Reviews from

in the past

Vabbè dai cs co gli agenti dopo 3 partite di seguito contro killjoy, viper e chamber ti viene il tumore e smetti di giocare per 1 mese

played alot in lockdown. really fun but imo not as good as CS:GO

I have a toxic relationship with riot games

Please just play Counter Strike.

good game except i dont like how long the games are

hate the people i run into on the game, so fuckin annoying and pretty sure the client is some sort of malware

wtf is even happening in this game

what am i even doing with my life

i have never played this game but i fucking hate it

É até divertidinho, adorei o fato de que não tem microtransações de encher o saco, o que achei ruim foi os gráficos, são bem cartuninescos, não que esteja ruim, é eu que sou chato.

fui varado por um fdp
-falei alguns palavrões
-po, desgraça, FILHA DA ***************************
-a criança que estava no game estava com o pai ao lado
-ele me deu sermão sobre falar palavrão e sobre ser mais responsável na presença de crianças

Spike Spiegel plays Brimstone. Other than that the game is ruining me mentally

With better graphics and less visual impeding abilities this game would be better

This shit is so boring I wanna close the game the second I get into a game.

As much as I say I hate this game I had fun with it while I did and i cant deny the 500 hours and more I put into the game it did get to the point where it was to competitive to have fun and the community is not the greatest still better than LoL's but the game is enjoyable if you like slower fps games like cs although u may find it more childish if your coming from cs

sympa mais se dégrade avec le système de héro qui peu que refaire une r6 et tuer le jeu mais pour l'instant il reste jouable car il copie cs et à bien réussie à rendre ce genre de jeu populaire

Pew pew pew
Big aim no brain

riot games try not to create a game with the most disgusting player-base challenge failed (again!!)

game is terrible bro. one gun skin costs $20+ dollars, community toxic af, and I seriously hope the developers tank because they don't do nothing except overprice you and smile. You can lab this game for 1000+ and still be terrible. you cannot see your progression at all. The shooting ain't even make sense. Just go play CSGO. .9/10🏴

It's a very polished game combining one of my favourite genres with one i usually don't play. Sadly didn't get that much into playing but the pro leauge is very fun to watch