Reviews from

in the past

Californium is what I would call a mix between Stanley Parable (kinda) and Jazzpunk (kinda), but it is very much its own game. Unique, surreal and almost psychadelic at times. It tells a story of Elvin Green, an author with a writer's block. If I said anything more... well that would spoil the game.

The game has an interesting art design where the world is 3D but the characters are creepy 2D cut-out dolls. It makes the game feel even more surreal than it already is to begin with. The soundtrack is good, although some parts of the game are too quiet for my liking. Something that is well done despite the small amount of actors is the voice acting, it definitely does parts of the game.

I definitely recommend this game, I had a good time with it and it really stands out.

doesnt work all too well, in more ways than one

pretty cool ride, albeit a very messy one, technically speaking, which is the main reason i'm marking it down... if it had been a more polished experience i'd be way more into it! alas

traveling alternate worlds by following fake graphical glitches is a neat idea, but it is somewhat marred by sometimes real graphical glitches (mostly z-fighting), although honestly it's rare that that happens and not too hard to differentiate the two

story of a writer trying to escape loss by hopping universes but just keeps making things worse

i guess this is heavily inspired by philip k dick, which is a famous author i've known about for a while but never actually read... given that i like what this game is doing, i would probably also dig the author, but who knows if i'll ever get to reading a book!!