Reviews from

in the past

I remember being convinced to trade my copy of Rygar for this game, in the end I did like this game a bunch. at one point the spaceship has a doomsday timer in it. I saved during this and now i'm softlocked from beating the game.

good game and interesting concept but not for these years

You're gonna love the rail driver by the end of it.


Found the enemies a bit boring but I also picked up this game because of the whole gimmick of being able to destroy the environment and it delivered there incredibly well

This was cool. You could literally break the environment and make an alternative path.

A poor man's Half Life. The engine was underused and didn't deluver

couldn't get into it, but feels insane to have a commercial game be a blanet far leftist text in 2000s (I mean this in a good way dw)

The environmental destruction stuff was extremely cool and also extremely underutilized. The first half of the game is not great, but eventually you get guns that shoot where the crosshair is and that helps a lot.

Red Faction was a very unique game when it came out in 2001. Its gimmick was the ability to blast a hole through any wall with its "GeoMod" system. In practice, the mechanic is underutilized in the game. The plot is paper thin, and as a shooter, it's showing its age. But the level design is varied and reminds me of Half-Life (which would come out seven years later). It also has vehicles, which, while novel, are one of the worst parts of the gameplay.

halo STOLE the warthog run from this game.... #NeverMeetYourHeroes

Half-Life meets Halo, but you can dig a hole with C4's. Not all the time and there's a ghastly difficulty spike with instakiller X-Ray snipers and my blood bursted at the chance of me auto-saving right before an instakill, there's still an admirable amount of runaway shooting and destructable terrain to behold through vehicles until that damned part arrives. An enjoyably amusing, if maddening baby step of the franchise.

deniz gezmiş sagasının marslısı

Half-Life without the structure, Halo without the spectacle. It’s got a bit of camp on its side, some impressive tech with the destructible environments, and not much else.

Honestly didn’t even feel like there was any purpose to said impressive tech. It was the definitive answer to a few situations, yet wasn’t applicable in others. Some of the bunkers blow up, and some don’t! Lost on me.

The story is fairly uninspired, carried by faint glimmers of funny character moments. Parker (the player character) shoots the main villain during his introduction sequence, but he’s protected by an invincible nanotech shield, so it’s pointless. Said villain then carefully explains how he’s protected by an invincible nanotech shield, only for Parker to just dump another mag into him anyway- because he’s just such an angry, die hard revolutionary, he doesn’t care.

Other things, like guards accidentally firing into crowds of unarmed workers they’re here to protect is an amusing bit of commentary. Your hacker companion, Hendrix, guiding you into a room during a stealth segment, only for him to say “This is where I work, hi :)” was the most endearing moment in an otherwise bland array of characters.

Also, stealth sections! There are a couple of them that break up the shooting sections as things start heating up, and I thought they were interesting- if a bit clunky. They’re not used to their fullest potential- giving you a more in-depth look at the atrocities committed by Ultor Corp, or even showing you another side to the conflict, and they are entirely optional, so nothing is stopping you from just shooting everyone up anyway. Given how frustratingly binary the stealth can be, you’ll probably want to.

Shooting’s alright, it’s there. Loads of guns, you’ll probably pick one or three favourites and won’t use anything else. Surprisingly very few play into the environmental destruction aspect, with two rocket launchers (yes, two) and some blast charges filling that role. I don’t know whose idea it was to make a one-shot-kill railgun that doesn’t just shoot through walls, it comes with a scope that allows you to see through them, I also don’t know whose idea it was to put that into the hands of mercenaries that strafe like Unreal Tournament bots and are crack shots to boot. I don’t know, but they should probably never have ideas ever again.

I think there’s a tightrope in game design between making a level a believable place that exists within its own world, and making it actually fun to go through. Black Mesa looks like a facility that could reasonably exist in our world, and so does the Ultor complex. But Black Mesa is also a series of levels in a video game, and functions perfectly as such, where Ultor complex has a load of oversized rooms and repetitive, looping hallways. Actually a lot like some of the stuff in the original Halo, but without the much more engaging art design.

There are seemingly huge swaths of totally missable, completely pointless areas- especially as the final levels pan out- as it usually costs you just as many resources exploring said areas as you might (read: MIGHT) stand to gain. The mercenaries do so much damage, it isn’t worth the risk. And then it can be just plain confusing. You can, many times, go into a side-route, only to realise you’re going backwards through a side-route whose entrance you missed earlier. It’s dizzying and keeps you from straying from the stated path after a while.

And then there’s the pacing, it’s absolutely frantic. Half-Life (and I know it is a little bit unfair to compare this game so unfavourably to Half-Life, sorry) has chapters, many of which have clear cut goals that can encompass the entire section. Red Faction just starts and stops the tension almost instantly. Imagine if you could beat the Gargantua in Power Up in thirty seconds, that pretty much happens in Red Faction- complete with having to kill it with an environmental trap. Red Faction skips set up and pay off, things just happen.

Oh, that invincible nanotech shield I mentioned earlier? Parker had it right. You do just shoot the thing and it eventually ceases to function. The main antagonist dies in one assault rifle mag, halfway through the game. It’s bonkers.

I checked out about halfway through it, and that isn’t particularly long. The game is (mercifully) quite short, that’s one of the best things about it. From what I understand, Red Faction only goes up from here, but I have no idea who would stick around for the ride.

its okay but another got stuck in some area walking around in circles and then i lost my save and dont care to play it again

a bleak and unforgiving half-life clone that is still very fun yet hard to play

I had lots of fun with the multiplayer in this game back in the day. The destructible environments was a first for me, and was quite incredible as a technical feat, at least back in the early 2000s. Also, I loved the Rail Gun in this game - creating a tunnel of destruction in a wall with my rocket launcher, jumping into it, and then sniping through the wall at others was so much fun.

However, I think the FPS genre ages the worst. Unfortunately, this is hard to play nowadays.

It starts off with potential, but it's let down by the second half of the game becoming a very frustrating experience.

Red Faction's main gimmick is the destructible environment which was really cool and fun to mess around with but it wasn't utilised within the main story enough, I can only recall one time where it was actually necessary to destroy the environment to progress. The story was enjoyable; as a Saints Row fan, it was really cool to see where Ultor originated.

My main issue with the game was the level design. There were some moments where I found it impossible to progress without using cheat codes. For example, at one point in the story, you're limited to only a pistol and no armour; I had run out of ammo on my pistol and there was no way to stealthily progress through the next section of the game so I just kept dying to guards. There were a couple of moments like this which really brings the game down for me because I hate having to fall back on cheats. As well as this, the game was extremely buggy and I had to download a mod just to fix these bugs and allow me to progress through some parts. I assume this is just an issue with the PC port of the game. Another thing that really bothers me about the game is how awful the boss fights are. The combat in the game is pretty average, and the boss fights don't have any unique gimmicks or concepts to them, it's literally just shooting them until they die.

Red Faction is a game that's been kicking around in my head for the twenty or so years it's been since I'd last played it. I've been meaning to go back to it for years, as my memories of the game were quite fond ones. What I have found in returning to this game, however, is that memories can be unreliable, even outright incorrect.

Aspects of this game unearthed memories buried deep within my brain, things that without my knowing I've been carrying with me for a couple decades: the enemy call outs and death screams; the incredibly stupid line at the beginning as the mining corporation thug attacks your comrade, "You threatenin' me? Yeah, well threaten this!"; a select few sequences here and there. But what I also came to realize is that this game that I looked back on so fondly? It's a total blur. I remember almost none of it. And for good reason: it kind of sucks.

For the purpose of not making this drag on too much (edit: about that... oops), when Red Faction is at its best, it's a pretty fun FPS. Shooting feels for the most part good, although I do think the spread could use to be tuned to be a bit less dramatic. There's a world in which this could be a game right in there in the same breath (or at least not far off) as the greats. So why is it, then, that I sort of hate this game?

Right as you start accruing an arsenal of decent weapons, Red Faction decides to flip a switch and turn into a stealth game. It takes all of your weapons but the silenced pistol from you, gives you a disguise, and tells not to get too close to anyone or they'll see through it. The game never communicates any of this information well enough to not feel fucking terrible and I found myself instead wishing I were playing No One Lives Forever or, shit, even one of the new Hitman games. Even if you set off alarms, and you will, you can't break out of your disguise and pick up new weapons; you have to hope you can make do with the magazine of bullets you were given. After some trial and error and strong use of quick saving and curse words you'll find your way through, but it never feels rewarding or that you've done something well. Oh and by the way? After that whole miserable sequence and more traditional shooting segments where you get your weapons back the game does it again, it fucking does it again, but this time in a more confusing area with deadlier enemies.

Even with those awful parts I wasn't overly down on the game, but then it turns into one of the least enjoyable FPSes I've ever played. For the last third or so of the game, nearly every single area you take battle in contains at least one enemy with an instagib rail gun that shoots through walls. It makes every encounter basically random: you will die dozens of times the instant you walk around a corner, well before any person could react. It feels like playing a multiplayer shooter in a lobby full of cheaters. It is horrendously fucking unfun. Except of course when you're using the gun yourself. It is awfully satisfying ripping a single cartoonishly powerful round through a line of clueless enemies from a couple rooms down the hall.

But it's not just the rail guns that made me ultimately hate the game: more generally speaking, the last stretch has a severe leap in difficulty that never feels properly challenging so much as it does cheap. Sometimes you'll open a door and be greeted by an unavoidable rocket an enemy has already sent your way. Sometimes enemies will be spawned behind you from dead-end corridors. There are stretches where there are more health items than you can use and then others where there are so few you end up riding the quick load button until you get by without taking a hit. I didn't happen to find healing before the (for the record, really, really bad) final boss fight, so I had to beat it without taking a single hit.

I should also make quick note of the game's defining feature: the so-called "Geo-Mod" technology, wherein explosions excavate the game's terrain. From a technology standpoint it's pretty neat, especially for 2001, but also: it barely exists. There's almost nowhere to use it in the single-player campaign and the places you can are at best superficial. Volition's method of stopping players from using the technology to perform sequence breaks appears to have been basically stopping the player from ever being able to use it at all. I think if they had instead taken the exact opposite approach and embraced the potential game-breaking nature of deformable terrain, the game would be profoundly more interesting. Instead, we're left with little more than a few walls in empty rooms you can make small dents in.

Before I get out of here, I've already rambled on too long, let me just briefly touch on the story. How fucking cool of a concept is taking part in a full-on violent revolution against the capitalist fucks who have been killing your fellow workers. It whips ass, right? Unfortunately no. I can't possibly imagine the concept for this game wasn't to at least some extent inspired by the real life labor history of miners such as that documented in the essential documentary Harlan County, USA, but rather than using any of that to enrich the plot or even attempt at making anything grounded in reality, Red Faction just kind of throws in some weird old cyborg guy who floats around evilly and has a forcefield. And a weird lady who also floats around evilly and has a forcefield. There's a virus or some shit too? I don't fucking know. It's written badly and acted stiffly and I didn't care about a goddamn thing that was happening. Wasted potential.

I still don't have the answer for how much of this game I actually ever played in the first place. It very well could have been that I cheated my way through the whole thing. Was my fond memory of this game based on a reality where I barely even played it? I don't know. Regardless, now that memory is replaced with a new one, and it goes a little something like this: Red Faction—a game I thought I liked.

First-person shooters were new to me when Red Faction launched in 2001. I didn't have a gaming PC growing up, so games like Doom, Wolfenstein, and Quake were nearly foreign to me. Red Faction was an overhyped game full of development issues and overpromised ambition. The "Gen-Mod" destruction model is half-baked and barely there. The visuals are dull and boring (even for the time), and the story doesn't go anywhere at all. Not to mention zero character development. I rented this game and got bored with it maybe an hour in, and I can see why.

Sure, the game looks much better on PC, but there's not much to really look at. Even for the time level, the design in shooters was fairly dull. Very few had interesting things to look at, such as Half-Life or Halo. Red Faction is just browns and reds with boring caves and industrial buildings. You are on Mars, by the way. You are part of a rebellion group called the Red Faction, who are miners uprising against the overbearing government. You are trying to fight your way to the top and stop a deadly plague that's killing the miners. This story starts and stops here. It doesn't go anywhere; there's nothing to spoil. You end up finding the cure, and that's really it. The voice acting is actually really good for the time, but the only thing that kept me playing was pure curiosity to finally see this game through to the end.

There are quite a few weapons in this game, but most aren't found until the last third of the game. You have your standard array of guns. Submachine, assault, precision, sniper, pistol, rocket launcher, and rail driver There's also a heavy machine gun and grenades. It's a standard list of weapons we've used in so many shooters, and Red Faction doesn't do anything interesting or fun with them. The shooting in this game feels pretty good and holds up well today, but the enemy AI is terrible, so don't expect much of a fight. There are vehicles you can pilot in this game, but they aren't anything fun or interesting. They shoot bullets or rockets, and a lot of the time I would end up stuck in weird physics glitches.

The game isn't very long. You can finish it in under 4 hours, and thankfully there's a quick save feature, which I suggest using often. Enemies are run-of-the mill faceless military dudes, and there's an occasional weird creature thing to mow down in the caves. Environmental detail is what you can expect from this era. Rooms are equipped with an occasional table, chair, or monitor. Nothing stands out or looks interesting in this game. Destruction is boiled down to blowing open a wall to get to a button (there's a lot of button pressing in this game), and that's about it. The occasional chunk of wall breaks off, but this is far from what Volition was touting back in the day.

Red Faction is at least a solid shooter. It's fun while it lasts, and the last act throws new enemies and weapons at you, and there are two whole boss fights in this game. Vehicles don't feel great to pilot, destruction is minimal, the story has a strong premise but goes nowhere, and the visuals are pretty bland. I did find the stealth section of the game pretty fun. Trying to find your way around without being spotted is like a giant puzzle, but that's all there is that changes things up. In the end, if you never play this game, you aren't missing out on gaming history.

Workers of the world, unite! And by world I mean Mars, where the poor brutalized miners are rising against the evil corporation that runs the planet. A nice shooter, and first in a series noted for its destructible environments, a very cool feature that even now remains unusual.

There was a time when I was about 13 that I would've listed this among my favorite games. The destructible environments did make for an extremely good time, tunneling your way through mine walls or blowing the ground out from underneath enemies never got old. And any game with a working class revolution as the inciting incident is always gonna be right up my alley.
But nostalgia's a hell of a thing. Turns out the destructible environments were pretty limited, the vehicle sections that I remembered fondly were actually monotonous slogs a lot of the time and the writing and plot does absolutely nothing with the potential of the game's premise.
An ambitious game with interesting ideas and fun mechanics that falls flat after its extremely promising beginning.

Created the year I was born. 2v2 Lan on private maps (Mainly Waste Disposal) getting the rocket Launcher/C4 mines and tunnelling into secret spots will will forever be etched in my memory.

it was a legendary shooter for it's time, you could blow holes with a rocket launcher that had no real impact on gameplay other than being cool

I always loved this game, even as a kid not knowing where to go and just fumbling around the first few levels

The PS2 version is practically ruined by poor performance, quaint controls, long loading times and a weird save system. Honestly, one of the most frustrating experiences I've had with a game in recent memory. It was a mistake to play that version, but I'd had it in my backlog for years, so I figured what the hell.

The game by itself is not perfect, but it has some redeeming qualities. Namely, the atmosphere. The music is quite good and can be enjoyed on its own - it reminds me of KMFDM. The art style is very reminiscent of Total Recall (and other Verhoeven movies). They're are a few interesting weapons. And there's also the geo-mod tech, of course, which is underutilized, but still fun to mess around with. The game as a whole has always had a bit of a Half-Life vibe for me, but there're probably a lot of games from this period which tried to imitate Valve's work to some degree.

Unfortunately, Half-Life this is not. The gameplay is just not on that level. The AI is kinda funny for the first 15 minutes, until it gets annoying and every single human enemy behaves the exact same way throughout the game. Non-human enemies are even less enjoyable to engage with. There are nasty difficulty spikes during the last third of the game, including enemies who can one-shot kill you through walls. Yup.

Anyway, I understand that there's a community patch for the PC version which fixes up the game nicely for modern systems. I think if you play it that way, you can probably overlook a lot of it's fundamental flaws and enjoy the good parts. In the PS2 version the issues are just amplified tenfold. I'd stay clear of it, even if emulated on PS4/5.

The destructible environment might have been groundbreaking back in the day, but the rest of the game has always been utter garbage.