Reviews from

in the past

gostava muito de andar por hogwarts, também não lembro tanto quanto gostaria mas acho que é melhor que o 1

This game did open world Hogwarts two decades before Hogwarts Legacy.

The story in this version (PS2) feels incredibly rushed. The developers of this game just didn't seem to care in comparison to the PS1 and particularly the PC version which is superior in nearly every way. Unlike that version, the whole atmosphere of hogwarts feels lifeless with no charm. There are barely any students around but instead a ton of prefects trying to catch you out of your dorm. The whole aspect of Hogwarts is that it's supposed to feel safe, but instead even around the grand staircase there are ghosts and books trying to kill you and Jeremy Soule's music is barely ever played and when it is it's always forced into a cutscene and feels off.

Riddle's diary felt rushed, Goyle was rushed and the Chamber was definitely rushed. As fair as the ending level was, there was no build up to the end of the game. I was in the chamber fighting the Basilisk 2 minutes after the last quidditch match. The game takes no time seeing itself off.

Verdict: Stick to the PC or PS1 version which both have great atmosphere and gameplay. I would recommend both.


God I loved playing this game as a kid. I need to replay it. It felt very immersive for a licensed game.

I remember the music and just general throughline of the game being really fun. The stealth sections sucked, but everything else was good. Flying around on a broom outside and all around Hogwarts was so awesome.

holy shit can the prefects like relax??? why are these megalomaniac losers just roam around in the hallways and cast spells at me for walking around?? dude you literally sit next to me in biology

Mainly platforming and that platforming blows. The soundtrack on the other hand elevates Hogwarts' to a point where I love just walking around.


Not a fan of Harry Potter, but this game is really fun.

At first we owned this on GameCube, but later on my older brother got a PS2 before they stopped being sold and we got the game again, so that’s when I actually beat it.
So I actually have a lot of thoughts on this one. I think there’s a lot of great elements here but the overall execution is really sloppy. I love that you can map spells to different buttons, I think that’s something very Harry Potter game should do. I appreciate that the game is open world, but that’s where I start to have problems. It’s not as noticeable before you get to Hogwarts, but once you get there you realize there’s not much to explore. The game has all this open space with the Hogwarts campus but it’s all barren. Inside the castle most of the rooms are empty or locked. There is sometimes a collectible to find, but there’s not enough of them to motivate exploration. It’s like it was originally going to be this big cool Hogwarts simulator at first but then they changed it to be as linear as possible. Eventually you unlock the broomstick and you can fly around the castle whenever you’re outside, but again there’s very little to do except fly aimlessly. It basically means that unless you’re doing a story level, it’s very boring.
When the game begins, it combines elements from both the book and the film adaptation to create its own original interpretation. There’s even little touches like how the inventory menu is a Remembrall, and some of the early cutscenes feature narrations from the book, so it seems like the developers wanted to put thought and care into the details for the fans. But by the time you get to the end of the game, it feels like any other low effort movie tie in game.
The worst part is that even if you never get caught by the prefects and you don’t lose any points, Slytherin still wins the house cup! Why is that? I know because I beat the game multiple times and it happened each time.
I guess it’s meant to just entertain kids who aren’t going to try to master the game thoroughly, but since there are so many adult Potter fans who would enjoy this I think it was a huge oversight not to make the game more polished. That’s EA I guess.

Now this is how you make a game.

It's immediately more polished than the first one, with an opening FMV cinematic instead of just a collection of in-game rendered clips.

It's immediately bigger, with you getting to walk around the Burrow and Diagon Alley as well, instead of just Hogwarts.

The attention to detail within levels is great. You know, just stuff lying around, not really there for a purpose. The rubber duck in Mr. Weasley’s barn; Dedalus Diggle hanging out in the Leaky Cauldron; the constantly increasing amount of spiders you can spot running from the castle, and then returning after defeating the basilisk. It makes the game feel more full of life.

The controls are smooth and quick, and the gameplay compliments the controls very well, and despite not being able to control the camera this time around, they actually do a pretty good job of scripting the camera in certain sections. The only part of it that feels more slow and clunky is the flying, which was the best part of the first game, so that's kind of fucked up.

As a kid, I always thought it was weird how Harry basically starts off from scratch again with spells, but they actually pull it off pretty well, with you already knowing flipendo, and getting lumos very early, before Hogwarts,

Harry doesn't shout out the name of every single bean he picks up, so just there is a point. And there are no potions classes.

And the music; OH, THE MUSIC! Jeremy Soule composed a great score for the first game, but this one is magical. It's my second favorite video game soundtrack of all time. It's the aspect of the game that I remember the most from my childhood. And the accompanying sound effects when you run across different surfaces. I used to just listen to this score on loop in math class. The title theme is absolutely legendary! And the night theme! And the day theme! And the stealth themes! And the Diagon Alley theme! And do I even have to mention the basilisk fight theme? GOD DAMN!

Used to ask my mam to do the night-time sections for me cos I was so scared of the ghosts

The Chamber of Secrets.

My first ps2 game if I recall correctly. I played the shit out of this as a kid, so much that the disk broke. After that I got sad, so much that I prefered my console to be broken instead of the game.

The level design is amazing and Harry is far more fleshed out than in the first game. There is a new variety of spells and the levels are more fun than in the first game. The free roaming and broomstick flying have also been improved. Hogwarts never felt more alive.

They also did a good job capturing the story of the movie, to bad some things like Dobby have been cut out.

8.5/10 missing house elves.

Make sure to check out my review of The Chamber of Secrets on letterboxd:

Lo recordaba mucho mejor de chico honestamente, y también muchísimo más largo. Lo terminé en unas 12 horas y eso que intenté alargarlo haciendo contenido secundario... si se le puede llamar así.

De todas formas lo disfruté y por fin me saqué las ganas de rejugar esto ya que por mucho rato este juego no funcaba en el emulador de PS2.

Don't remember enough to review properly. A second playthrough is required.

cue Harry panting aggressively after a short running

This one was a lot faster than the previous one (Sorcerer's Stone for PS2), being able to roam around Hogwarts is a cool way to work on those side quests and gain more house points and Wizard Cards.

The final boss battle was very underwhelming and quite similar to the ending of HP1.