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Man of Medan (2019): Jugándolo con 4 amigos me ha parecido una experiencia súper entretenida y original, pero falla tanto en su ejecución que se siente más como potencial perdido. Final muy atropellado, y mucho QTE. Por lo demás buenas bases para construir otras historias. Esta no (4,75)

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História bosta, se fosse fantasma seria mais legal 👍

Love narration games and what supermassive has done, but these are a one and done unless you want an easy platinum

Technically I played this game even though my character died 10 minutes in and my friends finished the game without me

++ Graphics
++ Atmosphere
+ Concept
- Story
-- Characters

Would have been stronger if I hadn't worked out the twist in the first scene, it's not subtle, though I think it is funny that the Curator acts like he's letting things slip and I'm here thinking "yeah I already worked that out." It was so simple that I half expected a double twist where something else would also be going on. Same issues as other Supermassive games, but they have some B horror charms.

short but sweet, wished it was a little bit longer tho

Pour un premier opus, c'est vraiment bon, l'histoire est intéressante et on apprécie faire l'aventure avec un ami

muito legal e é proibido matar

"The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan," a 2019 interactive horror game, is like a rollercoaster that, well, forgot some of its thrills. Here’s why it's perfectly average – a 3.5-star experience, if you will.

First off, the game's story has all the makings of a classic horror tale: a sunken WWII ship, a group of friends, and a dash of supernatural. But it's like expecting a gourmet meal and getting fast food instead. The plot is predictable to the point where you might feel like a psychic, and the characters are as deep as a kiddie pool. Sure, there are a few jump scares that might make you spill your popcorn, but it's more 'meh' than 'AAAH!'

The gameplay, though, does have its moments. It's like playing a movie where you're the director, but sometimes it feels like you've only got one actor who remembered their lines. The choices you make can alter the story, which adds a nice touch of "Choose Your Own Adventure." But let's face it, sometimes it's less about choosing your adventure and more about choosing which character gets the least screen time because, honestly, some are about as likable as a tax audit.

In conclusion, "The Dark Pictures: Man of Medan" is like a B-movie: not great, not terrible, just comfortably in the middle. It's the kind of game you play when you've finished everything else and your cat's already watched all its favorite bird videos. 3.5 stars for being perfectly okay.

I am a fan of Until Dawn and what Supermassive Games has done in this space. I liked the idea of the Dark Pictures Anthology telling these interesting little stories in their style. I thought Man of Medan was pretty okay and was looking forward to what they had coming next. Sadly, I just haven't played any of their follow up games, but I will be. Just so much to play these days.

Has is moments but ultimately quite forgettable.

Maybe it was just my route, but I felt that it never revealed the whole song and dance, which is a double edged sword in a sense - so I can't be too disappointed.

Short, but slightly sweeter than bland.

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typically love the choice based games that supermassive make, but this one is kinda boring and lacks replayability, a big issue for me because collecting achievements becomes very tedious quickly. my favourite thing about this game, though, is the ending where the characters can get like bombed by the government or something?

this was okay but not all that interesting, really cool setting though

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this could've been really good if it wasn't for the twist that it was all one big hallucination

kind of boring but fun to play with if u have a friend

El primer juego de la Saga de Dark Pictures. Si bien la historia está buena e invita a la rejugabilidad, me dejó un sabor a corta. De todas maneras, se puede volver a rejugar para escoger otras opciones y descubrir nuevos finales. Muy buena!

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I had very low expectations going in, but it actually turned out better than I expected. Still, it definitely has it's problems.

The first thing you notice is how bad the voice-acting is. For the main cast, it wasn't too bad and the dialogue is so fast that you barely get enough time to even notice the acting. But with the characters in the opening, it was seriously laughably bad; enough to really ruin the tension for that section.

What I find worse than the acting, though, is the dialogue. It's quite clunky and at times, incredibly unrealistic. The characters don't really react to their situation how real people would. It's not helped by how fast the dialogue is, which dampens the emotion behind the lines and is hard to keep up with at times.

I will say, I did like the atmosphere. Wandering around the ship genuinely felt tense and unsettling, especially later in the game where they really lean into the ghost story jumpscares. And as a big fan of the BioShock games, I loved the setting of a dilaptated, abandoned ship from the late 40's. The scene where there's music playing in the distance and you get chased by the pin-up girl is great – I wish they did more scenes taking advantage of the era like that.

I played on Challenging, and it did genuinely feel challenging. The QTEs and timed choices went by very fast, and although the heartbeat sensor itself wasn't too hard, the fear of messing it up made each scene using it appropriately tense.

The story itself is interesting, but definitely could have been fleshed out a lot more. I like that (spoilers for Until Dawn) it was the reverse of the twist in UD – a supernatural threat that turns out to just be a scientific threat instead of a killer that turns out to be a supernatural threat. I thought it was a fun little nod to their previous game, and I like that they didn't just repeat what they did with UD.

A lot of the clues (or as it's referred to in-game, 'secrets') felt pretty useless. It was just a bunch of stuff you can already inferr just by playing, and didn't really offer up much new information. When the characters use them to piece things together, instead of feeling like a big, satisfying reveal, it just felt like a bland retelling of what I already realized an hour ago. And maybe I just missed some clues, but it felt like the story was incomplete? Like, what was up with the demon-summoning book and church? The 'monster' skeleton in the coffin? Were those just red herrings or hallucinations? Because I feel like they should've had more weight. Not to mention, there was never a conclusion to Alex wanting to propose to Julia, or Fliss seemingly being a criminal.

Easily the most disappointing was the ending. After the encounter with the two-headed monster, I assumed there was more to do. It was a good chase scene, but nothing that felt like a finale. Argubably, the chase scenes before it were a lot more stressful and longer. But then the ending abruptly triggered. Followed by a very awkward, anti-climatic 'interview' section. Maybe they thought it'd be too much like UD, but I think they should've had an actual interview take place. Or, at the very least, a proper epilogue – maybe the character's lives months/years after? I will say, though, that I liked the post-credit scene. It was a bit confusing for me – as lots of things in this game were – but it was still a good watch.

This isn't even mentioning all the weird, little things such as loading screens in awkward places; the QTE animations skipping and making it look like Conrad was teleporting during his chase section with the pin-up girl; and, the dialogue being delayed/skipping.

Overall, it was kind of buggy, had okay characters (Brad and Fliss were my favs!) and an incomplete story with a anticlimatic ending, but a genuinely scary and unsettling atmosphere.

autant j'aime bien le taff de Supermassive Games, là c'est quand même raté par précipitation.
Uncanney Valley à gogo, déplacements laborieux, incohérences, bugs en tous genres...
Alors que les décors font le taff, et l'histoire est assez cool

Is not the best game ever made (I can tell) but one of the few choices matter I've played were choices ACTUALLY matter.

Recommended If you want to have fun with your friends

It can be really cheesy and at times I'm unsure if it's intentionally trying to invoke horror camp or if it's just badly written, but overall I had a really fun time with the story it told. It's not as good as Until Dawn, but I don't think that makes it not worth playing. Has some really good twists and turns and I generally enjoyed the kinda choices it was having me make.

Le moins bon des Dark Picture, je trouve que la fin gache un peu tous le jeux. Mais dans la série c'est celui qui réussit le mieux a géré la coop.

A great start to the series, felt smart when we figured out the games secret and were able to use it to our advantage for the remainder of the game.