Reviews from

in the past

say hello to the best character in we happy few (except for the entire dlc because you ARE him.)

Now this is one cool DLC. You could even tell so from the trailer. It starts with a rat telling you some hilarious shit and the entire DLC is just crazy fun madness. Some incredibly cool mechanics and story bits. The ending is strange though, it doesn't tell you who Foggy Jack is and he's still on the prowl during the main story, which i assume happens after the DLC (I'm not certain since it's been a while since i've played both the main story and the DLC.)

A much-needed addition for We Happy Few to further pronounce just how good Mr. Lightbearer is for everyone to love and enjoy, and some other things, with tons of wit, surreal sequences, and a gripping yet hilarious mystery that fits perfectly within the context of the original game, the Lightbearer DLC proves perfect for expanding the scope of empathy one can have for the dastardly dashing fellow. Who doesn't want to experience the life of fortune and fame as our favorite drugged-out rock n' roll superstar and watch his potentially scandalous drama unfold? May I add that you can talk to a devilishly sarcastic rat? Get gobsmacked with perfection (well, as good as a DLC can get) right now and just play it, sucker! You won't regret the experience!

Essa DLC é divertida, é criativa e muito distraida, eu amo ela MUITO, tudo funciona muito bem e é muito genial, total contraste do jogo base que é seco e repetitivo, acho que todos deveriam dar uma chance as dlcs