Reviews from

in the past

My favourite Mario platformer. Best atmosphere, weirdest gameplay.

the controls are really fun. the gameplay itself is mostly great too if you aren't going to 100%.

My personal favorite 3D Mario platformer of all time.
What is there to say? It has my favorite art style, atmosphere, worlds/levels, music etc. etc.
You goddamn beauty of a game!


A personal favorite of mine from the Mario series. It's not for everyone but it definitely has nostalgia points from me. Perhaps when I revisit it, I'll think less kindly of it, but for now, I remember this game having an enjoyable aesthetic.

Some levels are just terrible

Playing through this one slowly. As fun as I remember. Only problem is controls are not as tight as even Super Mario 64.

Nostalgia wants me to put it higher but there are some downright criminal sprites in this otherwise fantastic experience. I especially want to shout out the music and hub world in this one

Thank god this is the only game with voice acting, jesus christj

This is honestly my least favorite 3d Mario game. I know that sounds but I still really enjoyed this game. However, a lot of the gameplay feels unnecessarily difficult and doesn't stand up to the other games. The atmosphere and music are carrying this game they are legendary.

despite TECHNICALLY being a bit of a mess, it reaches a level of fun and creative design other games can only dream of



Super Mario Sunshine is one of my favorite mario games in terms of mechanics, however I will say it does have some issues with things like the physics not really working at the best of times. Overall quite well designed with some interesting locations to visit, however it can get bogged down by some shines being dreadful to collect.

I am in the group of people that loves Super Mario Sunshine. The atmosphere in this game in comparison to the other Mario games is a genius idea and makes it stand out. I love sometimes playing levels just to explore around the colorful maps, like Sierna Beach and Noki Bay. Pina Park also is fun to run around and act like you are at a real amusement park. Probably one of the best parts of the game is the fact that you can see the other areas of the map in whatever level you are in. If Sunshine 2 was announced, I would be smiling and pre-order it immediately.

I do however see the complaints with the game that a lot of people have. The controls are very different and some levels can be extremely frustrating, like the pinball one. But to me it makes the game more unique and adds to some of the replay value.

To my friend who I accidentally copied over his save, I'm sorry I didn't mean it

Very funky game. While I highly admire the creativity put into this one I don’t feel it’s aged as well as other Mario games. The controls are unique but not very intuitive and can get cumbersome occasionally. Some times it can also feel grueling to play the same level a fifth and sixth time. The voice acting is weird af. Definitely a cool game I’m glad exists but a game I’m not likely too return to often.

"i faced vandalism charges in another world"

This game has it’s flaws and is undeniably unique but once you get a handle on the weird controls it’s so fun to master the movement in this game. The world is so memorable and the platforming is top tier when it’s done right. I’d probably play this game more if you could skip the beginning cutscenes

Mario has butter on his shoes while on vacation. I'll recognize the Isle Delfino Plaza anywhere.

It's so fun, but... Why did they make this game so dang hard lol

''Omg you have mario sunshine 1.5???'' Yea I did, I'm sorry, but the controls are so fucking clunky, it's not even funny. Playing this game felt like a chore, sure the music is pretty catchy, but it's eh. Most shines just felt like they're meant to piss you off. I felt disappointment ,I'm very sad about this. The controls held me back honestly,I'm sorry. Also the level design is pretty basic,only level I liked was the carnival section. Just play mario galaxy

How could you fuck this up this badly?

Mario Sunshine is a game that crumbles under the pressure of being played normally, despite this, I cant bring myself to hate it even with all of its shortcomings (there are a lot). For one there are so many dogshit stages that I can't even attempt to name them all, if you've played this game you know what stages I'm talking about, they're very bad. Do the stages even work? No. Is this ok? No. Do I have fun playing them? Most of the time yeah. How? idk. Well ok surely the movement and shit must be great if I still like the game despite that. The answer to that? ehhhh it's good but a lot of the time jank as fuck. And that's the thing with Mario Sunshine, despite all of the bullshit this game is VERY fun to play, it ain't even ironic fun most of the time it's just genuine. How does it do this? I got no fuckin clue but lemme tell you when I'm playing this bullshit I am having the time of my LIFE. Throw some bullshit like the Chucksters at me and brother I'm still balling. This shit could kill my first born son and I'd high five it and give it a hearty "hell yeah". This truly just is a special lil game (half derogatory)

what were they cooking here

the quintessential mainline mario experience, could and will listen to the delfino plaza theme for hours on end without remorse