Reviews from

in the past

Didn’t finish it, big chance I won’t. The grind is too much and the gameplay is just not enjoyable. The art and ost are beautiful even for the moody tone but the 3D models are bad. Story seemed interesting yet very predictable. Shelving it for now, might pick it up later but I want to try some other games out.

This was insultingly bad lol. Glitchy. Shit characters cuz they don't interact. Story had potential but they decided to do the bare minimum. Good gameplay except that its lifted straight from Lost Dimension. what the actual fuck is this I want my 60$ back.

I liked the gameplay but way too grindy music was good
Voice acting was good for a low budget game

id die for Kokoro Surugadai

I remember being excited for this because it looked like teen goth Persona and that's like totally my vibe. And it is kinda that but like the worst version of that. I had to review it and I complained about how grindy it was and people complained that all JRPGs are grindy and I'm like no seriously, this is grindy. And it is grindy. And it ain't worth the grind.

I feel as if the developers of these kind of games don't QA test their games, cause with just a few tweaks this game could actually be good. Just cut out the grind, speed up exploration, and up the difficulty slightly and this game becomes at least decent, if not good.

Monark shocked the hell outta me because I went in thinking this would be a mid-level Persona clone. It technically is still a Persona clone, but the strategic combat is so wonderful that I was blown away.

yuri has led me to games i wouldn't play even if it was free

go get that happy ending of yours. you earned it.