Reviews from

in the past

Muchos lo consideran el mejor...
A ver... maaaasomenos

tan tan tan tannnn tannn tantantan

There was definitely a question on everyone’s mind when this game released…how did that shitty Indiana jones/tomb raider style game get a sequel? And even better…the sequel is better than the original.

After finding el dorado in the original game, Nathan drake is now on the hunt for the mysterious and legendary Shambhala! Ok his journey he meets Chloe Frazer, an old friend Harry Flynn, and the dangerous Zoran (I don’t want to spell his last name cause I know I’ll spell it wrong :/) and he is joined by Elena and sully. The journey takes him completely through Marco polo’s voyage and tests him to his very limits.

Especially the beginning, that is one of the most impressive moments of the entire series.

The gameplay is a major improvement from what it was in drake’s fortune. The gun combat is a lot better and improved, and climbing feels a lot more fluid. Puzzles also feel a lot more complex and challenging (but still not too challenging and probably a lot more interesting).

I’m really not looking forward to getting onto the third game and reviewing it but I may as well get it out of the way soon. Overall though this is a wonderful improvement to what the first game was. And in all honesty, I wish the third game could’ve perfected this game’s formula but alas…

Huge improvement, brilliant gameplay, excellent story, I fucking hate tanks

Not as good as uncharted 4 but it’s still amazing

its fine better than the first but by the end all the enemies are just bullet sponges and it really stops beign fun

faz tempo q joguei esse jogo mas lembro de ser muito bom

Millions of dollars and the full power of the PS3 are used to prove that yes, a videogame about a homicidal maniac who thinks he's an action hero can be as good as a B movie.

Not my favourite Uncharted game but it is extremely solid.

uma evolução em relação ao primeiro, mas que finalzinho nada ver, hein. Muito viajado fr

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Rien que quand t'arrives dans le menu et que la musique se lance, tu sens que tu pars pour une aventure particulière.
Première cinématique, Nathan se réveil blessé dans un train. La caméra nous donne l'impression que le wagon est sur le sol, puis elle change d'angle et on se rend compte avec Nathan que le wagon est en réalité dans le vide. On échappe de peu à un débris qui nous fait presque tomber dans le ravin et c'est comme ça que l'on commence à jouer, en devant escalader le wagon avant qu'il ne tombe. Rien qu'avec cette introduction, on comprend que l'on est fasse à une dinguerie.
Je pourrais décrire toutes les situations mémorables de ce jeu, mais ça serait bien trop long. J'ai découvert avec Uncharted, qu'il était possible de ressentir des émotions proche de ce que je ressentais en regardant de très bon films d'actions. On s'attache si vite aux personnages tant l'écriture à la fois décontracté et touchante nous emporte. On souhaiterait être aux côtés de Nate et Sully, partir explorer les montagnes enneigées du Népal, trouver la cité cachée de Shambhala,...
Le gameplay reste simple et justement je trouve que ça en fait aussi sa force, car après avoir joué à je ne sais combien de jeu qui essayent de nous embarquer dans ce genre d'aventure mais avec des arbres de compétences, niveaux, des armes différentes toutes les 3 secondes,... ça fait du bien d'être relâché sur un jeu maîtrisé qui montre qu'avec un gameplay simple, on peut toucher la perfection.

Used to play this awesome game a long time ago, must've been 10 years. My PS3 got the yellow light of death, parents didn't want to buy me a new one since middle-school was coming up and I had a lot of school work to do, also had to prepare for college.
I wish to play it again soon, maybe when I manage to buy a PS5.
Good old days!

I love this game! The train sequence is such a fun set piece and all the characters are fun and a great time. Still pretty repetitive and aiming at a slightly long distance without a laser sight or sniper rifle is unnecessarily hard, but a great thrill ride for sure.

The Uncharted games are all one big game to me. I really don’t think there’s that much that differentiates them so I’m going to post the same thing on each game. I will break down each game a little bit here.
For reference, I played Uncharted 2 first, then Uncharted 1, then the rest on their respective release days – outside of Golden Abyss which I did not immediately play as I didn’t get a Vita on launch day.

This series was pretty wild to me. I played the Crash games as a kid and they were the only thing I ever associated with Naughty Dog. I has pretty much stuck with Nintendo entirely up until 2009.

Uncharted 2 - One of the first PlayStation exclusive games I played on the PS3. The writing, production level, detailed environments, pacing, varied platforming/gunplay had me feeling like I was clearly missing out on something. Sully instantly became one of my favourite video game characters. He’s still up there to this day. I also really like Chloe, which is something that boosts this game up as well. I generally don’t like puzzles but these games do them “correctly”. Not too confusing but not too simple. I appreciate how you use your little notebook to come up with solutions.

I think this is the most important entry, and it makes sense that people look back on it the most fondly. It came at a time when PS was finally getting back in to shape. This game was probably the number one reason for the PS3’s rise to glory in 2009. I do believe its success and the way people view it in retrospect is partially due to its timing.

Uncharted 1 – Going back to play this after 2 made it more apparent how inferior this one is. It’s still a great game, but it would have been more impressive back in 2007. I am not surprised it didn’t light the world on fire back then, though. They didn’t quite nail the pacing yet. Most aspects of the game felt like they were still trying to figure out the hardware but they were doing the best they could. The voice work, the music, the sense of adventure were there. They hadn’t quite dreamed big enough yet to set up the big set pieces that the series became known for in 2. It’s the weakest game in the franchise (at least tied for that title) – but that’s okay. It was first.

Uncharted 3 – This game is equally as good as Uncharted 2 in almost every way. They worked on improving the hand to hand combat and they brought Sully back in a bigger way. Love that. However, since it released only 2 years after U2, I feel it was too heavily criticized for being “more of the same” – which I don’t have a problem with. U2 and U3 are very similar. If they released in reverse order, people would be calling U2 the copy cat and the weaker game.

Uncharted: Golden Abyss – Similar in quality to Uncharted 1. It wasn’t developed by Naughty Dog, this was Sony Bend taking a crack at the franchise to bring “console quality games” to their new handheld. For the most part, they succeeded. The touchpad integration was pretty silly but it was fine – most games were trying to take advantage of the gimmicks of the Vita at the time. It couldn’t quite be as big and bombastic as the two most recent games, it was more of a return to simplicity of the first. I’d say either this or U1 is the weakest – it’d be hard to argue against that.

Uncharted 4 – Similar to U2 and U3 in terms of the pacing and execution of story / action, but a little different in terms of scope. They definitely tried to make things more open and for the most part, it is appreciated. Change can be good if it is implemented well. I think I prefer how linear the other games were, though. This game goes for a more personal story of Drakes and it pays off well to “end” his saga. The Crash part was super cool to see. Overall, for its time I think it’s again equal in quality to U2 and U3.

Uncharted: Lost Legacy – Chloe has always been a Top 2 character for me, along with Sully. I love that they focused a game around her. Nadine is cool, too. This game is an extension of the Uncharted 4 formula and I loved it. Good stuff.

Overall, it’s a fantastic franchise that has remained pretty consistent over the span of a decade.

Proper interactive movie. Wish I didn't have to kill a million soldiers in every single chapter, though.

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Luckily, Uncharted 2 improves upon the first game in almost every possible way, with only a few small complaints stopping this from reaching a 5. The story feels way more in depth here, especially compared to the first game. I was very glad by the change of scenery as the first game was ALL IN THE JUNGLE and this had a couple of varied locations that shook up the pace every now and then. The gameplay was much more fleshed out in this game, with the addition of stealth, enemy variety, more weapons and environments made this a way more well rounded experience.
But sadly, there’s a reason this wasn’t a 5, and that odds almost entirely because of the section from after the train crash and before the village under siege section. That section just bored me to my core and I had to take a break because I wanted to play something entertaining. Aside from that though, overall Uncharted 2 is an incredible game that 1-ups its predecessor in almost every way.

vivendo intensamente o caminho ate a escola na epoca dos meus pais

Really wanted to like this. The story and characters and everything in that aspect of the game is really good, the combat is just godawful.

Bazı uzun savaşma sahneleri dışında süpersin

Chloe was a key point in helping me realize I was into chicks too

Still better than assassin's creed

If not for Uncharted 4 this would be best game in the franchise.
An even better combat, parkour and story than the first game with the same lovable characters, some new interesting ones and an awesome villain.
How fucking cool was that opening train scene??