Reviews from

in the past

This isn't a video game, this is a work of abstract art that looks at the conventions of game design and disagrees. The layouts of the worlds are designed to evoke the works of M.C. Escher. Hallways lined with collectibles for one character lead to a room that can be only completed by another, with a few bananas that can only be collected by yet another character tucked away in a corner for good measure. The camera does what it wants and you just have to live with it. The soundtrack is the same 9-note tune repeated forever in different styles. Truly, a subversive masterpiece for the ages.

This game is very poorly designed. The progression and the mini games make this a very tedious collectathon experience. It almost feels like the developers were playing a practical joke with its game design. One of the mini games is broken to the point of being nearly impossible and it is repeated at least four times. To top it off there is a very easy to activate softlock that can gate 101% completion from you at the very end of the game. This all makes it hard to recommend to people. It's like a full time job of a video game.

To me this game design actually holds value. It makes for a game that's so over the top that it turns around and becomes compelling. You enter these giant collectathon sandboxes and it's so overwhelming, but slowly working out the ins and outs of the levels and achieving that 100% felt really satisfying in a way banjo never really got for me. A lot of people rightfully criticize the way it handles playable characters, but I think that limitation of having to find them was another step in this big puzzle of navigating the labrynthine collectathon loop the levels present. DK64 was always pushing me and testing me in all these ways that kept me engaged the entire time. I don't think there will ever be another game like it. Like what game has five variations of most of the collectibles in a level? It's just so insane to me and I find it endearing.

This is all held together by phenomenal presentation. I think this game values and understands the vibes of Donkey Kong Country more than people have you believe. Banjo is full of whimsy and a cozy feel to it. DK64 has a heavier emphasis on atmosphere, with the later levels going for moody foreboding stuff that you would see in the country games, it's great, and I think it compliments the daunting collectathon challenge it presents. I feel the same way about the music and I think it's easily Grant Kirkhopes best score. It's a surprisingly varied soundtrack and I often felt that it was going for the same kind of natural ambience David Wise goes for in the country games. I really don't understand the complaint that it just sounds like Banjo, they are definitely going for different things.

I wasn't sure I wanted to give this game as high of a rating as I did, but what cemented it for me was Hideout Helm and the final fight with K. Rool. It's an incredible finale and it's almost worth all the crap the game puts you through. Hideout Helm is a tight timed gauntlet that puts your knowledge of all the Kongs to the test with this incredible track that really puts the pressure on. And the K. Rool fight is this incredibly ambitious 5 round minimum boxing match where you have to use each kong's unique abilities to take him down. Legit one of my favorite bosses of all time, it's a masterwork in puzzle focused boss design.

I think one of the reasons I loved this game as much as I did was because it felt like a culmination of rareware at Nintendo. For better and worse it's this swan song collectathon where they just put all their eggs in a basket and went crazy with it. The fact you play Donkey Kong arcade and Rarewares Jetpac for mandatory progression only cements this idea. It's a celebratory experience that you have to really work at to get it's bombastic payoff. I don't think it's a game I'd casually play, but it was a challenge I set for myself that I found really fruitful at the end of the day.

This game truly isn’t as bad as some YouTubers who say it “killed a genre” will have you believe. It’s not perfect, but it’s a decent 3D collectathon that has a lot going for it. Fun characters, great soundtrack by Grant Kirkhope, nifty locales to explore & solid gameplay all around. It is a little too overzealous with collectibles, can be glitchy & has some tedious back-and-forth to the Tag Barrel, but those aren't enough to bring it down that much for me. Another worthwhile N64 platformer.

Never finished the game but there's no understating just how fun it was to play the multiplayer modes with friends and family

i can confirm that you need to dedicate your life to this game to get to the credits
i am typing this from my grave

Despite the title, there are not 64 Donkey Kongs in the game.

Esta muy bien, excepto cuando intentas completarlo al 100%,joder que estaban pensando.

to rare this game is like when a drug addict finally looks in a mirror and says "what the hell am i doing"

The internet said this game was bad after one video on it

Once again, the strongest emotion evoked by playing games from my childhood is not nostalgia, but a sense of amazement at how I ever beat them without reading ANYTHING EVER. ALL of the dialogue is always so unfamiliar, I can distinctly remember even skipping over it all the time, too. Props to babby me for having the patience to just brute force his way through games X3

This is the first time I've played this game in quiiite a few years, and this time I was, at the outset, going for 100%. I quickly realized I didn't have the patience to do that, though, and just went for "as much as I can stand" x3. I ended up around 16.5 hours and 185 golden bananas, and all but one fairy, crown, and medal (and an assortment of a little over 100 bananas). I have no idea how the average time on HLTB is over 30 hours. That's a bit insane to be given that you only need 100 bananas to beat the game. Maybe it's people just having a hard time finding things like the Rare or N64 coins?

This is definitely the 2nd worst of the Rare platformers (with Conker of course taking the bottom spot, Banjo 2-E at first and Banjo 1-E at 2nd). The design philosophy around switching kongs REALLY extenuates the "theme park" approach to level design, and makes the levels feel much less alive and more planned out than something like Banjo, especially 2-E. This game definitely has some mechanical problems as well.

Compared to something like Banjo or Mario 64, the kongs do control a little slippery (a complaint I have heard about the game before, but only now have really come to realize). It's not game breaking by any extent, but it can be aggravating and off-putting at first with how much momentum the kongs seem to carry. It definitely takes a little getting used to. A LOT of the bonus games too are fuckin' shit and I hate 'em. Some, some are just annoying, like the ones that rely on reaction time to shoot the banana when the lights go on and off, but the beaver-herding one especially just does not fucking work. The beavers always run into the side of the hole, as if it weren't a hole but a wall, and given that there are not one but TWO instance of the hardest version of that game, I just said fuck it after a half an hour of trying.

The framerate is really inconsistent as well. They were clearly really pushing the hardware in terms of how many objects could be on screen at once, because some areas in particular (World 7 boss, llama temple, a couple others) just had the framerate dipping aaaall the time. Again, it wasn't anything game breaking, but it was still very noticeable.

The game still has such good style though. It's not quite as funny as Banjo 2-E or as memorable as Conker's, but it's still good. The music fantastic of course, and the kongs really all feel like they have their own personalities, even though they never talk. Their idle animations especially would always make me chuckle X3

Verdict: Recommended. If you like collectathon 3D platformers, you'll probably enjoy DK64. It's not the best on the system by any means, but it's still a good game. Kong switching isn't the most fluid or well implemented thing in the world, but DK64 certainly flows and feels better than a really tedious cluster-fuck like Earthworm Jim 3D.

God I tried but this thing is utterly punishing to play. Every single room you enter is like the game giving you another swift middle finger.

The rating being as high as it is is solely on the DK Rap and 'OOO BANANA' bit.

Being an ape has never been less interesting.

this game ain't nearly as bad as some people will try and tell you it is, i get the impression someone just said "yeah this game is endless and bloated" and people took that at face value without actually playing the game for themselves - sure it's got quite a lot of fat and even the developers of the game have said if they could go back they'd do things slightly differently, but that's ok, that doesn't mean the game is unplayable today, far from it.

donkey kong 64 is actually a pretty fun 3D platformer and it certainly didn't "kill the collecathon" genre, those existed on 6th generation consoles too lol. gaming simply shifted away from those and this so happens to be one of the later games in that genre.

so, should you play it if you haven't before? well, it's not as good as any of the original DKC games in my opinion but it slightly takes the edge on DKCR. if you don't care about DKC games, then let me compare it to another game that is very similar to DK64, banjo-kazooie. that game is basically the same game but with a smaller scope, with only 1 playable character, banjo-kazooie is definitely more digestible but i actually found myself way more burned out by the end of banjo-kazooie than i did with DK64. DK64 in my opinion, has waaaay more fun and memorable levels, whilst being designed almost identically to banjo-kazooie in structure and layout, the atmosphere of DK64 is unmatched, it is potentially my favorite atmosphere captured on the N64, supported by the fact the game famously uses vertex/dynamic lighting which really provides a pretty look for a game on one of the ugliest systems ever. (sorry)

despite the praise, the collectables ARE overwhelming, even if you're not going for 101%. i didn't go for 101% and ended my playthrough with 129 bananas, 25 hours, and 61% overall completion, that's quite a lot just to beat the game, and the requirement of the nintendo coin and the rareware coin was just pushing it man, i don't wanna have to beat 2 arcade games, 1 of them twice, just to beat the main game i'm tryna play, that ain't fun; but yeah, the bananas are placed poorly, everyone knows that, and it's not exactly fun to backtrack and stuff, even if people do greatly over-exaggerate just how much backtracking is required - i mean, seriously, there are tag barrels around every corner - the collectables still aren't excusable and underneath all of those collectables is a way better game.

the level-designs/themes are by far the strongest part of this game for me, and the characters and whatnot are all really fun too, lanky being my favorite. if i were to rank the levels from most favorite to least favorite, i'd do:

-frantic factory (such a fun concept)
-crystal caves
-jungle japes
-creepy castle
-fungi forest
-angry aztec (i just hate desert themes, dude)
-gloomy galleon (only thing worse than deserts is water...)

i guess DK isles and hideout helm count as their own levels, but i just wanted to count the main levels with collectables. DK isles and hideout helm are good in their own right though, i guess (although DK isles is probably my least favorite hub world in any N64 game).

overall, a pretty good with some big flaws, but still nowhere near as large as people like to make them out to be. play DK64 if you enjoy 3D-platformers. also the music's phenomenal, grant killed it once again. :)

Para mi un juegazo, se merece un Remake.

Go back to the barrel, change character, get different colored banana.

Ah, yes, the game that Mom never let us watch the intro to. I don't remember much about this game except that my siblings and I had a lot of fun playing it together. I was always stuck with playing Chunky or Lanky but I didn't really mind.

This review contains spoilers

That one freaking level where you go inside and some sniper yells, "GET OUT" scared the crap out of 12 year old me. I'm still scared to this day.

Mechanically, not the best game of its time but the nostalgia it holds is suffocating and it will always be special to me because of it. Also DK rap.

I played this with mods to enable quick Kong swapping (and randomized, DK64-ized music from other games). The music was a fun twist, but the Kong swap shortcut changes this game immensely. It doesn't fix all of the issues, far from it, but it makes the game a LOT more pleasant to traverse.

I had a fun time blasting through this game this way, and it was nice to revisit it without it being nearly the slog it would be otherwise. I highly recommend that mod for anyone else who wants to play this game.

NOT THAT BAD. just because chunky won't eat purple bananas doesn't make it any less of a purposefully well-designed collect-a-thon. gloomy galleon notwithstanding.

I have been playing this since it’s release. It is fun, but the backtracking between characters and levels does get annoying. I swear I will finish it one day!

Though I have beaten this game before, I've never done a 101% run like this. HbomberGuy's marathon charity stream of a 101% run last week inspired me to pick the game back up (once again) and try (once again) to do a full completion after giving up on it a couple years ago. I ended up clocking in a 16 hours and 37 minutes (which would actually put me at #62 out of 65 speedruns of 101% if I were to submit it to somehow XD). For some reason the resale shop in my hometown had a CIB copy of the Japanese version for just two bucks more than a loose American copy, so I picked that one up, but it's functionally identical save for some bug fixes (making it technically the best version to play on a mechanical level, though only slightly). This was really one of the last unfinished projects of a game from my youth, so I'm really happy that I was finally able to plow through those last few horrible golden bananas and do this XD

Granted, I did get 201 golden bananas, but you only actually need 100 to beat the game. The game is well known to be a collectathon to end all collectathons, and it succeeds (for better or worse). DK64 usually has its Tag Barrels and the constant swapping between kongs to backtrack through areas for more collectables cited as one of its greatest issues with pacing and design, but I would say another big part of that is how inconsistent the difficulty is. The beetle races are some of the hardest bananas in the game to get, and there's one in world 2 (out of 8 ), and mini-games like Beaver Bother are almost comically broken and difficult compared to others like Teetering Turtle Trouble which you'd have to nearly try to lose at.

That said, you only actually need every other golden banana in the game, which is a far lower ratio than in Mario 64 or in Banjo (though not by that much, admittedly), so you can really pick and choose which ones you wanna go for and which ones you can't be bothered with. A bit like Xenoblade Chronicles, trying to complete the entire game is something that doesn't really offer much reward compared to just completing it normally, and will disrupt the pacing to the point where you're really going to hamper your enjoyment of the game compared to just going for a normal playthrough to see the credits roll.

That said, I do still really like this game. It has a lot of nostalgia for me, from the characters' designs and their characters displayed through tiny, silent interactions with the environment (like how Chunky will turn around in the minecart stages to wave hello at you) to how fucking EXCELLENT the music is. I was surprised at the time at just how long it took to hit me that this game has some really damn good music in.

Verdict: Recommended. If you like N64 platformers, this is definitely one to give a go if you're hungering for more after the Banjo games and Mario 64. It has far too many problems with its pacing, difficulty curve, and framerate (and good god does this game have some framerate difficulties) for me to ever say that it's better than either Banjo game or Mario 64, but it's still a good enough game to stand far above the worst members of its genre whom it also shares a console with.

Want to know how much I've hated timed video game levels my entire life? Look no further than my childhood experience with Dk64.
I had 100%'d everything up to that point in the game. Literally collected everything. 9-year-old me gets to the final level in the game, sees the timer, and says "Nah" and never plays Donkey Kong 64 ever again.

Si dejamos de lado que es muy repetitivo con eso de ir al mismo lugar 5 veces, así como que no recomiendo nada terminarlo al 100%, es bastante bueno.

If I had to describe this game in any way, it's "collectathon hell." So many things to collect, many of them mandatory. You have to beat the original Donkey Kong twice to beat this game. Beaver Bother is an abysmal minigame to play. Diddy's Rocketbarrel is by far the single worst thing to control in the entire game, and they love to force you to use it.

Now, I don't have all but dislike for this game. The soundtrack is very good, for one thing. I liked how each Kong had their own sets of moves that only they could use. Sure, Lanky and Chunky are going to be borderline wiped from existence after this game, but it was nice to use them while they existed.

However, there's a reason it only took me about 14 hours to beat this game, and that's because I had the benefit of quality of life options thanks to using the DK64 Randomizer, like allowing you to switch Kongs without a Tag Barrel. If I played this game totally vanilla, my playtime probably would've doubled. Backtracking is insane in this game, and without the quality of life stuff and occasional save states, it would be even worse. I already had to revisit Japes and Aztec multiple times, so I don't want to imagine how much worse it could've gotten.

On top of that, control in this game is generally very jank. There were times I did long jumps when I wanted to do high jumps, just because of a misclick since Z is used for so much in this game. The previously mentioned Rocketbarrel is by far the worst offender of jank control in this game. Movement in water was also not fun, but this game predates Majora's Mask, which had amazing control in water as Zora.

Like, here's the thing. I don't want to hate this game. I liked the different areas, the music was great, but the jank control, somewhat frustrating minigames, a final area on a time limit, and a 5 part final boss that put a lot of those jank things (and K Rool's hitbox) just don't do it for me. It's not a bad game, and if you like collectathons, you may love it, but the bad outweighs the good for me in this one. At the very least, I'm glad I finally got the chance to play and finish it myself.

The most over bloated collectathon there will ever be.

Why did I review this before Banjo-Tooie. I need to tell you the story of DK64 and how Rare didn't listen to the criticisms and thus kept making the same mistake over and over leading all the way to Playtonic's(the former Rare team that made all the classic collections)Yooka-Laylee.

I have a lot of nostalgia for this game. But it's not a good game. It's a test of your will. It's a test of your patience. It's the definition of tedious.

There is too much going in this game. At first, it's manageable. But it quickly becomes a tedious experience. I love collectathon, but this game pushes it too far.

Five characters all with their own things to collect. All with their own moves to get. All with their own areas they can access. Here's the thing though. You gotta switch characters constantly.

"Hey look, a trail of red bananas for Diddy leads to this gate and beyond. Wait...I need Chunky to open it. Sigh, let me go switch. (Opens it with Chunky.) Sigh, let me go back to get Diddy." This is the typical DK64 experience. Sometimes you have to get a move in a different stage all together to access something and it adds to the tedium even more.

The game runs at a solid 15 fps. A lot of things make it hit a good 5 fps. It's an ugly game. It doesn't control well. It's way too big for its own good. Some challenges are infuriating. On the official Wii U version some things are literally impossible with pause buffering. It controls worse on Wii U as well.

It is a charming game, don't get me wrong. I still love it. But it is a turd of a game. Especially the back half. The levels get larger and more obtuse. The character swapping gets even more tedious. The levels are uninteresting and bland. I will say the bosses are mostly fun.

This is not a game you want to 101%. It's such a chores. Back in the day it was fun because we didn't realize what a crime against nature the entire game was. You didn't realize the FPS was so terrible. You didn't realize how bad it controlled. Except for the obviously terribly flying mechanics. Even as a kid I found the constant character swapping tedious.

For the time it was amazing because how big it was. But that isn't really a good thing looking back on it. I know, I've done a lot of trashing on this game. It still is a fun experience. It is just very overwhelming to this day.

It's charming. The cutscenes are funny. The music is good. The first level is super fun and not too big. It's constantly giving you variety. Each character play uniquely different. None of them are so terrible that you don't want to play as them. You are constantly earning new moves or unlocking a new character. You get excited when you realize, "OMG, I can do this now!" The final boss, a bit infuriating at times, but still a very unique experience.

It's worth a play for collectathon fans. But you will lose your mind if you try getting 101%. I do not suggest doing it.

What do people say about this game? It's too big. It's too tedious. Too much collecting for a collectathon. This leads us into 1 year later to the release of Banjo-Tooie.