Reviews from

in the past

I met some people on there that I will forever remember, when nintendo announced they were shutting down the app, we created a Discord server (and it was my first introduction to discord too lol), so yeah I thank nintendo a lot for that


I still have the icon for this game on my phone and I refuse to delete it

u could get those miis to say fucking ANYTHING

please this shit was so fucking funny

La diversión depende de como se toman las preguntas tus amigos, en mi caso mientras yo respondía chistes malos mis contactos se las tomaban en serio, volviendo el juego rápidamente aburrido, no me sorprende que lo hayan matado

free my guys they did nothing wrong

this game felt like a fever dream

the world wasn't ready for miitomo

Mourning the day I thought this'd be the coolest thing ever when I saw someone playing this on a schoolbus in freshman year of highschool

Now no one will know what kind of bread I like...

Definitivamente era um app, tenho lembranças boas da época mas era básico demais, poderiam ter trago mais mecânicas do Tomodatchi Life pra ser mais interessante porém quando tinha eventos era divertido de usar e interagir.

Nutorientsu za bodii can purossessu

i still have this on my phone technically bc of kaerutomo. looking back on it this game was really... nothing. but i love miis so

I loved using the photo editor xD I miss Miitomo so much :( it wasn't much but at least it was fun!!!!

in a better timeline, twitter got shut down and everyone is still using this

feel like shit just want her back


Every day of my life, I wake up, splash water in my face, look in the mirror, and cry because I can no longer play this game.

Adorava esse jogo, pena que não tem mais...

Durée de vie du jeu : 1minute OH ÇA VA ON DECONNE

The Miis have seen better days

Was this fun? I could never get passed the sign in screen, so I would not know.

i miss nintendo facebook (image unrelated) (i meant miiverse)

Alguém ainda lembra que isso existiu?

It was fun for exactly one week and then it was boring as hell.

RIP Miitomo.