Reviews from

in the past

played the free episodes on my phone. They were pretty good

o primeiro episódio é excelente mas ele se perde um pouco

For me one of the best storytelling games. It has been a long long time that a game got me so hard on an emotional level. You can feel the story and the end.... tears rolled down my face....for the first time on a long long time that a game hit me that bad. Actually only the betrayal of Hobbs in Wing Commander 3 got me that hard where emotions hit me that hard.

I've played this game many times, the story is unique, and the game rivals telltale twd season 1 storywise.

One of the few games I was talking with my friends about in school for weeks.

Very emotional and impactful story. Maybe with a little unsatisfying resolution.

The game was a cultural reset I believe in gaming. There was and still is nothing like Life Is Strange & the impact it had on everyone involved and engaged. The supernatural mystery, the coming of age setting of a fictional Oregan small town, the dorkable "tumbleresque " writing and direction, and the autumn embraced visuals, Life Is Strange, to me, was as a gaming cultural experience you had to be a part of through and through with each along waited episode. I think of this game like a solemnly sweet indie song I would listen to in a memory of the outside nature I have never even experienced something akin to.

Cool histoire, fait en let's play, j'ai rien raté je crois x)

This idea of gameplay-derived storytelling is what Life is Strange fully commits to. All the rote action mechanics of the past game are gone, and so are the overwhelming sci-fi cityscapes and grand corporate conspiracies. This game swerves down a different path in order to give gamers a more personal story, played with the accessible mechanics of an adventure game. Here, you simply play as a teenage girl coping with life in a quiet town. Over the course of the game, you do find that Max is no ordinary girl, and that Arcadia Bay is a very strange town, but even as the mystery ratchets up, the roots of everyday life remain. Max will discover a fantastical ability in the game, but for players, the most powerful tool to wield will be good sense in listening and observing what's going on around you, because your choices will ultimately be what leads you to the end of the game.

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This review alludes to the endings and its effect they have on the overall story- which can be considered a spoiler even if I don't go in depth. And I won't go in depth, rest assured.

I wanted to like this game. In many ways, I do. And in many ways, I don't.

We'll start with what I didn't like. The look. It just looks bad, I'm sorry. The models are just bad. The animations are sooo bad. Moving on- how about the dialogue? Is it any better? ...It's as if it's written by out of touch adults that think this is youths sound like. It's cringey, it's a bit over the top, but, at the same time- I guess it's a little endearing? Not that I still wouldn't have written and directed it differently though.

Now, the story. It's... fine? Some parts are good, some parts are bad. The plot lost itself at times. And there's only two endings despite this being a game insistent that your choices matter. I don't like that whatever you choose completely rewrites the entirety of the story. What was even the point, then?

...I guess the point is the girls. Chloe and Max. Their story- and what becomes of it. It's not like I'm not invested in them. Of course I am. But there were other characters too. Characters that the game wanted you to be invested in just as much as the girls. It's confusing from a writing standpoint.

Anyway- what did I like? I liked the story (yes, even if I think it wasn't written well) and I like the characters (even if all but two don't matter). I like the sound design. I like the time travel gimmick. I really, really like Chloe and Max. Yes, even if Chloe can be considered "bad reputation" for her borderline neglectful behavior. Not all lesbians and lesbian relationships in media need to be perfect! Take notes.

All in all, I'm torn on whether or not to recommend it. It's good and bad. You'll just have to decide for yourself.

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Yes, I chose my girlfriend over the whole town

"Louis Daguerre was a French painter who created 'Daguerreotypes', a process that gave portraits a sharp reflective style, like a mirror."

This game has one legitimately good moment, after that, the rest of it is hokey as fuck with your only two romance options being an asshole and a creep

é o pior jogo que eu ja amei, eu tenho uma paixao por esse pedaço de esterco em formato de programa

Time traveler falls in love with emo girl, very good and cute story :]

eu me lembro de detestar esse jogo anos atrás. talvez eu só fosse uma adolescente meio cínica e sem saco pra aguentar o q um monte de francês de meia-idade tinha pra falar sobre drama adolescente norte-americano, ou talvez eu fosse só chata mesmo. mas rejogar ele me fez ter uma perspectiva bem diferente desse jogo, o q eu realmente n esperava.

eu gosto q isso é uma perfeita cápsula da cultura hipster lá pros meados da década passada. a música, a moda, as vibes. é meio cringe mas em retrospecto tem o seu charme e isso torna a experiência desse jogo até meio q única. n existem muitos jogos com uma estética parecida.

alguns dos temas explorados tbm são interessantes. um jogo publicado pela square enix em 2015 tocar em temas mais sensíveis de maneira tão direta era impensável. n q toque nesses temas bem, mas o esforço está lá e é algo genuíno e com verdadeira simpatia.

mas é aquela coisa. esse jogo é derivativo. extremamente derivativo. catcher in the rye, butterfly effect, the girl with the dragon tattoo, twin peaks são só algumas das influências mais óbvias. isso n seria um problema se o jogo n tivesse tanta dificuldade de criar uma identidade mais única dentro de sua própria narrativa. as vezes a história passa a sensação de ser uma colcha de retalhos, e tinha o potencial de ser mais mais do q isso.

o jogo poderia ser mais gay tbm. essa é a minha principal crítica. o jogo deveria ter sido menos covarde e bem mais gay. o final é uma bosta mas n acho q tenha azedado tanta a minha experiência com o jogo.

no final das contas achei q seria um jogo pra hatear de graça enquanto jogava do lado da minha namorada e n foi o caso. foi bom. poderia ser melhor mas foi bom.

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awesome that the game's moral choice is "save a whole town of people" or "save the only likable character in the entire game"

This is something everyone should experience, can't say the same for the sequels though.

this game is very near and dear to my heart, while yes the dialogue is bad occasionally it was impossible for me to not fall in love with these characters and fear for them in the heart wrenching scenes

Often breaks its own universe's rules. Cringe dialogue, All choices don't matter except for the last one. HELLA CRINGE

Juegazo sobre el efecto mariposa con varios finales. Personajes carismáticos y de los que te puedes encariñar (o no). Totalmente recomendado.
Completado con todos los logros en unas 19h

Life Is Just beautiful with this game.

as coisas que eu faço por uma mina tatuada de cabelo azul pqp

no, your choices do not matter.

Kinda buggy and the dialogue is really cringey. The game is sorely lacking in direction and it just looks really ugly,