Reviews from

in the past

Just logging my first attempt at this game. If you fuck up early game by not playing optimally enough, you will fuck yourself over and have to restart. Only reason I'm actually starting another attempt is because im enamored.

So bad but I'd force a friend to play.

Beautiful visual designs with high stress resource management, exactly my cup of tea.

Have to use cheats to complete it really, but is one of the most beautiful games out there. Ice pick lodge can really do no wrong.

Уникальная игра/рай для симпов, но платишь за всё это таким себе геймплеем

Not really good as a game. Good visual effects and story stuff.

The void is a game developed Ice-Pick Lodge, most famous for developing Pathologic 1 and 2. This is their second game after their first, Pathologic. As you might assume from these dev's this game is hostile to the player. The world is dreary and abandoned (for the most part), and the gameplay is stressful, tedious, and has consequences for playing poorly.

This game tasks you with collecting color in a world basically devoid of it. You must collect color, and grow it in gardens, or mine it from ore deposits, maybe even find scraps; but mostly you will be farming. You fill a tree with color and it will give you color over a couple "cycles", and then once its empty, you cannot use that tree for quite a while. Not understanding how this fully worked, I borked my first 5 hours into this game and basically had to start a new playthrough.

I started again, however, because the ambience, vibe, and visuals of this game are crazy. Each sister has their own unique worlds that are so beautiful I just stood there and looked for a while. The small areas you get to explore kind of remind of Hypnagogia, just like small dream-like locations that exist. The cutscenes, dialogue, and everything just make me go "woah. This is fucking Video Games."

Sadly, I also abandoned this run because the gameplay becomes too tedious, and I kind of just really didn't wanna start the game up to play it whenever I thought about it. At first, the gameplay is engaging because you are managing your colors, trying to grow them without growing too much. At that point I only played small sessions because it taxed my brain quite a lot, couldn't handle longer sessions. Eventually though I got to the point where you can start fighting the primary antagonists, the 10 Brothers. I was following a guide and was way ahead power curve wise, so I got like 6 of them before the game tells you to do it. Then I realized I have all I need except to fight the final boss, except you have to wait until the 30th cycle to fight him, which was 9 away, which is a long time. I just gave up cause I didn't wanna jack my pud for 9 cycles, I get what the game is and I think its too tedious at this point.

Despite that, I still think this game is something you can only create in this medium. This is a game that fucking shows you what Video Games™ can be.

Oh my god.
it changes the way you view video games and, dammit, life itself. have my reasons to love it, have my reasons to hate it, but this one's just part of me now, i guess. play the "tension" version, it is better.

крайне не люблю так говорить, но правда, игра не для всех. прошел её в чернейший из этапов своей жизни. это не какая-то чудодейственная мазь, не волшебная палочка, но голову твою она занимает и, хочешь не хочешь, иногда будешь о ней думать. видимо, душевно здоровые в такие игры не играют.
я мог бы пожурить её за невнятный, размазанный сюжет (ну люблю я, когда хотя бы события четко обозначены - тут же трактовать все можно как угодно, сон кильки в томатном соусе может показаться убедительной интерпретацией), забагованность (первое прохождение мне заруинил баг, из-за которого я полез на форумы '08 года - игра из-за него непроходима), в каком-то смысле даже претенциозность. но в том то и дело, мог бы, но не хочется. я могу быть предвзят, сейчас сам себе не верю, но меня игра поразила, сбила как грузовой поезд на скорости 300 км/ч даже.
я обязательно дополню этот отзыв позже, мысли должны настояться, но это восторг. video games are fucking alive.

а, ну и дежурная шутка, ей нужно белого ей нужно белого ей нужно белого.

Pathologic seems an impossible masterpiece to follow-up, especially for the hundred hours I've spent in the Town-on-Gorkhon, and the hundreds more considering it. Considering how oddly close to my heart it struck, how alien and punishing, yet familiar and comfortable Pathologic feels to me. I can never write about it or speak about it without feeling like I'm doing it a great injustice, or else exaggerating my feelings to make it feel more special, as though it's my own little piece of art untouchable and thus incorruptible by anyone else. I've waited, paced myself out between experiencing Ice Pick Lodge's other work because I expect to be let down in one way or another after reaching the highs Pathologic offered me. The Void, then, has an unrealistically high bar to reach, one that I was ready to accept and temper my expectations accordingly. What I didn't expect was for this piece to forge a new bar altogether, not higher nor lower than Pathologic, but in a different plane completely. The Void, as it so happens, is completely special.

The Void's surreal and challenging design makes me feel sensitive, submerged, in a way that art rarely makes me feel, as though I don't have full control over myself while I'm inside of it. I think about the colors, the compartmentalization of emotion, and wonder how I use them in my real life, how I approach my emotions and attribute them within myself and paint them onto others, how I nurture relationships with them. I wonder if its manipulative to be aware of this, to consciously grow colors for an intended outcome, or just to feel them inside me for a period. I am sensitive to the colors, and feel them burst like pollen from firework blossoms inside me, spreading through my body and swaying me one way or another. When I smell, touch, see, remember, colors burst and I am forced to place them neatly into compartments within my heart, savoring them and keeping them until I know what to do with them, or until they metabolize and pass through me. I can try to grow colors myself, inspiration from art, passion or hatred or anxiety, but is this the wrong way to approach the world? When color decides to enter me, should it be spontaneous, do I risk burning out when I harvest it myself? Sometimes I have no color at all, sometimes I wake up with it from dreams or finished thought experiments, sometimes it fills my brain and lungs and makes it hard to think and breathe. Within the bounds of the game, there is a correct answer, and end-goal for your attribution of color, or at least one that lets you feel satisfied with having experimented until an ending comes for you. In the real world, in my own body and my own void, what do I do with these thoughts and feelings?