Reviews from

in the past

Still in Early Access with very active devs. Looking forward to seeing where the game goes, as the foundations are solid

Glad the devs relaunched the game as a singleplayer/coop. Give em a chance once more, they worked hard on this.

I came back to try Wayfinder out after the initial release of the game. Especially after seeing the monumental list of changes that were made.

There is a level of passion and dedication that are on display here - I don't think people could argue that the devs do not care about the world they have crafted, there is tons of detail in the hubs and world.

The biggest detractors for me is simply that the game handles really clumsy. For wanting to be an action game that relies on your skill to accomplish cool combos and dodge attacks there is a huge amount of jank in the movement. Movement feels floaty and clunky, attack animations for some weapons are fine but others feel incredibly heavy and slow compared to the floaty movement your character has and animations the enemies can have.

All of these sort of distills into an experience that just feels like it's not entirely sure what it wants to be. Parts of the game are open world until you discover dungeons and then can travel to them directly out of the HUB. So which is it? An exploration open world action game? A HUB based mission type dungeon crawler? The game doesn't know and you wont either.

I don't want to be negative and DO feel like there are some interesting bones here, but I think the changes that need to happen to this game are dramatic and I'm not sure if this game will be around long enough to iron those out.

I actually played this when it was brand new because I thought it looked like some mindless action RPG fun but found it to be so unstable and bogged down in game-as-a-service bull that I ended up refunding it. Turns out while I was away the publisher let the whole game die and just gave up one it. This is usually where a game like this would just vanish but these devs did something really admirable. They took back their game and totally reworked it into a normal-ass video game!

It's still just a generic mediocre action RPG but I never really needed it to be anything but that. The way this game has transformed though really speaks to how monetization and live service integration is ruining so many games. This game should have been lost forever but instead there's actually something pretty fun here. I'm having a good time just running around doing some serviceable action combat and picking up loot and exploring a decently sized open world. It's good!

I really hope we see more free2play bombs go this route.