooked among the monoliths like FFVII, Suikoden II, or even The Legend of Dragoon. Don't pass on this one, though. Clear the mist and enjoy another epic journey!

The greatest backlog of my life. I failed to finish the game after someone lost the memory card of our PS1, and I could not just blitz through the game in one sitting as a child.

Overall, I adored the battle mechanic of this game. It was unique and had so much potential to be perfected in modern games. Creating combos alongside the summoning mechanic to be able to dish out huge numbers is just pure perfection.

I cannot rate it higher than 4 as long as I have not played this game to completion. Manifesting a remaster of this game to modern consoles

(I played this game with the restoration patch which undoes the nerf it received on the US release in which you only gain 75% of EXP and gold from the original rate. PAL and JP regions have the intended base gain)

Look I am super picky when it comes to RPG's, especially turned based. It hasn't always been my favorite thing and I will admit that first and foremost. Legend Of Legaia is one of those games that just clicked with my brain and its combat system is biggest reason for that. Seriously it’s so bad ass and cool stringing together combos AND discovering inputs as your characters level up. On top of that, all party members can learn any magic regardless of elemental affinity.

It’s worth mentioning that all members are capable of dishing out serious damage. Boss fights are nutty and challenging but satisfying to overcome with the right strategy. 3-character parties I think are the sweet spot for a person like me to manage. I remember playing Final Fantasy 10 and while I thought that game was good, I didn't like having so many party members. Just felt like a chore to manage all that.

The OST is damn good, spawning more original boss and battle music than you'd expect. Old dnb, and breakbeats. Of course, there are still beautiful melancholic themes you’d expect as well. Sound effects, especially during fighting are on point.

The main characters are awesome, and I can see why Noa is a fan favorite. She is truly a funny and goofy kid. But make no mistake all these guys kick ass.

Graphics are good with the chibi style taking place during field and town travel and battles having detailed and bigger models. Sometimes CGI shots would make an appearance.

Look I am not an RPG expert, but I thought Legend of Legaia was amazing and it might just be one of my favorite games of all time.

The first and only game my mom ever bought for herself. I don't think she ever played it. But I did many years later and liked it

loved it way more than Final Fantasy VII, and still hold up pretty good to this day

Requested by viewers, we have here a PS1 RPG that I had completely missed!

The game is set in a post-apocalyptic/post-utopian world where mankind had all kinds of Seru, spirtual kinds of beings that were able to assist them in everything that they said and made the kingdom prosperous.

This all changed when the mist arrived. It infected the Seru, driving them made and attacking people or worse, forcibly fusing with them to create somekind of uncontrolled monstrosity!

Your character starts out at one of these last holdouts against the mist, managing to somehow keep themselves safe behind the huge walls, until a huge creature destroys the wall and lets the monsters flood in along with the mist, until the tree communicates with you and gives you a Seru that is immune to the mist and boosts your combat so you can take out these monsters!

This leads to a mixed situation at the end of this and you'll have to start travelling the world to find and activate more of these trees to fight back the mist and find the very source of the mist to destroy!

This was a huge RPG with much to do, many tough enemies and lots of fun to be had! I recommend it highly to anyone who is after a RPG and missed up on this gem.

Gameplay + Stream

I absolutely adore this game's battle system. It's a little simplistic these days, but stringing together individual strikes into a command bar that correspond to each arm and high and low kicks makes for some interesting mechanics. It's something I've always wanted to see expanded on. And no, not in the way Legaia 2 did it.

Viva Etora Ignao Durk de La Micentus VIII !!

Glory to Soll Tower !!

Requires too much grinding, unless you want the game to be extremely difficult / nearly impossible. They should've just made this an arcade style fighting game, with the same characters and concepts.

Em um mundo ideal esse foi o JRPG que bombou no PS1 no lugar de final bucha 7.

Joguem com o patch de restauração, sejá lá quem inventou de tirar 75% do gold e exp dos inimigos na versão americana merece ser amaldiçoado por Rá.