Reviews from

in the past

This right here is peak Mario & Luigi. The humour is spot-on, the soundtrack is great, the story is captivating and weird, the gameplay is versatyle thanks to controlling Mario & Luigi as well as Bowser... It really has everything

The best of the series. Super charming fun and a fresh take on RPGs. The new stuff it brings to the table is interesting and enjoyable.

Best mario and Luigi game. Contender for best mario rpg. The second best story in any mario rpg first being super paper mario but this is way easier to get into and not filled with occasional goofy to the point of annoying puzzles like super paper mario is. The gimmicky parts of the game can cramp your hands and hurt your throat but they manage to still make them somewhat fun.

This was my number one favorite game of all time for so long. I played this when I was just getting into gaming with my DS when I was like seven, and the game just holds up so well. The sprites are really nice looking, the story is different and has a lot of good humor in it, and the gameplay is perfect introductory RPG type stuff. The remake was a worse game, I will forever believe that, the original is peak.

love bowser, love midbus, love fawful

Will always hold a special place in my top 10, admittedly slightly unjustly, due to how it was one of my first ever games. So much charm and character radiates from it and the music goes so hard.

My 5 star rating isn’t fully accurate as I said, it’s a wonderful game but in reality wouldn’t breach my top 10. Regardless of that I consider it to be one of the best games I’ve ever played. I love it and always will.

extremely funny and sharply written game, although i think there’s a bit too much variation from the core gameplay for their own good

This masterpiece will never be topped.

I can't even count how many times I've played this game over the years.

Amazing game, but I never beat it as a kid because I didn't understand the concept of levelling up in RPGs and I was way too weak to beat the 2nd to last boss in the game.

Mario Rpgs are absolute peak, if you haven't played it you should. Amazing music, intresting and intuitive combat system and an overall great experience.

explore the deepest crevices of bowser's innards in this award-winning nintendo ds classic

Pretty good game, as far as I remember.

Played this when I was really young, played it again recently, incredible game and the final boss music is always such a banger

For what is commonly hailed as the BEST Mario & Luigi game, I definitely have a few minor issues with it. The locations outside of Bowser's body are the most generic in the entire M&L series, even moreso than Paper Jam. It's literally just "Grassy Plains, Beach, Woods, Toad Town, the 2 Castles, and that's it". It's kinda lame honestly. Also the game kinda sorta ends on an abrupt cliffhanger which just felt weird. Other than that tho and a couple other minor issues, this game is a BANGER. Some of the most fun special attacks in the series, the stuff in Bowser's body is great (that's kinky) the giant battles are epic, and this game has the most blood pumping finale to a Mario game since Paper Marios 2 & 3. Too bad this game will go down in history as the Mario game with the most amount of fetishes...

This is a fetish game and no I will not elaborate

Edit: Based on the other reviews, it seems like I'm far from the only person who had this thought. Anyway Bowser's Inside Story is peak

So ein gutes gameplay in einem Mario & Luigi es ist krank. Die Story mit Bowser und Mario & Luigi ist perfekt umgesetzt. Geile individuelle Bosse die nur in dem Teil funktionieren können mit einem banger Finale bis auf den Krankfriedzug er bleibt ein riesen hs 4,8/5

cant really think of anything i dont like, one of my favorite nintendo mainline properties. that damn hammer minigame song will never leave my brain until the day i die

Ich werde dieses Spiel wahrscheinlich niemals objektiv bewerten können, da dieses Spiel einfach meine Kindheit und Jugend war und der Grund war, warum ich überhaupt angefangen habe mich für Videospiele zu interessieren. Ich habe so viele Erinnerungen und Erlebnis mit diesem Spiel gehabt. An sich hat es seine Fehler, aber für mich wird es immer eines der besten Spiele aller Zeiten bleiben

The best Mario & Luigi game. Ost and characters were incredible. Playing as Bowser and understanding his side of the story was something new.

The only reason Nintendo fans like this is because they haven’t played any actual RPGs

Damn good but not the best one in the series

an absolutely fantastic game that knows exactly what it wants to be and how to be it. beautiful, hilarious, and incredibly enjoyable

Great game

bowser being interesting and not just "I steal the princes"

wiggler carrot minigame made me stop playing as a kid