Reviews from

in the past

it was ok more of the 2013 game but now it's snowy

Tenta criar uma história igual ao Assassin's Creed e simplesmente ignora o jogo anterior. Fora que tem muita missão nada haver.

O game que pegou tudo do seu antecessor e melhorou. Ainda mais incrível que o primeiro, honestamente, estou amando ainda mais do que esperava. Os gráficos também são lindos e o combate evoluiu muito!

I've really liked this exploration game. Didn't played the DLC's, may play then someday

Önceki oyunun aynısı gibi

um dos melhores jogos q já joguei no 360

Bom é um jogo bem okzao, divertido porém genérico e esquecível. Gostei bastante da gameplay e exploração porém falta aquele charme do primeiro jogo e senti que conforme fui jogando ele foi ficando mais e mais repetitivo

Rise of the Tomb Raider is an epic adventure that surpasses its predecessor with its captivating storyline, stunning environments, and improved gameplay mechanics. It successfully immerses players in Lara Croft's world and offers a rewarding exploration experience. Although it has a few minor flaws in terms of pacing and predictability, Rise of the Tomb Raider is an exhilarating journey

So fucking average. Never trust anyone who says Tomb Raider is better than Uncharted.

As I've 100%ed this. I'll give a rating and review of all the content:

Campaign - 9/10. Solid story. Better than the first. Great to see they've kept the same mechanics and improved on multiple aspects also (eg. Crafting, upgrading etc) Graphics are a huge upgrade and gameplay has been massively improved.

Baba Yaga - 8/10. Great little DLC which adds into the campaign, fun side story. Good content. One of the best DLC's even though it is a tad unfinished with the animations.

Score Attack - 3/10. Nothing fun about trying to do a Tomb Raider level as efficient and as fast as possible. That isn't what the game is about and getting all gold medals was just a grind

Endurance Mode - 4/10. Oh how this mode is only fun the first time you play it. There's only two types of crypts, then it's just copy and paste all the way on an unlimited map. Boring. Content is very lacking in this one. Achievement also bugged on the co-op achievements

Blood Ties/Lara's Nightmare - 4/10. If you would like to read documents for 2h of your life about Lara Croft's family history, Blood ties is for you. Lara's nightmare is way too short and quite boring. Slow moving zombies and lack of content again.

Cold Darkness - 8/10. Actually enjoyed this a hell of a lot. Randomly generated puzzles to solve inside of each factory area is really fun, Still a huge map to explore and find documents in, Also one of the best DLC's by far.

Great game though. Highly recommend!

I tell you man, Lara is a predator. Where is my Yautja skin?

the story in these games r so bland but she slays it to the top without fail

Great action/adventure title, growing from the first in almost every way.

Open map, see a thousand icons, quit game.

It's all very nice, Lara is very cool and as always, keeps carrying the trilogy. Ultimately, it's just not very memorable, mainly because it's sandwiched between two games which are more unique just because of where they're located in this series. Obviously, it's also because it doesn't try too much, but hey it's like Far Cry but good. Definitely worth playing if you're invested into the trilogy even a tiny bit.

3.25 / 5.
This might change by a few ratings if / when I eventually replay the series.
By no means a bad game, but one that is considerably worse and already more forgettable than the 2013 Reboot, in which the story was more simple, the characters were better, and the gameplay, albeit not much different was slightly better too.
Like I said, this game is far from bad, and it's nice spending time with Lara Croft again, and I might even bump up the rating a bit after I play the third installement, but I do think overall it is worse and more forgettable than the reboot.
Also, on a side note, I know these games get compared to Uncharted a fair bit, and the major difference between the two is that Uncharted has much better characters. That is all.

Liked the first a little more, but still was a great sequel with bigger areas to explore.

Zerei no Xbox one mas n mostra quantas horas eu tive, so sei q achei massa de mais

just fem-uncharted again. combat is better

n lembro imagino q seja bom

jerked my thang to this bitches ass frfr

Improving on the first game, I found it to be cinematic and a really enjoyable time. The world was a new and interesting environment.

it's in this game that she actually becomes the tomb raider

It's like the 2013 one but cooler.

essa mulher passou por poucas e boas hein

They seriously did not need to keep making Lara so fucking hot

Really the best all around Tomb Raider game, but I will say I did love the opening of the story to the 2013 version a bit more.

I love this game. It's almost perfect in every way: the gameplay, the story, the immersion, the impending sense of danger, everything. It is really worth playing. This review is shared with the other 2 games in the series!