Reviews from

in the past

Bom jogo, o combate e as execuções são bem divertidinhas, o protagonista é brabo e graficamente o jogo é maravilhoso.
Os demais personagens são zuados e a história é muito nada haver.

No geral, é um bom jogo se você quer um jogo curto, divertido, brutal e que ensine um pouco sobre história, vale a pena.

قصة جيدة بدايتها ظلمتها شويتين، القيمبلاي فيه تكرار ممل، والتكتيكات بنص المعارك حلوه لكن ليت فيها تنوع اكبر لان التكرار قتلها خاصة صعوبتها ما تتغير الحقيقة، السلوموشن حلو وتشابتر القلادييتر الافضل قصصيًا ومن ناحية القيمبلاي بعد. النهاية جميلة، هذي من الالعاب الي تحس سووها بشكل مستعجل عشان توريك قدرات الجهاز وقت اطلاقه، ومن ناحية الاداء والجودة كانت مذهلة فعلا.

Only took under 6 hours to complete the campaign. But it's worth it. For less than 18K Rupiah (US$1,26).

wirklich das langweiligste gameplay aller zeiten. nach einer stunde schon keinen bock mehr gehabt

I can't belive my completionism is so strong, that I forced myself to finish this game. I think I never played anything with this little game play variation for such a long time.

Breve gioco con grafica e modelli sbalorditivi (per il 2013), la trama riesce ad accompagnare un solido gameplay per quelle poche ore di gioco che compongono la campagna principale.

It's one of those 6 hour games you play over a weekend and have a really good time with. the combat is really fun and the set pieces are cool. feels like a great-value God of War. the story is nothing special, even as someone who enjoys narratives of this era. nothing really memorable here, but would definitely recommend if you're just looking to have a good time for a few hours

This game is a case study in getting carried by visuals. The game is indeed gorgeous and graphically impressive to this day.
But everything else is basically a let down. This was an xbox launch title! This is exactly why xbox struggles to compete. The main elements , combat and story , are very surface level and have absolutely no depth. The characters are decent but nothing standout except vitallion.

Yet if you look away from the expectations and go in for a weekend of visually stunning roman hack and slash fun, you can come out of the game satisfied. I was neither under or over , just perfectly whelmed .

Platform: Xbox One (Via Xbox Series X)
Date Started: November 30th, 2022
Date Finished: December 5th, 2022
Time Played: Unknown

"A brave man tastes death once. Cowards, a thousand times over."

Ryse: Son of Rome offers a tight, impressive spectacle with wonderful visuals, captivating environments, engaging cinematics and a strong enough story that all carry you through some slightly repetitive combat.

As a fan of ancient historical settings and having recently re-watched the first season of HBO's excellent TV show Rome, it was a joy to be in the world of this overlooked Xbox One launch title. Each chapter offers a different location to fight through the barbarian hoards, and whilst the actual combat itself can sometimes seem quite dull, the game doesn't outstay its welcome with a short 5-6 hour playtime and enough location variety to make the fighting stay fun despite the predictable loop. I love that it felt almost like a throwback to Conan-like hack-and-slash games that don't really take much thought or precision, and I'd welcome more of this type of game.

One of the things I did enjoy the most about combat the most were those, also admittedly shallow, "strategic" moments that gave you the illusion of being in control of a whole troop of roman soldiers, whether that be marching forth in formation or, more specifically, giving orders as to where they should be placed. I would have loved more moments like this because no matter how arbitrary, whenever they popped up I always took a good few minutes to plan out my strategy in my mind, it really added a lot to my enjoyment.

Overall, then, this is an extremely fun game with stellar presentation and engaging story, and whilst the game-play didn't quite live up to it's potential, I still found it to be a good old hack-and-slash time in a setting I couldn't get enough of.

Considering the year it was released, it still has beautiful graphics, but it also has a mediocre story and repetitive gameplay. Overall, it's an average game. Crytek wanted to make a different game at the time, but I don't think they succeeded. There is nothing memorable or special about Ryse Son Of Rome. Probably the main purpose of making this game was to better introduce the Cry Engine.

Combat was alright, was pretty easy although my little brain kept getting the buttons mixed up, story was fine.

This was like a movie that aired on Spike TV in game form.

Decent visuals for a launch title but basic combat and endless QTE's just remind me it takes way less effort and time to watch a movie.

Had it all to be a solid 7, but feels a bit undercooked after all.

One thing this game has is visuals. Sweet lord this game is gorgeous. This game is such and eye candy.
The story is ok. It's a bit cliche that kinda reduces the emotional connection to the game.
And the combat is very basic. The parts when troops get together and form a unit are very fun and unique, which the game's short length doesn't allow it to show us more of these mechanics.
Such a shame, this could've turn out amazing.

This game holds up amazingly. This looks better than some games released today. Gameplay is alright and the story is nothing special but it is a pretty fun game to just run around fighting people

This was a really, really fun game, but it was short, and there wasn't much I remembered.

Such a fun game. The unique theme and perfectly tuned difficulty (challenging but never frustrating) and gorgeous graphics combine for a great experience. Highly recommended, this one is a blast.

2 günde bitirdiğim akıcı ve çerezlik bir oyundu. Kısa sürmesine rağmen kendisini hikayesiyle iyi bağladı ve beni içine çekmeyi başardı.

Plusy: cudowna grafika, wciągająca historia, fajny system walki, muzyka
Minusy: festiwal QTE

It is incredible to me that this game was released in 2013 as a released title for the Xbox One if you look at the visuals. Story was nothing out of this world and the game was a bit repetitive after a couple of hours despite the game being a short one.

I also bought this on week one with my Xbox One. That means I paid full price for it. The game is short, but I found it enjoyable.

So glad god of war copied this masterpiece

While this game is gorgeous and still holds up in that regard, this game has no soul beyond that. Gameplay is just button mashing and QTE's with little beyond that. Never before was there a game that just oozes "launch title."

Definitely one of the games of all time

Pontos bons: o jogo é realmente bonito.
Pontos ruins: todo o resto… a narrativa é fraca, o jogo crasha literalmente no Xbox séries eu imagino isso no one, o áudio bugado, eu literalmente estava lutando contra uns 5 caras com uma mão enquanto coçava o olho. Sério eu prefiro miletar assassin’s creed odyssey ao invés de jogar isso denovo.

Review EN/PTBR

The game that seems like it only existed to promote the Xbox One, and that's not a bad thing, this game was excellent for that at the time, but nowadays, playing on PC and looking at the story and gameplay, it's not all that.
A very simple combat but still used in a creative way, a story that could be called original but without any impressive narrative, good graphics even for the time and a soundtrack that goes completely unnoticed
If I had to sum up this game in one word I would say: OK
It's not a very bad game
It's not an amazing game

and I don't know why but every time I saw Marius' face it reminded me of the Hulk.


O jogo que parece que só existiu pra fazer propaganda do Xbox One, não que isso seja algo ruim, esse jogo foi excelente pra isso na época porém hoje em dia jogando em pc e olhando bem pra história e gameplay, não é tudo aquilo realmente.
Um combate muito simples porém que ainda é usado de forma criativa, uma história que poderia se chamar de original mas sem nenhuma narrativa impressionante, gráficos bons até pra época e uma trilha sonora que passa completamente despercebida
Se eu tivesse que resumir esse jogo em 1 palavra eu diria: OK
Não é um jogo muito ruim
Não é um jogo incrível

e eu não sei porque mas toda vez que eu via o rosto do Marius eu me lembrava do Hulk.