Reviews from

in the past

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I regret grinding ym way through this game and not taking in the actual exploration which the game is marketed around. Random encounters are what mostly discouraged me from exploring, but now I realise I literally grinded them anyway so what was the difference!

The story is pretty simple for each character but I love the way it culminates at the end especially with the reveal of Graham Crossford as Redeye. Cyrus is also a really great character and very handsome and made me play through the game.

The combat system is addicting, it's rare for JRPG's to have combat that never gets old!

I love the Galdera fight and how it took me 20 hours and 10 runs; it felt amazing to finally beat it.

The music is godlike
Game and its settings are beautiful to look at

o melhor sistema de turno que ja joguei
o grinding fica meio chato depois de um tempo
achei a dinamica dos trabalhos bem interessante
visual mt lindo
VA ok.
algumas historias sao mais interessantes outras sao meio fodase (cof tressa cof..)
musica tambem boa demais. meu unico "problema" era com a de sunshade que era tao tranquilinha que quando eu tava com sono eu dormia assim que entrava na cidade.............
foda é no final que tem que ter todos os bonecos upados e eu obviamente abandonei 4 no meio do caminho e nunca consegui completar o postgame kk

Playing this AFTER Octopath 2 is an interestingly shit experience, but I'm sure I would've liked it more if I played it first.

It is what it is ig

本来想给9分的 但想想里面音乐太棒了+1分 大爱Battle II这首
你要为HD-2D 的复兴负全责!

L'un de mes 1ers JRPG et l'un de mes préférés. La bande son du jeu est l'une des plus sublimes de l'histoire du jeu vidéo. Le gameplay au tour par tour est prenant avec un système où il faut découvrir la faiblesse de l'ennemi pour le mettre en état de choc et lui infliger plus de dégâts. Certains boss sont assez exigeants et d'autres sont anecdotiques.
Les quêtes secondaires sont cependant nulles et il n'y a aucune interaction entre les 8 personnages principaux à part de petites scènes à certains moments du jeu.

I am so glad I abused bewildering grace early and saved myself 20+ hours of grinding.

Why do the characters not interact with one another ?

Artstyle and music is pretty good. Gameplay is fun. World is a litlle bland with shallow worldbuilding and areas. Story is alright but gets repetetive after all you just cycle through the characters storys with no real connection between them or the world.

This game is interesting, but rough to get through.

The stories are interesting, but the gameplay is very tedious sometimes.

I will return to this. despite it having its ups for sure, I am a bit disappointed of how it is at the moment. I am 60 hours in and although I like the gameplay, the story is pretty whatever even with me liking some of the characters in my party.
Edit: not sure when I will come back to this. The game isnt bad or anything, but I just dont care about it anymore. I was trying to play the game, but instead did something more productive like watching youtube videos with my friend. One of the more disappointing games I have played

Hay que farmear.. zzzzz.....

original concept top open-ended play although terminated hard

AMAZING. I will replay it, but it was so magical. It was truly my introduction to fantasy video games in a proper sense. I played this game in the prodromes of schizophrenia, which was a very scary time and I was so happy I had this game by my side to play. It has one notable flaw, in that the character stories are not interrelated --- it can be jarring to the immersion. However, I rate this 5 stars because even with that, in a really dark time, it was something that managed to be a light in the darkness. It's that kind of game, that you can just get lost in.

A beautiful homage to old JRPGs, fantastic music and visuals, and the gameplay is addictive and thrilling. The characters are mostly enjoyable but their stories could have been told much better. Heard the sequel improves a lot on the first game’s faults so I’m excited to play it:)

Pretty good but honestly now that the second one’s out I don’t see much reason in going back to this one unfortunately. Maybe I’ll finish it one day though we’ll see

This game has a great combat system and is beautiful, but the story is so boring and taking so much time, waste of what could have been a great game.

I was down for it right up until I cleared one character path and realized I had to do it seven more times.

Galdera took my wife and kids, killed my dog and burned all my crops

I loved the game's visuals but the game dragged a little in the middle to me and I ended up playing something else. I definitely see myself returning when I am in the mood for a game like this.

good turn based rpg, but really boring story wise, characters don't feel different enough for gameplay variety.

Mechanically awesome, storywise it's handled real strange.

ive had this game since release and my god i will finish you

A visually beautiful game that inspired a whole wave of games in a similar polished retro style, combined with some pretty clean gameplay.

Octopath Traveler's engine should just become open source so that it can be the sequel to RPGMaker it was designed to be.

the stories felt disconnected so i don't really see the reason why these people would stick together -- but that would be my only critique.

if you love a good old fashioned jrpg, this is the game for you. though, slightly overpriced for a game that already has a sequel out.