Reviews from

in the past

It's pretty good. Has the sort of collage-amateur style that is artfully executed seen in a lot of weird games. It plays well with using different perspectives and mechanics with some neat puzzles and an oddball story about different concepts (time, hope, technology) interacting with Hope being trapped in Infinity, which is separate from Reality. It's pretty interesting, with some extras from an outer force you collect to decode messages in a 3D space(with most of the game happening in 2D). It's a hidden gem and typically pretty cheap, with an interesting soundtrack. It does spike in difficulty in the later levels, which on the ones I gave up on it was due to their slow progress that made it difficult to want to continue. But I got quite a bit of time out of it and am happy to have experienced it. I'm a bit on the fence if I'll continue, but I appreciate what I've seen what it does narratively mechanically and in its presentation.

This game will break your mind, not every level is a winner but when they hit they HIT