Reviews from

in the past

Back when it first came out it had potential, then after a few months or so I would download and play a few days then again take breaks and come back. Now, it's so full of stuff to do, so many categories, modes, a huge amount of offers and microtransactions that it makes it intolerable and frustrating to even give it a go.

It's an ok fight/auto-fight game that it wants your money while you try to collect your favorite heroes which most of them pretty much fight the same as the others.

It's pretty basic in terms of combat, and the game is grindy af but it's enjoyable enough. Nothing great but it isn't terrible either.

its pretty fun for being controlled by swipes. worth a download to check it out.

Played it when it first came out for a few years and then sold my account. Started a new account a year ago and just stopped and canceling the account. The developers are getting exceedingly greedy and really catering to the whales while leaving the F2P crowd behind. The problem is a lot of the good rewards come from the PVP events. Another problem as of late is the amount of additional content in the past six months has just gotten ridiculous. You need to treat it like a full-time job if you want to get everything to try to keep up with the whales.

Not my cup of tea. The gameplay just feels like mashing the screen. There's not a whole lot of depth.

Played this ages ago the first year it dropped. Alongside Future Fight.

My thoughts are? I don't get it.

This game dosent offer anything mechanically. You swipe and block, sometimes you tap a button or two. It isn't like FF where you can upgrade and build a unit. You have to summon for the exact same unit just at a higher star level. Maybe that's changed recently but I'm not aware of it.

Graphically it's not impressive at all. I just don't get the appeal behind this game or why anyone would bother spending money. (Ironic coming from me and my DBL gacha addiction.)

I played for maybe a year or two on and off and it never got better.

overshadowed by marvel future fight

I played it for two weeks and then never again

Can be mildly enjoyed without the need of microtransactions. Do yourself a favor and don't waste your rent money, or just play something else.