Reviews from

in the past

Very short lived experience if you aren't into the story. But mechanically would make an awesome full-scale game if there was more content.

quirky but difficult to play game with unmatched atmosphere. pretty fun but gets old quick

I've had this game for the longest time, probably since 2013, but I've never ended up completing it until now.
It's a solid game jam piece; I've always thought handguns and revolvers are cool, so a game that centers around operating weapons like those in semi-realistic detail was quite novel to me.

Receiver isn't the deepest of games, but for what it is, it's well constructed and presented, plus the firearm mechanics are easy to commit to muscle memory. It does suffer from being a bit shallow and jank, but it was made for a 7-day game jam, I can forgive it. Besides, everything was improved upon for the sequel.

Gameplay got too difficult immediately

remarkable in terms of its creation but a little frustrating to play - never completed

One of the most realistic FPS games out there. If you put in the effort to learning the controls, it becomes very easy to enter a flow state.

Got this one years ago for free. At the beginning I thought the game was bad but after giving it a fair shot I was surprised with how good it plays and how original it is.

Its a fun idea, but its kind of less interesting now that there are more VR games. Its also just frustrating because operating guns in this game is harder than real life.

This is a really interesting game, with realistic gun-mechanics! But I found myself feeling more lost and frustrated, which isn't what I like.

Idk, this game is so unnecessarily punishing for small things like not picking up on a sound que or not waiting two second outside a door to see a very faint blue light from across the room warning you of an enemy, especially when enemies kill you in less than 1 second. The gun mechanics are pretty fun, leading fps gameplay to feel more strategic that usual, other than that the game feels like a tech demo

game's too hard and it owns. you don't need to finish this game (or even get close) to have a great time. enjoy your stay then put it down and live your life.

Never learned to check my corners, I would not survive in public.