Reviews from

in the past

Maybe this is blasphemous to say, but I think I liked both the Genesis and SNES versions adaptations of the movie equally. Both of them nailed the visuals, sound and animations while offering two unique sets of levels that you could get through fairly quickly without either overstaying their welcome.

You finish the game in an hour but it's a lot of fun.

This is one of those “how good could a Capcom game about this be?” games. Typically, “Very!”

Bro I think this game is ok, the art style is good, the gameplay is fluid and the difficulty is balanced, principally because of the password mechanic which helps a lot, and the adaptation of the history is fine, pretty good for one of the firsts Disney-licensed game.

depois de um jogo de 120 horas um de 40 minutos pra relaxar. jogo do bom ja zerei umas 200 vezes

Level design: 10\10;
Gráfico: 10\10;
Gameplay: 10\10;
Diversificação: 8\10;
Trilha: 10\10;
História: 7\10;
Fator replay: 8\10.

Sei até hoje todos os password de cabeça kkkk

Um jogo bom pra passar uma tarde. Quem jogou na época, marcou. Quem jogou depois de sua época, consegue entender que foi bom, mas nem tanto assim. Em geral, jogue.

its time for break time, SPIN THE WHEEL!

Mecanicas boas, divertido, tempos bons que jogos da disney do super nintendo eram quase perfeitos.
Tirando a fase do tapete que é um parto para passar

jumping high by using springles is the best thing about this game, music is also good i guess.

capcom was kind of on a roll back in the day (still are)

GooeyScale: 65/100

Simplesmente INCRIVEL todos os cenário são lindos e bem construídos e o jogo de cores aqui é perfeito, charmoso demais e ainda envelheceu muito bem!

Não é la tão difícil assim quanto as pessoas dizem, só tem que aprender um pouco do mapa e não dar bobeira que o jogo fica até que ok

Statisfying, bouncy parkour with creative applications for some of its mechanics, but just barely kept away from the all-timer list by some small outdated game design choices (off-screen projectiles and wait-platforming, to name two) and the presence of frustrating flying carpet vehicle levels. Surprised this hasn't gone through the indie spiritual successor machine yet.

Nice little bite sized treat.
I'm on a mission to finish games that were too hard for me as a small childe.
Aladdin is a good ol' platformer with fluid animation and is (for the most part) faithful to the movie with regards to the movie and the soundtrack. It's not too challenging, it's short and very sweet.

They managed to capture the overall tone and vibe of the film very well and it's cool to hear the film's soundtrack with these SNES renditions.

I don't recall child me being overtly impressed by the loading times due to the "high quality" animations.

Tava rejogando isso aqui com sorrisão aberto, é o puro suco de infância. Perfeito em praticamente tudo, seu único defeito é ser curto demais.

Paguei uma dívida com minha infância e terminei esse jogo pela primeira vez. O mais interessante é que a fase impossível do tapete, pelo menos pra mim quando criança, é muito tranquila e até bastante curta. Jogo com cheiro, gosto, ar de infância e magia Disney.

I grew up with the Mega Drive version and I only knew this version from videos on Youtube before. A completely different game of course, extremely different in its gameplay too. Since I always loved the Mega Drive version, I also always thought that it was the superior one. Now I'm not so sure!

This one is actually super fun and the gameplay mechanics work really well. I also really dig the look. If I had to pick a favorite now it would probably be the SNES version but I love them both!

O Darksouls do supernintendo.