Reviews from

in the past

Played Daggerfall only recently, this RPG is definitely greater-than-life, with the obvious downside of being a little randomized at times. There's no doubt that the game is fully-fledged, it feels complete and can be played for hours, the quantity of content is perpetual. There is however still a lack of creative direction resulting from the scale of the game. Daggerfall is an early sandbox game, a trademark of Bethesda's RPG, with all of its flaws and fruitions.

character creation was so cool but as i played i was hit with the creeping realization that the Game Sucks

less buggy than arena in 2023 but I'd rather watch a youtube video talking about how awesome this game is rather than play it.

Love how the tutorial teaches you to quicksave like a maniac, just before the 1st dungeon starts throwing enemies that might be unkillable to your current character build.

My build couldn't kill anything beyond a rat in the 1st dungeon. As in any Bethesda game, my build really was save-scumming.

remember when you were 40 hours into the game and realized there was a 2 hour time limit for part of the main quest lest you be locked out forever?

Better than "Arena" but still filled with terribly tedious things.

epic RPG, probably the best.

Very complex and large game for it's time, I would suggest the unity mod to play it nowdays.

A really big game with lots to explore and do but the game feels pretty bad to play even for its time, which is a pretty extreme roadblock to getting to enjoy any of what Daggerfall has to offer. The aesthetics are pretty nice too though all things considered.

the only true computer role-playing game.

the fact that the majority of videos on youtube about this game use mods to make the game look WORST say a lot about who this game appeal to

daggerfall unity completely kills the games atmosphere just play vanilla and adjust the keybinds

Ok, look, it's not really an awful game, but it's just not that great

At it's best, Daggerfall is a creative and bottomless feeling little RPG that holds up better than it has any right to and feels closer to a modern indie game than an archaic AAA. At it's worst, Daggerfall heartless, soulless slog of a game where the endless pit of vapid procedurally generated content wears down any sense of meaning to anything you do.

Despite being a theoretically enormous and endlessly vast game, you've seen everything Daggerfall has to offer in the first five minutes. Hand-crafted dungeons are few and far between and the procedurally generated ones are often nonsensical and an absolute slog to navigate with the game's difficult to read auto-map, the path to complete the main quest without failing it or missing a timer feels completely arcane and basically demands a strategy guide.

When I stick to the towns and live out my fantasy of being a fantasy handy-woman and jack-of-all-trades doing little errands, reading the semi-randomly generated dialogue and wandering village to village and slowly levelling up I can have tons of fun. The second I try to play the game 'as intended' and delve into the dungeons I have a miserable time.

Daggerfall is wide as an ocean but as deep as a puddle. It's a very interesting old game but it doesn't live up to the reputation it has garnered in recent years as a long lost gem.

I will say having tried it after finishing the original DOS version that the fan-made Daggerfall Unity version of the game does significantly improve the experience, especially if you use the hidden INI settings to improve dungeon generation and reduce the size of the pointlessly large and often empty random dungeons, but given this is a fan modification of the game it's unfair to judge the game as it was released based on these improvements.

Good. Old. Underrated. One of the biggest game worlds but nothing in most of it??? Still great. Nude pixel fantasy chicks??? Joining a knight brotherhood?? Becoming a religious deciple??? If only TES stayed this cool. Dungeons are long and hard, and due to randomly generated mechanics, they can sometimes be impossible to clear. Very buggy game, cheats are almost required.

It's definitely an improvement over Arena, but I still hate the time limit in quests. This game's story missions for some reason are scrambled to the point where you can choose one of 3 quests but if you accidentally choose the one that is supposed to be the ending, RIP the other two and it was very frustrating. The story is just royal families drama for the most part, which I'm never a fan of. Nonetheless, I appreciate how the ending part of the game deviates from that and how the endings were acknowledged in later entries. Overall; it's ok. The gameplay is great and enjoyable once it clicks with you, but the story.. idk it never clicked with me lol

Do yourself a favor and play this with the Unity version because you CAN get softlocked due to random generation.

If anyone tells you this is the best Elder Scrolls they are lying or crazy. The crazy big world and freedom the game offers is interesting, but its a real mess of a game and is often not very fun.

The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall, released in 1996, was a groundbreaking RPG for its time, boasting a colossal open world that was revolutionary for its era. While it laid the foundation for the iconic Elder Scrolls series, it comes with both commendable strengths and notable weaknesses.

One of Daggerfall's most impressive aspects is the sheer scale of its game world. Covering a staggering 62,000 square miles, it offers an unparalleled sense of exploration and freedom. The procedural generation of cities and dungeons adds to the sense of vastness, ensuring that no two playthroughs are exactly alike. The scope of this ambitious undertaking is undoubtedly commendable.

The character creation and role-playing mechanics in Daggerfall are also noteworthy. Players have the freedom to shape their characters' backgrounds, selecting from a wide range of races, classes, and skills, providing countless possibilities for customizing the hero's journey.

Moreover, the depth of lore and world-building in Daggerfall is exemplary, with rich storytelling and immersive quests that keep players engaged for hours on end. The political intrigue, factions, and various storylines contribute to a captivating experience, especially for those who appreciate intricate narratives.

On the other hand, Daggerfall's vastness and procedural generation come at a price. The game's graphics, even by 1996 standards, are outdated and lack the polish seen in modern RPGs. The massive game world can also lead to a daunting and often confusing experience for new players, who may feel lost or overwhelmed without clear direction.

Furthermore, Daggerfall suffers from numerous bugs and technical issues that were prevalent in games of its time. Although understandable given the era's limitations, these technical shortcomings can hinder the overall enjoyment of the game.

TL;DR: The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall is a pioneering RPG with an enormous open world, offering freedom and exploration. Customizable character creation and rich lore contribute to a captivating experience. However, outdated graphics, technical issues, and lack of guidance may deter some modern players. A classic gem for RPG enthusiasts interested in gaming history.

Unplayable nowadays.
Quest repeats
gameplay repeats
dungeon repeats
only plus is open world is LARGE even look today.

Somehow my favorite Elder Scrolls. Really jank, but kind of charming.

Its not worth it even its free. The Unity version which also I played didnt address the problems of this game. Its 0.5 stars for me because even with Unity version and its QOL features its unplayable. This game is ahead of its time but isnt consider a cult classic. Despite what youtubers and reviewers said about this game its not a cult classic like Baldur's Gate series. This is a game of its time. Bethesda really become mainstream when Morrowind released. Dont waste time playing this game

daggerfall is the first real entry in the elder scrolls series, and what an entry. a masterpiece of early procedural generation, second only to frontier in how well it leverages its scope and scale. a labyrinth of content, some of it great, most of it at least pretty good. bethesda's grand adage of "go anywhere, do anything, be anyone" has never been more perfectly realized than here.

Esse jogo é muito bom, ainda mais o porte da unity onde eu coloquei 3 GB de mod sendo que o jogo só tem 1 GB KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK Quadrupliquei o tamanho do jogo e joguei pra caralho como eu joguei essa porra, esse jogo é um sandbox rpg INSANO, puta merda que jogo incrivel na humilda, não recomendo a todos mas é zika demais.

Only game I've ever played where you can physically feel the game shaking under the weight of its own ambition. It will crash, you'll fall through the floor, half the mechanics don't work, elevators keep moving while you're in the menu. The best Elder Scrolls game.

Review EN/PTBR

Truly a game so far ahead of its time that the only thing that held it back was the limitations of technology.


Realmente um jogo muito a frente de seu tempo que a única coisa que segurou ele foi a limitação da tecnologia da época.

o jogo não é ruim, porém em quesito de gameplay infelizmente envelheceu mal demais

I remember in high school one of my friends got frustrated with my other friend who was DMing a dnd campaign because he would roll for enemy encounters whenever they traveled and they would just spend hours fighting random shit that was irrelevant to the rest of the storyline.

This is the video game version of that.