Reviews from

in the past

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Classic 2
That train sequence <3

Yeah 2. (Don't have hours or when I played it on record due to playing it as a kid)

One of the best games I played it’s not the best in the series but it was a huge step from the first one and I liked the villain better but I can be frustrating sometimes especially whith the final boss. And those avatar people are annoying asf

The one that's worth replaying in the series. Builds upon what made Drake's Fortune great, with even better level design and an engaging story.

Excellent writing, acting, rememberable set pieces, and fun action in beautiful locations is what sets Among Thieves as my favourite in the series. Definitely on the list of timeless classics for the PS3. That opening says it all.

A massive improve over drakes fortune better story, characters and location.

my mind was blown up to this game back in day

Not even comparable to the first one

L'opus le plus iconique de la franchise en toute honnêteté

Unlike the first game this one aged much better, a truly remarkable game in the ps3 history.

Uncharted 2 was a lot of fun. I loved the different set-pieces as well as the way the story takes the player to a ton of different locations. I liked the interactions of the characters and how it feels like a big-budget movie. The combat sequences were designed much better in this game compared to the first and didn't feel like I was being left out to dry in bad areas.

Uncharted 2 improves on the original game in almost every aspect I could think of. I'm glad the game features a lot more diversity in environments and that the combat and platforming has been polished and refined as well.

After playing the prequel my expectations for this game were kinda low but thankfully Uncharted 2 is not only a huge improvement over the last game, but also so action packed and ridiculously over-the-top that it sold me on the franchise. The soundtrack this time around was also fantastic.

Uncharted 2 is a sequel done right and just a joy to play. It really holds up for its time and the characters are as charming as usual.

this game is a masterpiece, 100% biased tho uncharted is probably my favorite series.

Esse jogo seria perfeito se não fosse o chefe final dele que é chato e sem necessidade. Mas ele é tão bom que pra mim não baixa a nota.

Sonlara doğru çok sıkıcı oluyor tempo sorunu yüzünden

was surprised at how well most of this game held up. innovative set pieces, fun story, passable gunplay, and a good dynamic between its core cast of characters.

It might be pretty linear and scripted as all Hell, but Uncharted 2 is a very well-polished and rewarding action adventure game with terrific level design, a strong variety of third-person shooting, platforming, and puzzle-solving, great pacing, and a fun, pulpy story very reminiscent of the Indiana Jones film series.

Multiplayer was awesome too back in the day.

Really dope ass shit. Honestly I feel weird about saying this but I think there was only so much that this game could improve over the first one. Feels kind of like the same game, having played them back-to-back, but I think this one was better, albeit slightly.

Characters had more fun interactions, a lot of them had me smiling because I think the main cast has really good chemistry. The set pieces were a lot more entertaining, and a lot less infuriating in this game. No more driving up rivers or any of that bullshit, but there's blowing people up in cars again (yippee!!) climbing out of a burning train, exploring temples, doing puzzles, and shooting more bad guys indiscriminately...!

This game is definitely super fun, and an improvement over the last one, but I don't think I'm confident in saying it's by very much. Did love it tho!

Yeah, Naughty Dog wanted to to a lot of thing and eventually ended doing nothing correctly...
I don't think it's a good shooter.
I don't think it's a good plateformer.
I don't think it's a good puzzle game.
I don't think it's a good story.
As a consequence, not being fond of adventure games, I don't know if it a good adventure game. I know I disliked it.

Meu Uncharted favorito, pegou tudo que tinha no 1 e consegiu melhorar

I remember really enjoying this one, and was happy with the shift in gameplay. Still insane how many people he kills.

Train set piece is great, zombies... it's fine.

Uncharted 2 sadly formed into this Call of Duty wannabe, action heavy game, where seemingly everything improved, but became less like an unique experience, and more like a mainstreamed adventure for the masses.

The game is still great, but the charm of the original is long gone, and the cartoony vibes of the original only became visible in the writing department, everything else became a lot more gritty.

The combat seemingly improved and got worse at the same time, with the enemy variety becoming the most frustrating I have ever seen in a TPS action-platformer so far. Sometimes the game can be a nightmare even in normal difficulty with how much it spawns these ridiculusly bullet spongey enemies out from nowhere, creating really unfair situations.

The platforming is obviously a step up from the original and the collectible treasures almost doubled, so finding all of them is a real challenge this time.

What ruins this side of the game is the mentioned action sequences, where the game just throws so much action at you, that you seemingly forget this side of the game, and it becomes Call of Duty really quickly.

E se Missão impossível e Indiana Jones tivessem um filho?