Reviews from

in the past

meilleur fast fps mais personne y joue c'est chiant

It's a real shame this game is marketed alongside pacifiers and the community sucks, because god DAMN it is fun. Salmon Run got a serious glowup from 2, multiplayer has a generally fun meta marred by merely serviceable map design, and the story mode is better than 2 or 1, though we'll have to see if the DLC reaches Octo Expansion levels of depth.

Oh, by the way, the community sucks so bad there's a subreddit devoted entirely to bitching and moaning instead of, I dunno, not tilting? That would be cool

One of the best modern online shooters there is.
Gameplay still fun as hell, erased almost every issues Spoon 2 had.
Full of content. no microtransaction.
Style is immaculate.
Soundtrack is peak.
Squid game goes hard.

It's a really great game with a well thought design in a lot of aspects (gameplay, rotating maps and modes, progression, events, perks, etc.). Also it's very surprising how many hours you can play before you realize, considering that every match takes like 5 minutes to be played.

i love the series and idk if its the fact im an adult now but it doesnt feel as good as the first two. still a solid game with a great soundtrack.

This game is obviously amazing and is a cultural phenomenon, but its just not for me because the repetitiveness of the gameplay loop got tiring quickly. The game design and characters are perfect otherwise.

i don't like most competitive games but splatoon 3 turf war is super fun, salmon run is really fun too - the splatfests make it even better, super fun on a weekend fighting for a team in a poll question

I fucking love this franchise so much <3

j'y ai pas assez joué longtemps juste attendez que je finisse mes jeux en cours ATTENDEZZZZZZ

i saw the funny sword weapon in the trailer and wanted to main it but now its meta so people make fun of me :(

good game, funny squid , maps bad, how do i have 100hours?

Me gusta que haya mejorado la campaña dejando de parecer más un tutorial y presentar niveles más desafiantes que en el segundo, además de otros niveles mas creativos que piden más que solo derrotar enemigos, habiendo diversos desafios y varían según la arma que se use en cada nivel y cuenta con jefes con un cierto nivel de desafio. Además el mapa es mucho más extenso y tiene más sitios para explorar y encontrar objetos ocultos.
En lo demás siento que deja que desear porque solo son pequeños cambios de vida que si ayudan y otras armas o escenarios nuevos, pero la verdad las armas nuevas son muy pocas, quitaron armas de otras entregas y al final son más los ataques especiales de cada arma que armas nuevas, además la manera de comprar las armas es mucho peor que en el 2, limitandose a usar cupones, dando uno por cada lv que subas, lo que ya lleva su tiempo, en vez de comprar con monedas como en el anterior donde podías comprar más armas.

Hay pocos modos de juego nuevo pero el de 3 zonas para pintar no convence porque tiene más lag que de costumbre, y el modo que parece un tetris el cual se tiene que rellenar más espacios que el rival el cual me parece bueno, es algo muy distinto a lo visto donde usas distintas cartas para cada pieza, y agrega mas diversidad a la jugabilidad del título. Sin embargo al final los mismos modos del 2 son los que prevalecen para el online por lo que al menos para mi, es como seguir jugando el 2. Las mejoras al final no compensan para que se saque otro título, me preocupa que en el futuro vayan a seguir así y se vuelvan algo tipo fifa, aún puede que con actualizaciones añadan cosas interesantes que den mayor novedad al título y al ser el más actual, estará mucho más vivo que el 2, por lo que solo a los que de verdad les gusto el 2 recomendaría más que se hagan de él o q no hayan tocado otros splatoon antes.

Como tal si hay mejoras al anterior, solo que no compensan la compra, sere algo endeble porque igual la experiencia sea como sea, mejor claramente lo es, y todavía tiene mucho tiempo para que le añadan más cosas. Así que por eso digo que igual es bueno pero hasta ahí

A huge improvement over its predecessor in almost everything. Better...
+ control options with the new Squid Roll
+ weapon balancing
+ matchmaking and online
+ main story
+ Salmon Run stages, bosses, submodes and rewards. Really a complete overhaul of Salmon Run, as you can now also spend Scales you earn playing it in Salmon Run's own store system, and playing the mode isn't limited to a dumb schedule anymore

Splatoon 3 also adds
+ A completely new, fully interactable lobby where you can train while waiting for other players and do other fun things
+ Lots of new modes and modifiers to existing Turf War and Ranked modes
+ Tricolor Turf War, a three-team special match which you can play during Splatfests' final day
+ Tableturf Battle, a board game-like minimode where you can play specific cards to fill more space on the board than your opponent
+ A much bigger hubworld

- One of Splatoon 3's only big misses is most of the stages' design, which has somehow degraded noticeably into samey Tetrimino-like shapes with usually very little verticality
- The first few Splatfests just had slightly modified versions of the usual stages, though the Triforce Splatfest thankfully marked a return to specifically tailored Tricolor battles at least
- Some online options are still missing, like the ability to just play specific stages with random people instead of just going through the schedule
- Big Run was slightly disappointing, as it doesn't permanently change stage layouts like many had hoped. The game mode is still fun, though, and Eggstra Work is as well!

I'm not good at the online play but the story mode did not disappoint. Might even boot up my switch again when the dlc releases.

cool story mode the 3 idols are cool but i feel like none of the devs love big man as much as shiver and fyre they are all dating btw lol

i hate that this game is actually fun

Competitive games aren't my thing but fun

I really enjoyed the story of this game, however I preferred the Splatoon 2 level design a bit more. I understand the idea of picking the metro levels idea as the staple, but it kinda made some of the levels go by so quick, then the game it's self went by quite quick due to this... The bosses were really fun to learn how to defeat and the ending was super interesting too, however my main problem was with the multiplayer, unlike Splatoon 2 there were so many more connection issues with this game, and the tri-splat fests were sort of unfair at times. Not sure if all these issues are fixed, but when the dlc drops I will surely be coming back to find out.

as time has gone on i’ve found that i haven’t gone back to this one quite the way i did with the first and second games.

i think the gameplay is much better at its core but..idk something’s not right..

might be the tetris block maps or the really boring specials.

story mode is good but the gameplay is so mind numbing my head hurts after playing/neg

The only Splatoon game where I 100% the story mode. Still having a blast with the Splatfests and shit!

Dogshit fucking game. Too much of a focus on chaos with either god awful matchmaking or probably none at all. It was fun at first but as people got better it became way less enjoyable and got to a point where I hate it more than most games. Fuck this game

(Recency bias gone) This game isn’t different enough from splatoon 2 feel like it’s own experience making it as boring as splatoon 2

A colorful game where kids that turn into squids and octopi shoot each other with ink in order to gain coins for their freshness addiction. Grizzco Industries is here too, and you get to serve your life away 24/7 this time!

All three games have a boppin' soundtrack.

I've played this game the least, and I'm only slowly getting back into it. I think this one had the best story mode, in my opinion. Quite dark, and on par with Octo expansion's darkness. I don't really like the newest specials, but at the same time, I do, if that makes sense. Anyway, still a very fun game! There's a lot more to do than the previous titles too.

My only gripe with it would be the poor matchmaking sometimes + the map design. The maps sometimes feel to crowded.

This feels like a total evolution of Splatoon, and adds many features the series needed

o bolsonaro tava no meu time...🤢