Reviews from

in the past

Overall, a cool game with a really interesting battle system but is bogged down with bad writing in the back half, lack luster dungeon design and combat animations that take literally years to resolve

My wife gave birth and the child has grown up and graduated university in the time it took for DragonZap to finish its spell animation one time

Time management is never this fun.
Good game.

Lo retomaré en la versión HD de Switch.

My first jrpg. Played it again recently. Loved it just as much. Comfy.

A surprisingly mature and religious themed rpg. At the time this came out on the Dreamcast, it was still pretty rare for these kinds of stories to be translated and brought over.
The graphics hold up well imo, the soundtrack still steamrolling.
If you don’t mind your main hero having Leonardo’s voice from the 80s TMNT cartoon, you should be golden.
But honestly, this game is so grand in scope and it’s characters are interesting, that it needs to be played.
The HD version is even better.

Greatest JRPG ever made for it's time. Ryudo a top 5 character in my book well. The OST and missions were all HELLA FUN and the game got some BADDIES ngl. Loveable Group of characters and I wish i could play this game again without any memory of it. Playing this at age 10 and then playing it again at age 28... I still hold this game dear to me. I still have fun like before! :) 9.7/10🏴

En su conjunto, el videojuego es bastante bueno, con una historia que aunque al inicio es algo lenta, en su tercer acto es sencillamente impresionante y aún con una conclusión más bien tibia, tiene unos momentos muy destacables, musicalmente es bueno a secas, los personajes pueden ser bastante buenos y la jugabilidad es entretenida, quizá la mayor falencia es su pésimo rendimiento y en algunas ocasiones los bugs visuales que pueden ser bastante odiosos, y aunque en su versión de Dreamcast es mejor, al no ser la que jugué se queda corto y es bastante bajo que sacaran una versión para PS2 de esa manera. En general considero que aunque es bastante bueno, hacerlo algo más corto hubiera sido mejor, pues ciertas partes se sienten como que pudieron ser comprimidas y serían mejor. Una experiencia grata, con un rendimiento desagradable pero muy recomendable.

this is the best jrpg i played

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One of my all time favorite rpgs. You defeat the pope, who is a demon. Fun times indeed.

The story is so simple but even so, I loved every single moment of this game

A good jrpg with a good story, good characters, but has almost zero chill/calm moments. The tension is there ALWAYS. The story does imply it, but i'd want at least some peace between action.

Jrpg in the 90´s lore really was only

"500 years ago the Devil of Evil was bad , but the God of Good Vibes sealed him but he his back and this random woman is important to the plot because church things"