Reviews from

in the past

Gotta play this game when I have a moment

I have no words. Play this Trilogy. There's nothing else like it.

Actually screw it, the overall journey in the Mass Effect Universe is just too great to be too mad at the bullshit narrative in the end. The journey across the 3 games is one of the most epic and emotional one with a top tier cast.

Sorely needed and well done compilation of one of the best franchises in modern gaming.

Mass effect 1: a gameplay é muito datada, o que vale a pena é a história e mesmo assim não é taaaooo boa quanto eu esperava. Nota: 6,25/10

Mass effect 2: melhor que o 1 em todos os aspectos, a missão final é incrível e extremamente tensa. Nota: 8,5/10

Mass effect 3: o meu preferido da trilogia, a carga dramática nesse é tão forte e intensa, a gameplay ficou melhor, está muito mais fluída do que antes, o final talvez não seja o melhor mas ainda sim foi um fechamento emocionante. Nota: 9/10

Listening to Galaxy map theme...

I love reading sci-fi novels and epic fantasy and, playing the Mass Effect trilogy at the time, it felt like one of the best of them.

One of a few games, that I would love to forget to experience it for a first time again...
It started many years ago, when I accidentally bought ME1 and I was hooked since hour one, which started almost 600 hours obsession. (Almost seven playthroughs)

If you love universe, exploration and space sci-fi genre, this game is definitely for you. Rich storytelling, exciting adventure and loveable characters are everpresent.

Biggest plus for ME:LE are present DLCs which weren't available with previous games. "Lair of the Shadow Broker" and "Arrival" will help with a lot of context and "Citadel" will immerse you even more into other characters and memorable moments.

To one downside, it feels a bit glitchier than previous games {looking at you minigames at ME2}, but other than that, definitely must buy.

Empece a jugar de nuevo este juego gracias al gamepass, al principio fue por curiosidad para ver que cambio y la verdad, creo que no cambio casi nada, algunas modificacion de calidad de vida y texturas, aun asi despues de jugar el primer juego de nuevo no pude parar y me pase de nuevo la trilogia, es tan bueno que termine comprandolo de nuevo para steam y lo quiero volver a jugar cambiando decisiones que tuve solo para ver que cambia

hate the combat in the first game but in the other two loved the combat, didn't like the lack of companion interaction in mass effect 3 but the citadel DLC made up for all of it. though be warned if you want achievements foe mass effect 2 and 3 you cant get them cuz EA broke them.

A legendary sci-fi saga... slightly overrated.

Mass Effect was my proper introduction to BioWare's titles. I admit, I'm usually not a science fiction fan but I do enjoy compelling stories and lore. I haven't heard anything different than praise for both the trilogy and the studio, outside of their newer products, so I decided to give it a chance. For my first playthrough, I went straight into insanity difficulty and 100% of the whole saga.

First thing first, the legendary edition on PC is not... legendary at all. While the package is a convenient way for new and returning players to experience the whole trilogy, including all DLCs, there is surprisingly little customisation for graphics options, which for a game in 2021 released by a AAA company is unacceptable. No quality-of-life improvements. There is no FOV slider, even tho the third-person camera feels extremely claustrophobic. There is forced mouse acceleration and no option to change it. Support for an ultrawide aspect ratio is not what was advertised. You have to install mods to make it a proper playable experience. Often the framerate drops for no clear reason from solid 140 to 30 FPS (all the Mako sections in ME1 and The Citadel in ME3; ME2 was stable all the time).

Additionally, ME: LE requires the new EA Launcher, which is even worse than Origin for several reasons, including always-online DRM, reports for saves getting nuked and not being able to get achievements. When I launched ME2 for the first time, all the achievements were unlocked in the menu which prevented me from actually getting them on the Steam/EA App. This bothered me because I wanted to 100% and I almost gave up. The only way to fix it is by uninstalling EA App and downloading Origin's exe from a random Redditor.

The story is exceptionally well-written and intriguing. What makes the story great is throughout the sage, the player is presented with many situations that don't just have a straight answer. Instead, it creates a grey area that makes you think about the choice you're about to make and how it will impact the story later. Some choices in ME1 will affect the story in ME3 which adds a lot of replay value. What makes the Mass Effect trilogy special and enhances the story are the squadmates. Each of them is unique with their backstories, flaws, and how they can interact with Shepard. There are some well-written characters like Liara, Tali, Garrus, James etc... and there are characters like Jacob, Ashley or Kaidan who are extremely annoying. And yes, they did indeed make the alien squadmates better than the human ones. BioWare misanthropes - confirmed.

Sadly, everything else about Mass Effect is either mid or straight-up bad.

Common problems in the trilogy are the controls, combat, AI and the OST. The controls are clunky and the spacebar is used for taking cover, sprinting, use and all other actions. Combat is serviceable, nothing special, except for the biotics which are like magic powers. You can very easily become OP even on the hardest difficulty, no matter which class you choose. Enemy and squadmates AI is... terrible. The soundtrack is again, nothing special, it does the job but I expected something more spectacular, more epic to complement the story and cinematography.

Mass Effect 1
My first impressions were very positive - being put quite quickly into the action while also learning about the world and lore at the right pace, without being overwhelmed. A hard task which most RPGs usually fail at. It introduces the player to the fundamentals of the universe and society step by step and has choices that control the future of not only this game but the next two.

The very worst part of Mass Effect 1 is the site content. You're given a Mako, an all-terrain vehicle that controls very poorly, and you're driving to random __cpLocations just to press "accept to get x resource", and then leave. There are plenty of planets to "explore" but they are most of the time reused environments. Side missions are also extremely repetitive. Combat and movement are very clunky. And for some reason, there is way too much inventory management. I would advise new players to just skip everything optional and focus on the main story unless they want to get all the achievements.

Mass Effect 2 - a step forward
Objectively the most polished title in the trilogy. The gameplay reaches its peak (at least when it comes to controlling and managing your allies), and the characters, which are the best part of all of Mass Effect, are so heavily focused that there are more missions related to the companions than the main story. However, almost all of them are basically about daddy issues. Like legit - almost all your squadmates would ask you to help them deal with some kind of problem connected with their fathers. At this point, it's even a meme in the ME fanbase.

The gameplay was okay, nothing too special. There are remnants of the awful side quests, but they've been reduced to mobile game quality, so it's at least a hell of a lot faster to get through. Not enjoyable though. What I hate the most about ME2 is adding what I would call mini-games, additional to the mini-games when hacking/bypassing. Now you don't just select a __cpLocation on the galaxy map and teleport to it. Now you have to move the ship with the mouse, send multiple probes to different planets to get resources and pay for fuel and probes. Completely unnecessary feature, which I skipped with some simple mods.

Mass Effect 3 - two steps back
ME3 feels very rushed and unpolished. While I think it has the best missions and story in the saga, the gameplay itself is way clunkier than the other two. I encountered multiple bugs and glitches, including enemies spawning on top of me. Very often I would not hit enemies because of invisible walls or broken hitboxes. The annoying galaxy map mini-games from ME2 were brought back but changed a bit. Now you will scan different clusters for planets with resources or missions, instead of launching multiple probes on every planet you encounter. A lot of people don't like the endings but I did enjoy them all. I think they conclude the saga pretty well.

The most infuriating thing in ME3 was the new enemies. Almost all of them are bullet sponges, which can destroy you in a few shots/hits on the highest difficulty. A lot of them are like aimbots and they can shoot through objects. Like the previous games, the majority of the fights are not challenging at all but there are a couple of simply unfair fights unless you manage to break the AI.

I enjoyed my time with Mass Effect and doing a 100% playthrough. The story, characters and RPG elements are strong, while everything else is just serviceable at best. It is worth getting the whole package but beware of possible problems and annoyances, most of which can be fixed with mods.

Star Wars ain't got shit on this.

Rating is an average of the 3 games.

ME1 = 8/10
ME2 = 9/10
ME3 = 9/10

Average = 26/3 which rounds up to 9/10.

This review contains spoilers

genuinely one of the best games i've ever played but docking half a star for those endings. throw the exposition child out the airlock.

I will never be the same again.

This review contains spoilers

I got into Mass Effect pretty late, it was right around when the Legendary Edition came out, and I sure regret it. What a series. Quickly came from being a series that I was familiar with, since Dragon Age was its sister series, to one of my favorites of all time and my favorite sci-fi franchises ever. If you want a specific order of games, I think it's 2 > 3 > 1. All are very strong games.

The Cast: There are mainly three duds. Ashley, Kaiden and Jacob. Ashley gets slightly better as it goes on, Kaiden is just always boring, and Jacob is just... no. But the rest? Some of the best cast I have ever seen in an RPG series. Commander Shepard is also one of the best protagonists in a video game, particularly Paragon Shepard. Some standouts to me are Thane, Liara, both Wrex and Grunt, Legion, Mordin and Miranda.

The Gameplay: ME1's story is the most like a semi-open world RPG, with some gameplay improvements from the original. I do feel sometimes like it came out in 2008 but it doesn't bother me so much. ME2 felt very much like a genre shift to 3rd person shooter and doesn't suffer for it, as it's very fun. ME3 then refined 2's gameplay to straight perfection and has some of the most fun I have ever had in a video game.

The Story: It didn't truly click with me until the first game where you have full ownership of the Normandy and now you are set out to the world. ME1's story... honestly does not have a lot of downsides and is just good. ME2's story is extremely strong and has one of the coolest last acts in a video game. ME3... I was not there when the end had to be re-written, but I felt very strongly about it in a good way. I think Shepard still should have had their end, but besides that... there were times I was extremely close to shedding tears. I feel like its side content, not unlike Dragon Age Inquisition, very much saved the game, particularly the Citadel DLC.

After Dragon Age: Dreadwolf, I hope the next Mass Effect is as strong as this trilogy.

Jeg er jo vokset op med den her. This is my Star Trek. Alle mine rumreferencer er fra Mass Effect. Har ikke engang set Star Trek. Wow jeg har lagt mange timer i de her spil på tværs af gennemspilninger. Spillede Mass Effect 2 for første gang tilbage i 2010 eller 2011.

Pretty sweet remaster or whatever of a very fun series but I uh, couldn't get through ME3. I did it once, and I don't know if I'll ever be able to again.

I've been awed by Mass Effect since I played 3, over ten years ago. It was the first open world game my baby brother played! Getting to sit down and play the Legendary Edition, seeing all my choices reverberate throughout the galaxy - Mass Effect is a masterpiece.

These 3 games took me for a journey that changed my life completely. From starting 1 to 3 I was obsessed. Whenever I had the chance I’d play it was super addicting. Gameplay is phenomenal and 3 has to be my favorite because of how fluid everything is just wish you were able to use older teammates but I understand why they didn’t. Won’t say much more or I’ll be here all night but this series is amazing I can’t wait for the next one. Kaiden’s my boo bear.

this is the greatest trilogy ever

I have always heard about how excellent the mass effect trilogy was. When I started playing, I dropped it about halfway through the first game because I didn't fully engage with the story, and the combat didn't feel satisfying, but after a few months, I gave it another shot, and I'm very glad I did! The story, the characters, the themes, the world-building, and everything in between was so good. No wonder I spent around 180 hours on the whole trilogy!

Mass Effect 1: for me, the first mass effect game was the weakest, and I don't think it survived the test of time very well. The cinematic felt clanky, the combat was great, and the story was good when I completed it.

Mass Effect 2: The problem with 2 was that it felt pointless in the grand scheme. It introduces many characters with different backgrounds, which was the best part of this game, and the combat improved a bit. It is here, that some of my choices in the first game started to appear. That blow my mind, it was so good.

Mass Effect 3: It is, in my opinion, the best out of the three, whether it is combat or the interactions between the squad mates, or even the story as a whole. When you see your actions in this game it's like that meme ( Well if it isn't the consequences of my own actions lol) I really regretted some of my choices after I saw the consequences and I was like "How didnt I think about that when I made the choice". The end was satisfying for me, and I didn't get the hate toward it until I saw the original ending.

In the end, this trilogy was very good, I loved it so much, and it gets progressively better with each game. It has minor negatives that I think don't matter much.

you have to play it is in the game pass after all

Masterful lore that had me reading each and every codex. Some questionable combat

Played Mass Effect 1 and 2, pending on the third one.

Joguei os 3 títulos na época de seus lançamentos e foi maravilhoso. Porém, eu era bem mais novo e não dei tanto valor na história (apesar de ter achado boa). Antes de falar da Legendary Ed. eu preciso dizer que, definitivamente, ME1 tem a melhor história, ME2 é um avanço monstruoso em relação ao gameplay (a jogabilidade do primeiro é péssima!), mas com uma história um pouco mais arrastada e ME3 é a melhor jogabilidade, com a história mais fraca. Até agora só terminei o ME1LE e foi uma ótima experiência, não tive nenhum bug, crash ou algo do tipo... os gráficos dão muito fôlego pro jogo. Agora estou indo para o segundo.