Reviews from

in the past

A joy of a game if you stick through the jank to the point where your build can come into its own. Almost any game that requires multiple sequential playthroughs to see the true real actual ending can go fuck itself but this game earns it.

this game is infinitely less cool than it looks, i feel like ive been legit duped. it's mostly walking in big boring levels, though i guess i could grind BROUZOUF to buy cyberleg upgrades so i walk faster through the big boring levels.

was also piss easy in what i played cuz i kept just killing everything with the depezador shotgun, even from like 1km away.

maybe i didnt "get to the good part" but i played like 3 hours and i couldn't care less.

the armors characters use in this are so fucking cool tho.

This is the jankiest game that I ever loved.

It's got a multitude of different systems that don't quiiite fit together as well as they should, but there's a charm to the game, and you can tell the folks who made it did so with love.

It's an immersive sim, set in a far future that's very clearly inspired by Warhammer 40,000. There is a grid inventory, lots of different weapons, cyberware plugins, psychic abilities, trust, betrayal, and all the Brouzouf you can carry.

Having taken a playthrough through to every ending, I'm not sure if I would recommend this to just anybody.

Cool Kids only.

It's a game with something real. I'll probably rank it higher once I play more.

man if there was ever one of those dream remake/sequels you'd want, it'd have to be to this one. i want to know what kind of fucked up tabletop hackjob the frenchies based this game off of because this game was pretty insane. hard to believe this came out 13 years ago.

A whole bunch of interesting ideas which are unconventional for the Source Engine, stuck in a game that is frustrating beyond belief.
Walking through the dream sequence every time I spawned made me want to gouge my eyes out. The sprint meter made me want to gouge my eyes out. The huge maps which would make Hunt Down the Freeman blush made me want to gouge my eyes out. Hacking made me want to gouge my eyes out. That entire final mission made me want to gouge my fucking eyes out.

this game put me in the hospital its pretty rad

At the beginning, you will start off getting one tapped by goons, hacked by doors, and scolded by your boys at the temple. HOWEVER, the weapons and upgrades you get will make that conscript of yours into an unstoppable demi god. Small guns? Use the bear killer revolver for one shots or the uzi with an alt fire that empties the entire clip into enemies in a second. Melee? Wield a katana to block enemy fire or a thunder hammer to pulverize them. Not a fan of combat? Hack em! Have enemies turn on each other or completely fry their cpu for an easy kill. You must experience the story firsthand for how off the rails it gets with its perception of reality.

Having to deal with such a level of jank should be illegal.

poorly made fever dream, but an interesting fever dream

you've killed a good and caring daddy

Weird story and has a lot of annoying mechanics like the madness, bad healing, overpowered enemies 1 shotting you, when being shot the screen shakes alot and also when shooting weapons it also shakes alot which makes aiming worse, etc.. and a lot of meaningless walking with a stamina bar for running to make the walking even worse but some quests have different possibilities so trying to do them in different ways is fun like a deus ex game.

E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy is an FPS but action game enriched with numerous elements known from RPG games. We need to manage equipment and use a skill system and cyber implants. NPCs also play an important role where the player can transform using an extensive dialog system. 10 physical and psychic skills, 14 cybernetic and upgradeable implants and an integrated R&D system, all in service of a precise scenario, make for hours of original gameplay in a dark and mysterious universe where conspiracy, fear and betrayal reign. Around 20 NPCs with fully reactive AI, a sense of initiative. Bloody melee combat with technical details. Physical movement realism thanks to Source Engine physics. Replayability thanks to primary and secondary missions, dynamic environments, non-linear level progression and random NPC appearance. Death does not punish players: There is no need to restart the current mission. The single player campaign lasts on average 20 hours. It also has 4 different endings depending on the choices made.

This hit the Warhammer vibe better than the actual Warhammer game they did. Sorry, not sorry.
Also insanely unique, respect.

I have a real thing for Immersive Sim games, it's still such an underutilised genre and it takes a game like E.Y.E. to make you realise how much this genre could be.

E.Y.E. is a buggy, janky and ugly mess, with a few mechanics that are not only headscratching, but frustratingly difficult.

To say that E.Y.E. is not for everyone would be an understatement.
Upon starting the game, If you want any sort of a chance at lasting the first few hours you must sit through multiple tutorials which is already enough to turn most people off.
E.Y.E. doesn't have any English voice acting and all dialogue is conveyed through text, another off-putting aspect for some.
E.Y.E. is so extremely cryptic at times that you'd be forgiven in having no idea what to do- where to go- or what is even happening.

Now that all that is out of the way I can safely say that E.Y.E. is one of the most unique and interesting games I've ever played, almost anything you can think of can be done in this game and approaches to how you resolve the story and combat are boundless.
It takes a while to get the hang of E.Y.E. perhaps even more than any game I've played, but I can say with confidence that if you are one of those rare people this game is made for, that it will blow you away.

Side Note: Make sure you watch a couple of YouTube videos on this game before purchasing it, or in same cases even before starting the game.
I initially played the game for 2 hours thinking not much of it, but after watching some videos I came back raring to go and it took another couple of hours STILL to actually work out how to play.

Esse Game é estranho de uma forma positiva e negativa ao mesmo tempo. Mas é um tipo de estranho que pretendo retornar algum dia.

There is probably so much more to discover about this game.

Please someone explain me how to play this shit i've tried 4 times to start it and every time I'm utterly confused.

This game is a broken and often incoherent Source Engine-based mess, but it has such genuine charm to it, and whenever the game works, it's undeniably satisfying.

I think I've seen enough of this jank with playing through 2 of 4 endings which in both of them you nearly do everything same. hacking SUCKS and its not OPTIONAL. reason why I thought its enough now after seeing 2 endings is getting stuck on hacking a door (to open the door obviously) that I actually succesfully hacked before (now I think about it I got lucky that time) for getting the other ending, I didnt care anymore and quit. there is hacking stat for you to level up and there are 3 different cybernetics (another mechanic for getting upgrades) you can buy about hacking power up, and what they do? ABSOLUTELY NOTHING FOR SINGLEPLAYER CAMPAIGN ITS FOR DEFENSE AGAINST OTHER PLAYERS IN MULTIPLAYER, and worst is GAME DOESNT TELL YOU ANYTHING ABOUT THIS. as you can imagine from my ranting I bought all of them and wasted brouzouf (what the fuck is this currency name) and real time just for what? still, I cant just dump it away because even if I'm frustrated, even if it has worst hacking mini game in any game, even if its a buggy mess, even if setting and story didnt interest me much (also tries to use half assed philosophy in its writing which doesnt work), its gameplay is good and fun.

extra note: after getting a ending game forces you to start over if you dont have your windows defender closed so if you dont want to bother with that open console and type changelevel cc_noctis. endings get branched in the last main mission (mars map, its actual name is noctis labyrinth) so if you dont do this you have to play the game from start

The most powerful being on the planet is having an existential crisis and you're making it everyone's problem

any culter born after year 15 can't escape the cycles of guilt, all they know is triangular gate, transmutation, polyclone, be juan, gain brouzouf and lie

Я вернусь в игру, когда они пофиксят мили оружие

They don't make source-jank like they used to.

Infinite enemy respawn and piss filter. Hard pass on this one

Steam reviews are completely right this is one of the most broken games I've ever played buy it right now its absolutely worth 10 dollars on Steam

This is the best 1* game I ever played.