Reviews from

in the past

Joguei do início ao fim e até que gostei. Tem seus defeitos, mas no geral eu me diverti bastante, tem quem deteste o Guarnição, mas era útil. O melhor foram as raides, principalmente a Cidadela Fogo do Inferno. O novo conteúdo de Battle Pet também gostei muito.

Like Cataclysm or Shadowlands, WoD was a weak expansion. The citadel was cool, sure, but was else we got? Story-wise was weak, the PvE lacked content and the PvP island was not so great. I think they used this expansion to maintain entertained the players while they thought ideas for Legion.

What a fucking tragedy.

In hindsight, the fact that WoD was barely on life support as soon as it launched is a pretty miserable thought. Cataclysm drove a lot of players away gradually that MoP was just unable to bring back and retain despite being a solid expansion in its own right.

WoD was poised to bring things back on track and demonstrated that a lot of people wanted to come back. But man, did Blizzard completely drop the ball. It can't be understated how much of a disappointment this expansion ended up being. WoD was a game that you -wanted- to play, but at the end of the day just couldn't due to a complete lack of concrete, expansion-specific content.

divertido porem n fazia nenhum sentido so serviu pra deixa a historia maluca e fazer cashgrab com nostalgia e a expansao durou mt mais do q era p lançar com quase nada de conteúdo, foi muito desleixado da parte da blizzard porem tudo que eles colocaram eu gostei, mesmo sendo pouca coisa

Cool expansion.
Not as good as the previous one.

I actually liked Warlords of Draenor at the start, but Blizzard just fucked it up.

Would kill for a decently scripted private server tbh
WOD raiding was great, its just that everything else sucked ass

Fun, but max level was still a pointless grind.

It's certainly not a good sign when you can get raid gear from sitting around in a garrison doing fuck all.

Comparada con las nuevas expansiones no está tan mal. Pero comparada con las antiguas es injugable.

started from this expansion with my older brother, amazing times