Reviews from

in the past

Gr8 Battle Royale. Getting better at this game has is such a rewarding multiplayer experience. Nothing better than being the Apex Champion. Also shouts out to that one day in 2019 this came out, good feelings good times :-)

The game has only really gone downhill since around 2020, it has a lot of problems that just seem to get worse with each update and new character. If this was 4 years ago i would recommend this for anyone liking the battle royal genre but its fallen so low from what it was i cannot recommend, if they would atleast get rid of the rampant cheaters and performance issues id change this review.

i love running around for 40 minutes and only having access to 5% of the cast of playable people

لعبة شوتر ممتعه الصراحة لاكن بديت اطفش منها

Might give it another chance, but it’s just not my thing really, movement’s great, character designs are appealing but it just isn’t my thing.

Wake up, feel silly, play Wattson.

i grinded this game in high school and wondered how i so POSSIBLY didn't have any girls interested in me

GooeyScale: 65/100

Really fun battle Royal game. But FPS isn't really my forte so I only have 200 hrs on this. Still it was quite fun with friends.

The best battle royale experience in the market. But I hate how little damage the guns do. Feel like pea shooters

Meh was fun for the month I played it

This game is probably good but I'm a fortnite girlie and there's no fixing me.

pretty fun FPS even though i kinda suck at it, the gunplay and movement feel great

went downhill but is peak compared to valorant

Game fell off super hard. Peaked Diamond 2 in S13 and S14. Mostly played between S12 and S14 so that is what I am judging it based on. I've heard that after S14 it fell off even harder. Either way, the ranked is actually so exciting. A lot more exciting than ranked fortnite (peaked 17k arena points and 700 PR, I used to grind fortnite so I would know). Still its riddled with dirty controller players who hit every single shot due to aim assist and they have better movement than all keyboard players and they still complain the most. Unreal.

En tant que fan de Titanfall et de ses mécaniques, je ne peux qu'aimez Apex. Après, comme tout battle royal, c'est chiant en solo et certaines maj causes de gros problèmes (entre les armes et persos bullshit etc.). Cependant, je trouve que la redondance, très présente dans ce genre de jeu, est moins présente.

It's an awesome battle royale game, but it attracts the dumbest people on the planet.

cool de voir que le lore s’expand mais pitié me mettais plus en ranked avce des masters quand je suis en Silver merci (octaneLover99)

I have 500 hours on this

one of my friends wanted me to play this game with him so bad. i did. got off after probably 3 minutes. never played again

Cuando me gustaban los battle royal, che juego feo, lo jugaba por mis amigos solamente.

в апекс ледженс я играл
патроны воровал
ящики лутал
в затылок получал

бжбжбж гибралтар ультует
бжбжбж гибралтар ультует
бжбжбж все врассыпнууюююю

one of the better fps games. also the one i was best at