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in the past

some of the worst combat ever put in a video game, couldn't stomach more than 2 hours of this. You just run, do QTE kill moves and run some more. To call it a glorified tech demo would be gracious

While some players might find the combat repetitive; I find the combat to be great. Flowing between enemies with sword attacks, deflecting attacks and rolling out of the way is so much fun. Then to top it off with a satisfying execution with great sound effects and yells makes it even better.

What I really like about the combat is its more than just looking pretty with the execution moves; there is a level of depth and strategy to be had. Depending on how quickly you pull off the execution you will get more XP, health, damage, or fill up a bar called "Focus" that stuns nearby enemies. However you can only select one of these to at a time when doing an execution, so you have to choose wisely in a matter of seconds which one would benefit you in the moment of combat.

I HIGHLY recommend playing this on the hardest difficulty that you can select when playing for the first time. The simplicity of the combat might be forgotten just because you are really trying to survive or you know that you only have so much health until you are killed.

If you don't find the combat that interesting you might find this game rather ok, since the bulk of the game is combat. The story might keep you engaged but I wouldn't count on it.

+ High production values
+ Very well animated
+ Great acting along with face and motion capture
+ Fantastic sound effects
+ Satisfying combat
+ The game looks amazing
+ The COOP modes are very fun

- Combat might get repetitive
- Clunky aiming with spears

Being a strict PlayStation fanboy back in the day, I must admit that Ryse: Son of Rome piqued my interest, despite being unavailable for me to play. Although it was panned by critics, it remained something that I would try if I ever got the chance. Now that I have a decent rig, I am finally able to play this.

Is Ryse: Son of Rome a great game? No. Its short length and lack of depth in both story and gameplay mechanics make this game seem more like a tech demo. However, I had a ton of fun with it.

Being a Crytek game, it's no surprise that this game is gorgeous. Its story is simple, sure, yet it is told in a cinematic, movie-like manner that keeps you interested. Its combat may consist of just light and heavy attacks, rolls and blocks/parries, yet the responsiveness of each hit and the satisfying execution animations ensured that I never got bored. A lot of people will point out that this game is also grossly inaccurate, and although true, I completely ignore this because of the inclusion of certain... characters. I simply enjoyed the game for what it is, and treated it as a typical, historically inaccurate blockbuster movie.

The game also requires a few tweaks with the files and stuff to get it running well, but it's not too difficult of a process.

There are a number of collectibles and achievements that encourage replaying the main story, if that suits your fancy. There are also co-op and solo survival modes with plenty of maps, although I don't think that the multiplayer side of things is what people play this game for.

If you're looking for a short and satisfying, epic story with gameplay that is just fun, then try this out.

Ia do lado do personagem é bem fraca, mas a história e o combate do personagem principal são muito bons!!

Gráficos incríveis, gameplay do combate muito boa, só achei os inimigos um pouco repetitivos, queria uma sequencia.

Not sure if it was just my disappointment with my previous game (Hellblade 2), but I had a lot of fun with Ryse and honestly don't get why its ratings are so low.
Sure, the story is as nonsensical and bland as you would assume, and it's honestly hilarious how this game tries to make the Roman empire escape from the "are we the baddies" allegations, but I definitely wasn't playing this for the (bad) history lessons.
On the other hand, I found the combat very satisfying, heavy but fluid, simple but interesting enough. Since Ryse doesn't overstay its welcome, I never found it repetitive, and I actually decided to try my hand on its multiplayer because I still wanted a bit more.
In short, this is a pretty decent game as long as you don't take it too seriously and just want to enjoy a heavy, moderately-brutal brawler. Which, lucky me, was my case.

Ryse é típico jogo com o famoso potencial desperdiçado, servindo mais como um show case gráfico para o que seria a nova geração (Não foi exatamente isso que vimos rsrs) um jogo de 2013 com gráficos absurdos até para os dias de hoje, dando um coro em muito jogo atual, a engine da Crytek desde Crysis é realmente impressionante.

Porém nem só de gráfico se faz um jogo, apesar de gostar bastante da gameplay, ela é muito simples e bastante repetitiva além do jogo ser muito fácil até na última dificuldade. O jogo segue um esquema de bate, defende, rola e finaliza com "QTEs" do inicio ao fim, o que pode deixar o jogo maçante.

A história é bem maneira, e poderia ser aproveitada em uma sequencia, gostaria muito que a MS voltasse com esse jogo, ele tinha muito potencial, o que seria incrível revê-lo com uma gameplay estilo souls, acho que se encacharia bem no estilo do jogo, e seria uma IP da MS pra competir com os Souls do mercado.

Sinto falta de jogos nesse estilo e período que tinham no PS2, como: Shadow of Rome, Colosseum e Spartan Total Warrior.

Not enough Roman propaganda

Un despropósito total, su excelente apartado artistico y recreación de la Roma imperial palidece ante defectos como un gameplay insípido y monótono, una historia muy poco inspirada, personajes poco interesantes, una primera mitad lenta e insufrible, acompañado de un diseño de escenarios poco dado a la exploración y el nulo interés de los desarrolladores en darle nuevas herramientas al jugador para renovar la propuesta jugable, hacen que esta obra responda más a las necesidades comerciales para la entonces nueva consola de Microsoft que en entregar una experiencia que trascienda con el paso del tiempo.

played on Steamdeck
for the age really good graphics, fun short game, a bit repetative towards the end, story is very predictable
combat is decent and not really complex

great graphics shit everything else

GooeyScale: 15/100

De los primeros juegos de Xbox One, la neta diría que me gustó pero no lo suficiente como para jugarlo por segunda vez, creo que no lo haría hasta la fecha.

Good Hack 'n Slash game, not so rich story, but is enought to get some intrest. The gameplay is very nice until the middle of game, beyond that, its pretty repetitive. Short game aswell, something like 7 hours for 100% of campaign. The true 'highlight'of this game is the graphics and cutscnes. Still very impressive for a 2013 game.

All guys think about the Roman Empire

This is a game that deserves to be remade with better graphics, framerate and more interesting combat, the story is very movie-like, but the gameplay leaves some things to be desired.

This is more of a tech demo than a fully feature complete game, and for its time Crytek was lowkey cooking. The story is pretty generic as it covers the most common tropes already covered in most roman army stories, but the presentation is gorgeous, especially when played at 4K, where the attention to detail really pops out, whether it be textures, environments, effects, or the facial animations, it's impressive. Other than that, it's the the type of game you play to experience once and never touch it again

will stream it it's a fun game and maybe play on higher levels

Graficamente perfeito (na época), Ryse: Son of Rome traz um enredo acelerado e uma jogabilidade que evolui pouco.
Ryse não é bom. Também não é muito ruim, mas normalmente não é o tipo de jogo que eu recomendaria. É como Transformers 2, pois o valor da produção é estelar, mas não há alma no jogo. É masturbatório – efeitos especiais por efeitos especiais. Combine isso com o fato de que a Crytek nem se preocupou em atender usuários de PC com mouse e teclado com sua mecânica e… bem, é frustrante.

Eu ainda sou um fanático por gráficos, mesmo que apenas como um entusiasta da busca técnica, e nesse sentido vale a pena conferir Ryse . Os gráficos não fazem um bom jogo, isso é certo, mas todo mundo gosta de andar em um carro esporte brilhante, mesmo que seja “objetivamente” um desperdício de dinheiro.