Reviews from

in the past

𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐲 𝐒𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐨𝐧
#𝟔 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐲

It’s very much one of “those” older NES games. Where the game is less focused with giving the player a reasonably balanced experience and more focused with busting the players balls and wasting their time to make them feel like they got their money's worth.
Normally when it comes to NES games like this one I’d probably just not bother and move on but the only reason I kept playing to the end was because of the sheer amount of charm this game is leaking.
Please I need to know where else are you gonna play as a human boy/alien pterodactyl hybrid shooting Jinmenken, fighting The plant from Little Shop of Horror but as an eggplant to avoid copyright, and fight a giant bouncing Tempura Shrimp and onion rings; all while the background as devolved to look like hell, with bleeding skulls and fire erupting from the ground. The amount of strange stuff they were able to pack into an NES game is honestly impressive, like sometimes when you enter a boss room you won’t even fight a boss, sometimes it’ll already be dead so you get the points regardless; or maybe you’ll come upon some zombies who just want to show you their strange dance, and if you watch their funny little dance you’ll just win the fight because that’s all the zombies wanted. Between the strange but fun bosses and the bizarre enemy choices in between the boss rooms you never really know what kind of weird monster or enemy choice you're gonna come upon next.

When replaying an NES game I find that most of them don’t hold up as well as I think a lot of people like to think they do, and what I mean by that is “Most of these games were always bad and if you think NES era difficulty wasn't complete BS then you were either a rich kid who got Nintendo Power and has false nostalgia of the past, or your just a sadomasochist”. That is mostly the case here too but unlike most NES games where the sprite work is either pretty great to shotty at best; the charm and personality this game oozes almost outweighs the poor hit detection, bad weapons, and the bullshit maze level.

Monster Party is a lovely little horror title with an absolutely stupid plot and enemies that don't make sense, but the aesthetic alone will bring you back for more. Whether you play as Mark with his bat or Bert the dragonkin, each bring fun elements to the game. All of the bosses are beautifully designed and a few are quite amusing (such as the three form fried boss that one youtuber nicknamed two of the forms as Ebirah and Onion Ringu) and it ends up being a very memorable experience. It can be punishingly hard, but if you have access to save states this is a must for Spooktober.

Has such fun absurdist energy. Why do wacky colors and gross pixel freaks pop so hard on a black NES background.

Es un juego gráficamente que le falta un poco para lo que realmente podía dar la consola en su época, el arma principal se me hizo de poca utilidad, mejora mucho la experiencia al ir transformado en el personaje segundario, es un juego relajado y bastante corto, pero en general se disfruta.

A solid platformer with fun horror themed levels and enemies.

obviously very dated but nonetheless charming and classic game with lots of personality, it influenced two of my favourite games (space funeral + undertale) which is neat . i liked it

This was fun to play. Your weapon is a baseball bat and you can just swing away at projectiles and enemies.

Me gustó mucho este juego por la historia tan oscura que cuenta. El modo de juego tambien me agrada aunque el diseño de batalla contra los bosses se me hizo repetitivo. Los niveles y las criaturas a las que nos enfrentamos estan bien.

Don't care about the fucked up hit detection, don't care about the bugged bossfight, don't care about the evil labrynth of hell and don't care about the bosses with unavoidable damage unless you are transformed.
Almost every second of this game makes for a funny screenshot and that's what truly matters in life.