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Great time with the wife. Made me go out and buy the other games in the series. She has all the characters with the relationship conflict and was basically have argments with her self.

salim carried the entire game i swear , love triangle was annoying as fuck though

Best in the series second only to until dawn

Love that this is set in Iraq in 2003 but I somehow doubt I will ever finish this

Several war crimes were commited

We were up to some really despicable stuff

Played from – to: (2022-12-06 – 2022-12-23) – PC controller.
‣ 8/10 – “Do you believe in God?”
‣ Thoughts: House of Ashes surprised me, because I found it to be not only interesting but enjoyable on top. From the three games in the Dark Pictures anthology that we have played I finally felt like I played a game. Sure, there were still plenty of cutscenes, but the contextual combat gave us more control. Also, the choices we made lead to character fates that made sense and did not force us to question certain deaths, which is a step-up form Little Hope. Overall, I found this games story to be the most interesting out of the three we played and most involving. All this to say, I crown House of Ashes to be the best game in this franchise so far. The characters were distinct enough and enjoyable to make me care. The story sure had its lowlights but kept me engaged and overall gave us a conclusive ending. Of course, there were definite miss steps in story telling here and there and some conversations made little to no sense, but again this was the most enjoyable game out of the bunch. If I had to sum it up, I’d call it: One of those silly horror movies that you will love watching with some friends and beer.

the only other game i’ve played by supermassive was until dawn and this was a massive improvement in every way. story was way better paced, it didn’t feel like i was just playing a “walking simulator,” story wasn’t as cringey either despite the love triangle. the characters were written well and i actually liked them (besides rachel). graphics have improved tremendously since until dawn. gameplay feels a lot smoother as well. just feels like they’ve improved on the formula that they found with until dawn here and i can’t wait to check out the other games. saved salim, jason, eric

House of Ashes finally provides a game within the Dark Pictures anthology with a decent ending to it.

This time ditching the five ‘ordinary’ people type ensamble for five military types who trapped in an ancient sumarian temple underground during the iraq war (a bizarre setting but okay) and chance upon an ‘ancient evil’.

House of Ashes had a tonne more combat-heavy encounters this time around and was far more hands-on than the previous titles in the anthology, which really worked to offset the dialogue moments - something I don’t feel like was present enough in the previous two entries.

Though I have started to notice, and it was particularly prominent in this one, that character models and facial animations are extremely stilted while they’re choosing what reaction to have based on your choices. There also seems to be the occasional disconnect - for example, I’d chosen to reconcile a relationship and 2 minutes later the two characters were talking as if they hated each other, despite just kissing and hugging and professing their love. This is ‘minor’ though, I suppose, given how many choices you are presented with and how things can change at any given moment.

I also found it weird they’ve chosen to re-use facial models from previous entries but with a new voice cast - again, it’s minor but it feels… strange to know. Why not use the same voice cast? Or even the actors behind the faces?

House of Ashes is definitely the peak of the series for me though, I found myself desperately wanting to find out the truth behind it all, more so than Little Hope (which I genuinely enjoyed, besides that ending), and it did not disappoint.

A HUGE improvement over Man of Medan. The game is much longer, more action-packed, and we get more backstory and likeability for the characters. I felt way more compelled to keep characters alive.

House of Ashes is a must play for the lovers of this genre of video games and the Dark Pictures Anthology. It wastly improves everything from the previous games, making it a supreme experience.

this is the one i threw a spear through my buddy at whoops

a game where u have to keep the ppl u play as alive. n one of the only characters I liked dies immediately n the other one I get tricked into choking to death not longer after. yippee! idc abt any of these other mfs (except maybe salim)

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for October 2023, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before November 7th, 2023, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

A gory horror game.

House of Ashes is what Dark Pictures Anthology has become known for. A horror-style game, with a strong story, interesting characters, and complicated relationships between them. Player choices affect how each character will act in the future, and players will also be able to explore the environments as part of the story. The writing is good like much of the series, and the concept is interesting, especially with the main game being about soldiers trying to capture WMDs after the fall of Saddam Hussein 20 years ago in Baghdad. Yeah, that’s 20 years ago, Damn.

However, House of Ashes feels a little weak when it comes to some graphics and animations. I think at least one character has an elongated neck I can’t stop noticing. A few animations have characters looking off in a strange direction, that should have an establishing shot before it. There’s a cinematic style to the first section of the game with the horror that seems forgotten in the next section, and I hope it’s just that part of the game.

Pick this up if you like monster movies, horror, Supermassive Games, or Want a unique story-driven experience. Yeah, this is also very similar to The Quarry as well, and all the previous Dark Pictures Anthology games such as Man of Medea and Little Hope. If you haven’t played any of those, maybe it’s worth checking them out first

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

An honest, fun, time with one amigo of your choosing.

House of Ashes (and presumably the entire Dark Pictures Anthology, I haven't played the rest) makes the intelligent decision of using its framing devices to enhance the feeling that House of Ashes is an interactive movie, and not really a game. That movie has some awkward cuts, but as long as you're okay with letting the film take you along for the ride, you'll enjoy yourself regardless.

Até o meio do jogo é bem mediano, mas o final salva muito. Salim carregou o jogo nas costas e é fácil o melhor personagem da antologia inteira até agora, também gostei muito da lore do casal separado e do Jason, o Nick é o único que fica meio que sobrando

Overall an enjoyable co-op horror game with likeable characters, fun (though maybe predictable) twists, dialogue, and a little bit of drama.

This is probably not a game that will stick with you for a long time after you play it, however it is entertaining for what it is, and makes for a fun evening with a friend.

This game is a joy with friends. The writing and acting are comedy gold. I have countless scenes saved to my PS4 so I can rewatch them. I still crack up going through my favorite scenes. Gameplay-wise, it’s trite qte’s and slow exploration of marginally interesting spaces. Story about ancient civilization yada yada yada.

Fun and short game. I enjoyed it as much as I did Little Hope.

The best dark pictures game so far. Actually interesting characters that faces an "actual" threat this time. Feels as if they could have added more choices instead of letting the characters making their own decisions. Some pretty decent scares in this game as well. We need more military horror games!

I was so scared of Ashley Tisdale the entire time because they made her model look terrifyingly uncanny

Personally my least favorite in the Dark Pictures Anthology.

This review contains spoilers

This is the first Dark Picture that feels like it works well no matter how the story plays out. It felt unfair to review previous entries after a single play-through. What if you were one mistake away from a tighter plot, more thematic closure, better character arcs?

Surprise surprise, maybe Baldur's Gate 3 has really changed the way I approach gaming: pre-BGS3, when I tried Man of Medan and Little Hope, I thought that "winning" meant keeping everyone alive. A death, even open conflict between characters, meant that I had strayed from the "correct" path. I finished both games stressed and unsatisfied.

Once you realize that these games aren't really about keeping characters alive, or molding them into heroes, you play them completely differently. You see themes laid out in the prologue, and then try to shape the narrative around its premise. You note the archetypes of each character and realize that, actually, yes, some of them SHOULD be ripped apart by bat vampires in order to serve the story. And when things don't go as expected, you see opportunities for delightful chaos.

Does that make these games RPGs? I'm a dipshit and don't know enough about game genres to say one way or another, but I feel like they can be approached as such, to great effect. Give away some control to the designer's intentions and judge the writing and pacing on its own merits.

As far as House of Ashes goes, the setting and themes are so rich, the production values so great, that even if the plotting misses a few QTEs of its own, and the story stacks hats on hats (imagine watching the Descent, Aliens, the Mummy, and Ghosts of Mars at the same time), it all coheres. Top notch voice acting. An action director's sense of camera placement. But, most importantly: one moral character, another who could be redeemed, and three others who really need to die for the sins of American Imperialism. Hilariously, one of them is Ashley Tisdale.

Look, there's no number of ancient alien infestations that can absolve America of the innumerable crimes done to the Iraqi people. The American presence in Iraq in 2003 was the only the most recent extra-terrestrial visit. Like the British before us, we were outsiders trying to re-form the world's oldest civilization in our own image, and left only death in our wake. Maybe Salim should drive a stake through our hearts, too.

A massive improvement from the previous two Dark Picture titles. Man of Medan was very "meh" and Little Hope squandered the ending. House of Ashes swung with its very unexpected setting and did not miss.

First off, the monsters in this one? Peak. God damn, that's all I ever could ask for with these games. I really wish that I wasn't thinking "There is no way they do me wrong 3 times in a row" the entire time I was playing, but I had been burned too many times before. Nope. There is a genuinely icky threat to deal with here and while we don't learn all that much about them, they are violently diabolical enough to garner a few repulses from me whenever they showed up again. The setting sells it a lot. You feel trapped and claustrophobic. You're really unsure if there is a light at the end of the tunnel when it seems like the only way to go is further down into the darkness.

I really enjoyed those aspects a lot. There's much more action in this game in comparison too. I found it way easier to accidentally murder the shit out of the characters in this one, mainly because the thematic tells in this one were way less obvious. There was some genuine pants filling whenever you missed a QTE because you never knew if it meant life or death in that one moment.

There's two storylines going on in this one and one of them is very uninteresting. I don't want to get into it without spoilers, but there's a certain triangle of characters that have some extremely annoying scenes you have to get through when you really just want to see more of the horror instead. The other plotline was fairly predictable where it was going right from the beginning, but it made for a surprisingly warm ending if you were able to keep those character's alive.

It's short and takes you for a wild ride. I was pleasantly surprised.

No dark pictures character makes me feel what Jason does, I want him so bad. His accent is the best thing of this game idc