Reviews from

in the past

story just repeats itself, game is still kinda fun tho

Very fun and charming little metroidvania. The gameplay loop is satisfying and the big upgrades are paced perfectly and leave you excited for the next. The soundtrack is fanstastic too.

I recieved the game when it was free, but i'd have happily paid full price.

Was one of the few games on stadia when they gave me three months free, and I'm glad I tried it. Never played the first one so I can't speak to upgrades or anything, but this was a super fun game. Addicting to just dig and explore, and getting to a new boss and beating it always felt like an accomplishment.

Pretty good game, fairly linear for a metroidvania and not difficult. Shorter than I thought it would be.

It expands and improves in every aspect.
A bit more linear but doesn't really matter.

Yo ya estoy mayor pa' estas cosas, la verdad es que no me gusta.

I owe this game an apology as for the longest time I thought it was just some grindy rougelike. No it's an actually designed Metroidvania, and a solid one at that.

What gave me the impression of it being a rougelike is the footage I saw of the main character mining through samey block after samey block. This made me think the world was randomly generated, as it'd be easier to do that with such assets. But no, there's little randomness from what I can tell. Everything feels consistent and intentionally placed, which makes mining through it all the more funny in retrospect. It gives the player a lot of options on how they want to descend down the mines.
The core loop is delving downwards, finding treasure and caves containing upgrades, then returning to base before your lamp oil runs out of fuel. It's pretty slow to start as you're lamp runs dry fast, but because the mines don't regenerate its terrain, it means you're always making progress no matter what. Slowly etching your way towards the next goal at all times. It's simple but very effective. The challenge caves are all a nice... challenge, and give valuable rewards that makes mining and survivability much more comfortable. Yet soon enough you'll earn some incredibly fun moment abilities that makes traversal a blast. The hookshot is snappy and endlessly useful as you can cancel out of the pull-in while retaining momentum. After getting that I'd sometimes forget I had a wall jump since I was just hookshoting at every turn, it was really addictive.
There's a nice variety of stuff to spend your money and upgrades on. Money allows you to enhance your tools while providing access to perks limited by the amounts of cogs (cause your a robot) you have on hand. Glad it's not a skill tree system. You unlock perks linearly, but are free to have whatever perks you want. Simple and clean.
The bosses aren't ideal for a Metroidvania though. They follow patterns of invincibility as you dodge their patterns before finally getting a chance to attack back, only for your damage output to be capped so that you have to go through every phase of their fight. The final boss was cool in concept, yet it felt pretty haphazard in execution. It was too busy without enough grace. There aren't a lot of bosses to be fair, but I feel a Metroidvania having very rigid boss designs defeats a lot of the purpose of getting stronger and improving your character. This would be a bigger issue if Steamworld Dig 2 was about fighting and high action, but no its more about planning, problem solving, and exploration. Combat is low on the priority list, which for the kind of game this wanted to be is probably for the better.

This is an easy recommendation. It offers a nice balance for players who want a chill time digging, and those who want to be challenged in optimizing their paths to beat the game as quickly as possible.

I got killed by falling rocks more then I care to admit...

More fun upgrades and gadgets in this than the first one but also end game progression suffers a lot more from getting shit that feels completely redundant by the end so I like it about as much as the first. Definitely messier and more pacing issues but oooh the grappling hook ooooh the jetpack

This one's way more Metroidvania than fun, chill mining game like the first one was more of. The story was kind of interesting though, and if they ever make a third game, I'd be interested to see where they take it next.

SteamWorld Dig 2 is quite honestly one of the best sequels I've ever played. My main takeaway from the first game was "Good concepts, but it needs more in the overall execution to fully make use of them", and this proves me RIGHT.

While the game maintains the core "Dig hole. Feel whole." gameplay loop from its predecessor, it's no longer the only thing going on. While all that original DNA is still there, it now fully embraces a more Metroid-style structure as a whole, Like, it's genuinely impressive how well it manages to balance them without sacrificing any of the original's aspects, a real "Have your cake and eat it too" situation.

In terms of upgrades, this one's so much better. Like, be honest, how often did you use the pickaxe in Dig 1 after getting the drill? This time around, you get a jackhammer, and it's balanced in a way to keep it useful while not completely replacing the pick. Instead of a weird Doki Doki Panic charge-jump, you get a grappling hook, and holy goddamn is it so fun to use. The collectable cogs, roughly equivalent to Metroid's missile tanks, also give you more options for toggleable upgrades, which I'm a big fan of.

Do you like sequence breaking, by the way? Cuz I got to the final boss, blind, without getting the jet engine. Not even because I got lost; the game has a very solid objective pointer system (which you can turn off at will, by the way). No, the game just has so much freedom in the way you can move about that just wandering and getting creative lets you tackle obstacles in many ways. Like, I don't even know what the intended time to do some of what I did even would be, and you know what? That rules.

Overall, fantastic game that makes the previous game feel like a prototype, in the best way possible.

É uma evolução em relação ao primeiro, mas não o suficiente para eu adorar, ainda acho o gameplay entediante, e a estética não me agrada. As habilidades são melhores e o level design também, mas não consegui ficar engajado enquanto jogava.

A hidden gem of a game. Like it a lot. Hopefully a third is coming.

Technically it's a total improvement over the prequel. Better everything minus the protagonist design and worse pace in my opinion. I just rated it lower because SWD1 was a more enjoyable experience for me, more simple and straightforward.

Even better than the first one! Loved every second of exploring the world. It felt like a cross between Legend of Zelda x Terraria! I had so much fun with this game and really took my time. Would recommend it to anyone whos a fan of the two previously mentioned franchises

This is the kind of game I wish I didn't buy, its definitely a game.

My only critique is that there's no Steamworld Dig 3 yet

So far a fantastic Metroid-Vania, coming from a guy that usually hates playing Metroid-Vanias

Very tightly designed gameplay loops, but I felt what was at the core felt a little dry. Mainly this comes from the core of the combat feeling a bit stiff/simple - the first bug enemy type was fun to learn, but the 2nd jumping bird feels really unmanageable given how tight corridors are, your stiff jump, low ammo, giant hitboxes. I got the sense that the main push of the design is to just stick to the mine-for-money/do puzzle caves/upgrade loop, which felt repetitive.

Que jogo absolutamente perfeito. Fodasi

It's amazing how fun digging deep holes into a mine for treasure is. I honestly feel they could get rid of just about everything else in the game, all the enemies, other characters, story, everything but the digging and treasure gathering and I'd still fully enjoy the game. Well okay, maybe keep the upgrade system too because that's a big part of digging through the mine. All the other stuff is really just there to make it feel like a full fledge game. Fun game by the way.

Narrative: 3 - Gameplay: 4 - Visuals: 4 - Soundtrack: 3 - Time: 2
Stars: 3

better than the first, a fun game but idk how to describe hte gameplay. Its fun trust me

Such an amazing sequel!
Expanded on so many things.
We have several zones and more fun abilities to get.
The story gets right after the events of 1, which is cool to see.

They've put more effort on the metroidvania aspect, game is pretty chill and not that long. The final boss fight was really fun. I definitely recommend

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an awesome sequel to the 1st game and its story
to be honest I did not expect that this game will be this long & deep
and miss the Fen at the end :(

This is a huge improvement over 1. Actually quite fun. One of my favorite Metroidvanias. Not quite Hollow Knight levels, but it’s up there

Fulfills the masculine urge to want to dig a hole.

I loved this game so much. I loved the expanded upgrade system as well as the amount of content in the game. I loved the ending parts of the game as well as the entirety of the world. I love how well it feels to maneuver around the world and the gameplay loop of it. I love going down and getting materials, bringing them back up and upgrading things with those materials. It's done very well here.

Pure fun. Thought this game was actually too short lol. Could go 20+ hours with this.