Reviews from

in the past

This is an 'easier' set of levels than in the core Snakebird game, but that definitely doesn't make them easy. The poor tutorialisation and lack of handholding of the base game are offset a little here, though you are still mostly left to your own devices to figure out each mechanic. Deceptively hard, this puzzler will seem impossible until the inevitable eureka moment.

Juego de puzles cuqui que mezcla el funcionamiento del Snake de toda la vida con gravedad.

El resultado es un juego corto pero creo que sus puzles son agradables. Esta técnicamente es el juego "facilón" de la duología, pero aun así ha habido algunos puzles que te hacen pensar lo suyo.

Estuvo en Epic Games hace poco y me ha servido para pasar un poco el tiempo y es simpático. No tengo mucho más que decir.

A fun little sampler before trying the real Snakebird, but if this is the beginner mode I really do worry about playing the main game... don't get me wrong, I didn't find the puzzles here difficult but it's very much the kind of puzzle where I will either see a solution immediately or not at all, and even a couple of levels in this easy set fell into that latter category. So I'm not sure that Snakebird proper is going to be For Me, feels like the kind of thing that might result in hair being torn out...

But as a standalone, Snakebird Primer was decent but very short and, like I said before, largely pretty easy. The puzzles are mechanically simple but there's quite a bit of depth in what you have to do to solve them, and it never became formulaic - each puzzle felt distinct. The presentation is simplistic but stylish, and perfectly designed to make all the puzzle elements crystal clear. But yeah, just not enough of it really, and it doesn't explore the puzzle mechanics to their fullest. Of course, this is by design. Because Snakebird exists. Oh God, I am going to have to try the main game after all, aren't I?

maybe i'd've enjoyed it more if it was an introduction to puzzle games but for me it was just a waste of time and money, play the main game instead if you can