Reviews from

in the past

Holy moly! This one is good! I love Guy and Firion haha, am looking forward to a potential 3rd!

This is the first RPG I played from start to finish, so there is likely some nostalgia going on here. Being the first Final Fantasy game on the SNES in the west, it really caught me up to how RPGs have grown since my experience with the original Final Fantasy.

The pixel art is great, the music is fantastic and memorable, and the story goes places you probably wouldn't expect.

Final Fantasy 4/2 is worth a play, even decades later.

El gameplay es tan rico como el anterior y ahora se le suma una historia llena de giros de guión. Mejor que el anterior

O melhor que joguei da franquia, até agora

My first Final Fantasy game, I played it when I was like 4.

PS5- Pixel Remaster
Unfortunately way worse that the first one, the leveling system was awful, rushed through the game with a guide, the story line was better than the first though

I like to imagine the people of that time saying "What you mean Final Fantasy TWO?? Wasn't it FINAL?"

Personagens marcantes, história intrigante que prende o jogador, com desdobramentos e plot twists muito maduros para a época! FFIV Introduziu mecânicas que estendem-se por toda franquia. Sem dúvida um dos melhores FF antigos.

Played half. A revolutionary RPG, but not one that grabbed me. Cecil's transformation into a hero is excellently told through the language of video games, but I found the combat, graphics, and translation a bit dull.

When the twins gave their life to save the rest of the party, i actually shed a tear. So much fun memories.

i hate how grindy it is. maybe back in the day would be a cool idea.

It was fun for what it was but a definite step up from the first one.

-> Una obra magna que se convierte en el primer juego en contarte su historia dentro del propio juego, sin necesidad de manuales.

-> Firion, con pocas interacciones, experimenta un gran desarrollo y se convierte en uno de los mejores protagonistas de la franquicia.

-> Cuenta con una de las mejores bandas sonoras.

-> 'El Alma Renacer' es obligatorio de jugar y representa el culmen de su grandeza.

-> Matheus, un villano muy carismático para su época, se demostró aún más en los spin-offs futuros.

This review contains spoilers

Everyone fucking dies

FF4 es un juegazo. No hay otra forma de decirlo. Es un gran JRPG y uno muy cómodo de jugar. A pesar de que hay ports más modernos, la versión de SNES se juega de manera perfectamente bien y salvo creo recordar que ciertas mecánicas están eliminadas en pos de hacer el juego más accesible, se juega de maravilla sin que se sienta pesado o que le falta algo. Probablemente podría recomendar este juego para quien quisiera adentrarse en el género, pues no es muy difícil y además tiene una gran historia, personajes interesantes y entrañables, mecánicas fáciles de entendar, gameplay refinado y si quieres un mayor reto puedes conseguir las armas legendarias o las invocaciones extra (que acabo de recordar nunca conseguí a Odín.... oops). Gran, gran juego, con razón he regresado a terminarlo tantas veces.

It is a game that captures the attention in the very first minutes. Even when compared to games I consider masterpieces in the genre such as Dragon Quest III and Phantasy Star, at the time of release, FF II brought something else to the table. It's a shame that the interesting premise does not develop into something more interesting. It ends up being a very run of the mill early 90s JRPG, but it still showed what to expect from the series.

good haha, its alright heehee

A masterpiece, incredible step up from the NES games in the series. Love the characters and story, love the setting with multiple overworld maps, simple but satisfying character progression in combat. Challenging but way more forgiving than original FF3, thank god for the introduction of save points. Maybe my most replayed FF across the SNES, PS1, GBA, 3DS, and Pixel Remaster version. Probably the most beginner-friendly of the classics

A huge step down from the first one, whether you play the original or the pixel remastered its just not fun.

An important and influential game in the series for sure, but not one I'm that interested in playing these days. The story doesn't do much for me at this point and the combat is a little too shallow since you generally do not have control over any character growth or party composition.

This was my second attempt, but I'm giving up for good - FF II (SNES) aged (very) poorly in my opinion.
From the translation, which made what should have been an emotional story into an "oki doki" one "then", to the amount of grinding required (goodness, I hate that aspect of old RPGs...) or the fact that you really need a guide to know where to go next, otherwise you'll either be lost or miss optional-but-pretty-much-necessary items/summons during your playthrough, this was clearly not for me.
I think I gave it a fair shot at over 20+ hours (and almost reaching the third/last part of the game), but I'm calling it quits before absolutely hating the game.

I'm guessing I should have played the Pixel Remaster and/or a patched / fan-translation instead?

The pixel remaster fixes a lot of the issues with this game but the biggest issue, the dungeon layouts, is still there. It's been elevated to the point of being basically alright and even fun for the first half, but as the dungeons get longer and the grind requirements get higher it's more and more tedious.

It was my second RPG that I gave a chance to after Super Mario RPG, and when I played it I was really impressed, having a more "mature" narrative and such, but replaying it in the GBA version, I see that the story wasn't all that and this game likes I have to fight a boss until I can't do it anymore, you kill a filler boss and two filler bosses before facing a canon, but I still have a fondness for this game, because it keeps me interested in RPGs (although today I'm a little bored and without much time to be interested in continuing to play this genre)

Hit me mommy! It's the only way to level up

P.S: (I just realized that this is actually FF4 not 2 Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!)

Got to the part where the baddies bomb that sad desert town. Good game. Will return to it when I'm not busy with other... junk?