Reviews from

in the past

Pretty fun game to play with the wife but ending wasn't satisfying. Tried to play get a perfect ending but didnt really change much.

After playing Until Dawn and Man of Medan, i really hoped (haha) this game would be any better. It's not as bad as Man of Medan, but certainly not much better. The gameplay is still the same as it's predecessor and the graphics didn't improve much. Actually, it still looks the same, but it wasn't as buggy as Man of Medan. They fixed most of the lightning problems. The voicelines are still very bad and I hate that they used the same facemodels as in the first game of the dark pictures anthology. The story is alright and interesting to follow but the conclusion is.. meh. Decisions are somehow even more meaningless, than before and it doesnt feel different enough from every playthrough you start. The characters are better, but still not good. All in all I would say it's just "alright", it's a one and done game.

This was my first Anthology game out of all and can say I pretty much enjoyed it all the way through. It's fun, engaging, although playing a second playthrough wasn't as enjoyable imo

Beaucoup mieux que pan of pedan

O plot twist do final é muito bom, mas não salva esse jogo. Estou cansado de QTE's e decisões que só impactam em momentos específicos de jogos desse tipo. A cidade do jogo me passou uma vibe bem Silent Hill só que sem 10% do carisma que SH tem.

Após um acidente de ônibus, quatro estudantes e um professor devem escapar da cidade abandonada de Little Hope cercada por um nevoeiro enquanto eles tem visões apavorantes do passado.

Ótima narrativa com bons personagens, boa ambientação e um plot twist inesperado em seu desfecho.

“Little Hope” has slightly better dialogues and a way more compelling atmosphere than the previous “Man of Medan”. The foggy abandoned town reminded me of “Silent Hill”, and despite the jump scares being pretty ridiculous, there were moments of tension along the way. The infamous plot twist at the end wasn’t as terrible as everyone says, but I agree that it doesn’t combine well with a game where the player’s choices are supposed to matter. Keeping everyone alive felt rather worthless.

Little Hope, much like Man of Medan, is a pretty good interactive adventure game, where you are greeted with a Silent Hill like setting, with 5 characters who just want to survive the night.

While this one is slightly better than Man of Medan, it gets a lower score from me, simply because the game is much more linear this time around, not leaving enough room for replayability. The ending was not that bad as everyone said so, but I can see why some can hate it.

The Dark Pictures Anthology really nails this Creep Show vibe so far, and I am all here for it.

Reminded me of Silent Hill. That's a compliment

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LITERALLY Telltale's Silent Hill

jeu nul / très bonne fin ceci dis

Game was not made well for 2 people unlike the third. I would be done areas 15-20 minutes before my partner even though he wasn't even being bad, he was constantly progressing the story. I would be let free to walk down an empty street forever waiting for him to catch up over an dover again.

Game also broke in the second last fight scene so we had to watch the end on YouTube.

Sendo completamente sincero, eu gostei mais desse jogo que Until Dawn e ele é com certeza bem melhor que o anterior da antologia. A história me interessou e envolveu MUITO, e os personagens em 5 minutos de jogo já tinham mostrado bastante personalidade e também me agradaram muito (ao contrário de man of medan)

muito bom! o melhor dos dark pictures!

Played from – to: (2022-08-25 – 2022-09-12) – PC controller.
‣ 4/10 – It was all in Le head.
‣ Thoughts: As expected Little Hope plays identical to Man of Medan, however this time around the game is more boring and less interesting. There are so many disjointed cutscenes you jump across in quick fashion that for the most part this was a drag and click adventure. I would go as far as to say this is not a video game. Your ability to control anything is oinked every 5 minutes and you only get 2 to 3 minutes of walking which I would not call gameplay before another cutscene begins. Little Hope also promotes choices and how heavily they matter, yet they do not address the fact that certain dialogue options build specific traits of your characters and failing to pick the options that unlock those traits kill off anyone without you being able to interfere. You can perfect every QTE thrown at you but that will not matter if little Andrew did not tell John to man the fuck up! Overall, this is a disjointed bland and boring video game that the story of makes zero sense, and the plot twist just makes it feel even more silly and useless. Every time I played this game, I wanted it to end. The only positive thing I could say about it are the graphics, but the characters their voice performances and the aspect of gameplay is shallow and cheap.

Oooooo soooo scaaaaryyy... except it's not. Didn't like the directing in this one, as some shots were kinda all over the place, nor how most characters follow overused thropes. HOWEVER, I was certainly not expecting that type of plot twist at the end, which improved my conection to the story by a lot. Quite a choice there.

I'd let John sit me down slowly

The Dark Pictures: Little Hope tasks you with answering the question: Can Supermassive Games make an ending that lands? - the answer I found is: not really.

It's frustrating, I know what they were going for here, I get the ending, I get why it was done. I don't think it's satisfying however and it quite honestly takes away from a lot of what's happened throughout the 5 hours I put into it.

I did thoroughly enjoy the mystery around Little Hope and the witch trials of its past, I actually made a dumbass move this time (unlike with Man of Medan) and got someone killed! There was also more 'combat' segments and quick-time life-or-death split second decision making moments in this one compared to MoM, which, was appreciated.

While it didn't have as many obtuse jump scares, of those that still persisted felt wholly unnecessary especially as they were 'transitional' moments to other scenes - purely baffling.

oigan m estafaron ok los odio kaga FOME

Boy, was I having a lot of fun with this one right up until I was presented with the lamest ending imaginable. The setting is fantastic and the opening really stunned me. It's a fun cinematic movie to get through from the beginning and the monsters are fantastic but the ending absolutely ruins it.

I can't obviously speak on it without spoiling, but let's just say... it's been done before. I was left with a pretty poor taste in my mouth after having finished it and wondered what the point of it all even was.

Played it with a friend, all I gotta say is... damn daniel

the most stilted and awkward of the supermassive games i've played. clumsy dialogue, illogical behavior, and overused cheapo blumhouse jumpscares with generic scary-noise stings. all of their stuff is pretty schlocky but they're usually better at the fundamentals.

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I was sorta enjoying this up until the end. My main complaint with it before the stupid twist was that I feel like a lot of Supermassive's games really blindside you with qtes. While I like (most of) the plot the actual gameplay is not super engaging a lot of the time, this means that I will have taken my hand away from the controller during a cutscene to drink my tea and suddenly I've fucked up. I've only played until dawn before this one and it had the same issue where it was easy to lose focus and then get hit with a qte out of nowhere.
I don't know that the events being all in Will Poulter's head makes a lot of sense. A huge amount of this game is stuff that he isn't present for. I personally rarely like it was all in their head endings for games or for movies. It always feels like a huge cop out. We don't need there to be an explanation for what happened because it was all in his head. Except that doesn't explain the inciting incident of the game. The younger sister locks everyone in the house and burns them all, with a sinister presence in the background of one of her shots. That made sense with this is a cursed town where the same people relive trauma over and over, it becomes a lose thread if the events were in a different character's head.