Reviews from

in the past

Privyet comrade, your steam library is missing state sanctioned games. Please report to local government office where you will be issued a copy of Papers Please. Glory to Arstotskha.

I'm not autistic enough to enjoy it, maybe just watch a playthrough instead (but you probably already did)

In many titles, the gameplay is right there on the screen: jump, run, slash, shoot. But like the best detective games, the real gears of Papers Please are in your head. They're in the connections between clues, the layout of materials, what you're choosing to focus on and, more importantly, what you're choosing to forget. Papers reveals who you'd be in a totalitarian regime; to my chagrin, it showed me how easily I could become a perfect little cog in exchange for “job satisfaction.”

one of the best border control simulators i've ever played

Great story and soundtrack. Definitely worth a play, especially if you want to experience being a border control worker in a locked off nation.

the headspace I get into with this game is crazy. nothing around me, hear nothing, see nothing, feel nothing, only papers.
on the other hand the perfect harmony gets broken as soon as I make one mistake and ragequit.

Maravilhoso, mas o sistema os ganhos poderiam ser maior.

Very unique game that turns a simple and mundane task into a tense thriller where you must balance your own safety and the needs of others in order to survive a despotic system. Alternate endings provide some replay value, but otherwise reaching the final days will show pretty all this game has to offer.

Fun, emotional and unique gameplay

played it in a video game class so it will always remind me of art school. rip

More a piece of art than a fun game

Holy god put this in a museum

I don’t think I’ve had a game question my morals/ethics/beliefs so vibrantly and in a such short period of time

If i wanted to be a border patrol agent, i would just do it

Papers Please es uno de los juegos más originales que hay. Con una historia que te atrapa, una jugabilidad exquisita y satisfactoria (aunque en ciertos momentos puede resultar algo complicada) y con una ambientación espectacular, se puede observar en el juego un gran cariño por parte de su creador, Lucas Pope. Además, su diseño artístico es muy bueno y, a pesar que quizá no es el pixelado más vistoso de todos, pega perfectamente con la temática del juego. Cabe destacar que a pesar de su corta duración (a mi me duró unas 2 horas y media), el juego es muy rejugable y hay un modo para jugar sin historia (sin que haya un final), que recomiendo especialmente a quienes les haya gustado la jugabilidad. Joyita indie recomendable para todos los jugadores. 8,5/10

A good argument in the "video games are art" debate. Lucas Pope is a unique creator that keeps reminding us what kinds of stories indie games, and video games as a whole, are capable of telling.

just let me in i can be trusted :^)

such an amazing game, wish i didn't crumble under pressure or i would've finished it by now

When you let the wrong person in :(

So this is what it feels like to work as an IO =))

Absolutely brilliant example of how games can tell a story in an unconventional way and hit you where it hurts. The way they use tedium to lull you into security before twisting your heart with the story beats is just incredible. Can't recommend it enough.

Played one time. My whole family fucking perished. Uninstalled. May try again in the future.

repetitivo mas interessante

Played it for a bit before it got old so damn fast.

Narrative: 3.5
Gameplay: 3
Visuals: 3
X-Factor: 3.5
Bonus: +0.25 Jorji good friend, I like
Overall: 3.5

História muito boa, trilha sonora genérica e gameplay e dinâmica divertida porém muito repetitiva.

Lucas Pope is a freaking crazy mad psycho great game

It definetly makes you feel responsible and I applaud it for that.