Reviews from

in the past

This does not exist. Wake up, Esperanto

Weird fucking game, I dig it lol, translation is "did they even proofread this shit?" bad but honestly that's perfect for this game. I discovered this through Rerez shitting on it, but one comment said they were too normie to get it and I agree, which they hearted, so I guess they also agree

made no real attempt to engage in the beat em up mechanics, but it didnt matter because i was smiling so much the whole damn time. this game looks and plays like eating cotton candy feels

Weirdest coin munching beat em up I've played.

Utterly fantastic world and visuals; disappointing action.

The stampede attack in this is JUST like Revolutionary Girl Utena episode 8!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Feels like the video game version of a really good short film. Basically just cool images and sounds but that's really all you need sometimes!

It's very funny that in the now 100 games that i have logged on here this game that is very well known to be short and baby easy was what made me resort to cheats in the final act. idk man It's like 3am as I'm writing this and i had kinda save stated myself into a corner so i just enabled infinite magic and lives and blasted through that last bit lol. This game is cool enough where i do feel like playing trough it proper at some point tho. Maybe on co-op.

Looked at what else this studio had made and saw that they made a wrestling eroge for the PC-98 lol. And also a baseball dating sim??????? Why are sports themed vns a recurring thing in their catalog???????

Basically a Ghibli film on acid, you need to play this at least once in your life.

This game takes you on a journey with wonderfully psychedelic art design and tons of creativity. The fact it's built on the back of a simple beat-em-up makes the whole experience funnier. Worth 20 minutes of anyone's time!

Nonsensical and sparkling, Pu-Li-Ra-La is a beat-em-up revolving around spells that summon giant microwaves, enemies that lunge at the player with tusk-like pelvic appendages, and a really addled evil puppet.

Somewhere between Cho Aniki and Golden Axe, this game will keep you engaged with sudden dadaist visuals, while offering a combat experience that's simple but extremely well balanced, forcing players to be smarter about positioning and magic use timing than most beat-em-ups require.

I absolutely recommend it to beat-em-up devotees, and consider it a must for those obsessed with the kind of sparkly cotton candy visuals displayed in other games of this nature like Harmful Park or Stretch Panic. It's beautiful, trashy art that will entertain for the exact handful of hours it works to earn.

The measly attack range and minimal moveset make it a pretty dull beat-'em-up, but I have to give it points for the acid-storybook presentation and the very silly score system, which involves turning enemies into chickens.

Tem uma parte que parece Hong Kong 97