Reviews from

in the past

The game is pretty good from start to finish. Though towards the middle and end, I really just wanted it to finish already lol. I felt like they dragged the story on for a few hours too long and the game had more annoying puzzles towards the end.

I do have the DLCs but didn't even want to work on completing them since it's really just more of the same thing and I have such a big backlog that I didn't feel like going back.

Still gotta go back for Shadow of the Tomb Raider though...

A better game than anything in the Uncharted series in every conceivable way. This game is what I consider an '8/10 gatekeeper', something that doesn't reinvent the wheel or do anything truly groundbreaking but everything that it DOES do it does to a really good standard. If you want to be a 9 or a 10 out of 10, then you've got to be better than Tomb Raider first.

Eu adorei a expansão das tumbas e do gameplay no geral. Mas a história desse jogo é tão ruim que me fez baixar duas estrelas inteiras.

O vilão é ESTÚPIDO e eu odeio o deutaragonista dessa joça.

A rock solid Action-Adventure game.

Started as a slightly worse version of the first reboot but as I progressed this became so buggy I could barely move around. Underneath the bugs of the pc version is a mid story with some nice visuals

albeit i could live without the tiresome anticommunism, the setting in this one is the best especially with the big reveal in the end. the whole game world felt really put together and smooth. familiar yet very unfamiliar. though i might be biased since i love snow settings especially if survival mechanics play a role since i feel like it enhances the brutality of life a player is supposed to feel. the dlc is also some good short fun and i like when psychedelics play a role in videogames since videogames have a trippy nature to begin with. solid game but nothing i would necessarly replay.

This game is nearly a classic. All they had to do was give you the option to turn off the annoying pop-ups that made it look like a mobile game, have a less stupid sounding McGuffin than "The (Joel) Vinesause" or whatever it was, have a MUCH faster opening, have a more interesting plot (but I'mma be real idrc about story all that much if the gameplay is good, granted a decent story never hurts) and it'd be an all timer

não me agradou muito
o level design é cansativo
a história é bastante fraca e com certeza muito esquecível
a gameplay continua a mesma coisa com algumas melhorias mas nada que se garanta

Me lembro de pouca coisa sobre esse, mas a evolução da Lara é legal de acompanhar.


Gostei MUITO da história, da jogabilidade, do gráfico, dos personagens.. TUDO é realmente muito bom, o final foi brabo.

Finally, an origin story I didn’t ask for. Feels like the original Tomb Raider but Croft dies in the snow this time.

Great action-adventure game. Better than Shadow of Tomb Rider in my opinion. Visuals are worse but story is much better.

cant really recall the ending.

But I played it to the end.

Que historia merda, lixo completo, impossível simpatizar com um personagem, o jogo é chato, desinteressante, colocar um milhão de upgrades não faz ser melhor que o anterior, alias não chega nem perto do anterior, a campanha é tediosa e repetitiva, jamais tocarei na franquia novamente.
Ficarei apenas no primeiro jogo mesmo que tem uma campanha incrivelmente divertida mesmo com uma história fraca, isso aqui é inacreditável de esquecível, e acima de tudo previsível

Better than the first especially liked the Babajaga DLC.
otherwise mid

Took a while to get into but once I did I really enjoyed it. Better story and gameplay than the first game.

Bom, pena não ter uma variação de cenários, mas é um ótimo jogo

é um bom jogo no geral se sustenta bem

I really wasn't in the best headspace to play this game, and was very burned out on the action adventure genre, so it was a slog to get through. Maybe I'll come back to it one day.

my least favorite out of the survivor trilogy. i feel like the snowy setting can be a bit repetitive and the ending didnt feel satisfying to me. however, the graphics improvement between tr: 2013 and rise were incredible and some of the tombs were beautifully designed

Game pass didn't track my hours for this one so unfortunately I don't know how much I played this. But it was a pretty fun game that I just installed out of random one day. (without having played the original one in 2013 and not playing the sequel that came after either lol). I didn't really get the story beats, just shot at people with a bow and arrow.

I kind of started this game expecting a more atmospheric experience compared to it's predecessor. Despite the fact that the first game took place in a single location with not many cut-scenes and an amazing, refreshing open-world action adventure game, this one leaned in heavier on it's snowy, isolated tone even before the release.
I could say it delivered. It played out more like a story-focused movie and included a heavy reliance on tomb raiding (lol, why would that be surprising). Still, this is the point the game makes you realise all the things you like and don't like right away.
First of all, despite the never-changing title, "tomb raiding" part of the gameplay was entirely optional in the 2013 game. It was just something that took 10 minutes at most, including only a single puzzle to solve, basically an in-and-out sidequest you completed solely for the good reward. Which was surprisingly good. I personally wouldn't want the elaborate puzzles to get in the way of me enjoying the sh!t out of raining hell on this doomsday cult who were pretty much stuck on an island with me. I was taking my time with those more elaborate tombs at certain points in the main story anyway.
However, that game was a reboot through and through. It was there mostly to show how Lara Croft became the Tomb Raider, who parted off from her father's delusional perspective and made her own story. I'm saying this to point out that I totally understand why that game was all about setting cultists on fire and jumping from rope to rope, while this sequel feels like it took A LOT of aspects from the original games.
I can't not mention how weirded out and put off I was by the first game's certain animations. There was certainly something that felt like this physics engine was running on blue gatorade. 3 years after the first game, and 6 years after the release of this game, I thought it would be fixed by now. Instead, it's still mostly there, annoying you for a considerable amount of the prologue until you get used to it and/or forget about it. There are even times where they make you say "Hey, they hired the facial animators from Mass Effect Andromeda!", which is no-doubt a downgrade from the first game.

A game that chooses to follow suit with typical movement engine faux pas, has an incredible story that ends up feeling similar to that of the prequel, but nonetheless, very satisfying to play through.

Can drag on near the end but is a great addition to the series.