Reviews from

in the past

me when i'm treated as an errand boy in skyrim: 😡😡
me when i'm treated as an errand boy in the illiac bay: ☺️☺️😆

Awesome. Just play the unity version though.

Eu me esforcei muito para fazer esse jogo ser divertido, mas não deu. As dungeons são uma bagunça que eu detestei explorar toda singular vez que uma missão me pedia para ir lá.

i may have only been able to adjust to this game at the tender age of 12 because i had a dogshit pc that couldn't play skyrim without it looking it like runescape circa 2005, but i still enjoyed every second i spent with this game. replaying atm on daggerfall unity!

Way too ambitious for it's time, even with Daggerfall Unity it's still a hard game to recommend. Theres a bunch of things that you look at and say "oh thats neat" and then move on in the Huge 10 layer dungeons the game offers, just to find a single book so you can complete a quest and get 5 reputation and 100 gold.

god tier game especially with the unity remake, they don't make em like this anymore

The commitment to scope makes this one of the most expansive RPGs ever made, if a bit shallow in certain areas like story. I would love to see some kind of modern take on this style of game.

I’m only giving this the stars I’m giving it under the assumption that you might be interested in the Unity Port and will play that. At this point the original game is so thoroughly outdone by Daggerfall Unity there really isn’t a point in going back.

I hate this game with every fiber of my being. Its every bad decision to create an RPG, a near empty world, overly complicated and stupid dungeons, constant backtracking that adds nothing but pad out the overly short story if u cut out all the backtracking. Ever want to be a vampire or werewolf for fun? Well its a curse and not just something u can do for fun cus thats not option. I hate this game so much, if i can rate it a negative 5 i would. The game is also littered with bugs and glitches and terrible ingame map. Arena is a better experience (more monotonous) than this. Id rather play monotonous than constant suffering.

(beaten with daggerfall unity, but also played it plenty of times in dos)

unironically the greatest sandbox rpg of all time. probably the closese a video game has felt when it comes to the dnd experience of having some sort of story but having so much content in-between to get occupied with. i hate to say it but if you hate this then you simply hate fun

Tried to play this one but it is so difficult to adapt to the mechanics. It may be one of the best but probably I'll never experience it...

Khajiit tiddies, Khajiit tiddies


Tried this one on DOS Box; liked it but it was too buggy to get through. Tried on Daggerfall Unity and it all came together. Daggerfall is a CRPG life simulation hybrid that cleverly uses procedurally generated, well, everything to build out a world as massive as you can imagine. You need to embrace the jank a little bit but once you're used to the basics, this a game you can get absolutely lost in.

An improvement over The Elder Scrolls: Arena in every way, The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall is an entertaining game, but not at all what I expected.

Before I played this game, I had heard how it boasted the largest video game map, equivalent to the size of the UK. I also heard how much possibility this game offered you in your playstyle, with a deep character system and a larger variety of content. However, I found this game to primarily be a dungeon crawler with HEAVY procedural generation, and it has very little in common with the games that popularized The Elder Scrolls, starting with Morrowind.

Although understandable for the age of the game and its ambitious scope, I found the procedural content, particularly the quests and the ridiculously large and complex dungeons, to be uninteresting and at times frustrating. Also, being an old game, there are a lot of difficult and straight up broken mechanics that necessitate cheating to get through it. And despite the game having quite a lot of complex systems for its time, a lot of it is not fully functional due to the amount of cut content, from what I've seen.

While the most talked-about aspects of the game didn't hit for me quite as hard as most other people, I still appreciate the heck out of this game. It's got a great vibe with its music and environments. It's got a surprising amount of interesting loot, from weapon types to magical artifacts. Most surprising of all, it has great lore that carries forward to the other Elder Scrolls games, such as characters and events that are still referenced in the series today. This is a very ambitious game for its time and it's impossible to not see that.

Like I said with Arena, Daggerfall is a must play for fans of The Elder Scrolls series who want to see how the series evolved over time. However, unless you have literally nothing else to play, I wouldn't recommend spending too much time with this game as most of it is procedural and lacks the handcrafted care that later titles are known for.

Please sir Agent sir Do The Needful, make ParadiseSugar a reality on mundus, not just 'elsewhere'! DO NOT REDEEM THE FULLYCHARGD MANTELLA 'ELSEWHERE'!!!

ps:sosorry,there I go again, dribbling out inflammatory ironic LETTERS with my zwinthodurrarr again, Apologies! objectiv LuigiMansion review forthcoming for all my fellow discerning adult nintendogamecube fans...

Did not enjoy trying to play this game, might be too ruined by modern gaming to enjoy it, but felt very tedious.

Daggerfall Unity might be the most grateful I've been for a piece of software. Daggerfall is such a lovely and realized fantasy-life sim imbued with enjoyable dungeon crawling and incredible scale! It still stands as one of the few games that evokes the sensation of being a small, insignificant inhabitant of a vast world and lets you make your own story. This flavor of game hasn't ever been replicated, even by it's own successors. It's such a relief for it to have a feature complete and accessible port after all this time.

Even more heartwarming than the unity port is the plethora of mods that followed! Daggerfall's promise of a massive world was more than fufilled, but said world is kind of empty and a little shallow. If you visit the nexus page, you'll find dozens of projects to decorate, terraform, and liven up the Iliac Bay and they're all pretty easy to install too! I don't know, it just brightens my eyes to see so much excitement for a game that felt completely left behind by it's successors.

Play Daggerfall!