Reviews from

in the past

"One more turn" Incident: Circa May 10th 2023 3:00AM.

um dos melhores jogos de estratégia e TBS, sempre que to sem o que fazer vou lá jogar um pouquinho

I never really played it as much as I did Civ V.

got a Great Writer and it was Chuck Wendig. bro this Culture Victory is not happening

Kinda complicated. Not sure if it's for me yet.

This game is infinitely replayable. I've played through the game probably 5 or six times now and I can definitely see myself playing it again.

i always wanted to see ghandi throw nukes at me
but it never happend ):

so parei de joga pq esse jogo quase acaba com minha vida toda vez

Not as great as CIV V , but the art style is refreshing tho

Not really for me but should probably try it out more.

я обязательно закончу партию....

Countless all nighters have occurred due to this game, but 5 is still much better

Day 172 of trying to get my friends to play with me

just gonna play a quick match

*6 hours later

my dad probably has over 1k hours in this

génial en multi sinon pff

This is fun online or with friends, I'd love to add a civilization crew to the discord I run just to play this with friends more.

just one more turnnnnn. Perfect game great soundtrack rare combination of alll things great about humanity.

The games are too long. I like Civ Rev series better.