Reviews from

in the past

good clean classic mario party fun cant go wrong

From what I’ve played so far, it is not my favorite mario party on the gamecube, but it definitely has some of the most fair mini games in the series. I’ve only played on the goomba board at the current time, which was a lot of fun, but it also was super difficult to get to the star consistently. All in all, I had a fun time going through that one game and look forward to playing it more.

really weird, cos it has the best minigames but the worst maps

My First one! It's a little slow but always a fun time!

J'ai un peu du mal avec celui là. Le jeu est fun, mais bon, j'suis là pour compléter à 100%, et ce jeu n'a pas d'intérêt. Pour le compléter, faut être premier sur tous les plateaux avec tous les persos, et une partie dure 20 tours !

My first Mario Party. Have a lot of fond memories with this one. I did not play this one as much as 5, but I still really enjoyed my time playing this with my siblings

Have you ever wanted to play Mario Party but all the boards are squares and really bad? Play Super Mario Party.
Want to do it with a lower resolution? Play Mario party 4.

Mario Party 4 is both the last truly classic Mario Party and the first entry in a new age, and it can feel a bit awkward at times. It features a lot of staples of the OG trilogy, like items, Boo, and the full cast of 3, but the boards are a major step down from 2 and 3 and the items are pretty dull. That said, it has some pretty fantastic minigames and I like its personality.

The boards are kinda awful, but some fun minigames.

Continuing my Mario Party excursions and excitement, I went back in time from 6 to a game I played a TON as a kid, Mario Party 4. This was a game I tried to 100% as a kid, doing the story mode with all eight characters, but got petered out with a few playthroughs left. To call this one “beaten” this time, I went through the story mode twice: once on normal, and then a second time on hard. I played the Japanese version of the game on real hardware.

The whole conceit of MP4 is that it’s a big birthday party! Who’s birthday is it? Everyone’s kinda XD. Playing through the story mode, it’s that particular player you picked’s birthday, going through boards made by the five party planners (Toad, Shy Guy, Koopa, Goomba, and Boo) to get their special presents customized for the character you picked. It’s a light dressing for a story, and the overall setting is certainly less striking than the “sucked into a storybook” pretense for MP3 was, but it’s more than enough for what we need to get our Mario Party on, and seeing what presents each character gets is always super fun and cute~.

As for the gameplay, the real meat and potatoes of the experience, that’s where things are a bit fuzzier. Mario Party was an annual series on the GameCube, with MP4 in 2002, and another game coming out every year until MP7 in 2005, and even though they had a year break between MP3 in 2000 and this, you can tell there were still a LOT of corners cut to get this out in time. First of all is the mini-game selection. It’s overall a pretty good spread of quite good mini-games (with much better 1v3 games than 6 would have, imo), but it’s also a very small spread of mini-games compared to how they usually were, and you’ll find yourself playing the same ones quite a lot. On top of that, letting the quite short dev time shine through a bit more, they’re often quite simple games as well, with not one but two of the 4-player mini-games being just mashing the A button as fast as you can. Item mini-games are also completely gone, and after duel mini-games were so hyped up and trotted out in MP3, MP4 doesn’t have them at all in any way, shape, or form. They don’t even have the board-specific ones like MP2 did. The overall mini-game quality is still pretty good, but it’s pretty lackluster in some pretty important ways compared to a lot of other games in the series.

The biggest fumble as far as I’m concerned is with the board game design though. I make it no secret that I’m absolutely not a fan of Mario Party 3, in large part due to how poorly constructed so many of its boards are. MP4 isn’t quite that bad, but it’s still far less than stellar, with six maps in total having 2 I’d say are awful (super random and easy to get screwed over very quickly, very hard just because of a few bad die rolls), 3 I’d say are just okay, and only one I’d say is really even decent. The boards are by and large better than MP3’s were, but there’s still a lot of the randomness-focused design philosophy DNA left over that’s still to be ripped out, and it makes the experience suffer pretty hard.

On top of that are the revamped items, with many new additions that MP3 got taken out and a good few new things put in. The most notable change is that normal and golden mushrooms (which gave you two and three die to roll that turn respectively) have been taken out, and mini- and mega-mushrooms have been added in their places. Mini-mushrooms make you small and give you only one die (or two for the better version) that goes from 1~5 to roll (vs. the usual 1~10 die), and mega-mushrooms making you large and giving you two (or three with the better one) 1~10 dice to roll. These are a neat idea, as sometimes you want to go only a short distance so an item is nice for that, and when you’re big with a mega mushroom, while you may steal 10 coins from every rival you pass, you also can’t activate any events (and that includes buying stars!). The bad board design really hampers what could’ve been some interesting design changes. In practice, with item mini-games gone and in their place spaces that give you randomly either a mini- or mega-mushroom, mini-mushrooms are useless trash that clog up your inventory, and mega-mushrooms are still far too good a tool to steal coins from your enemies and get you where you need to go, even with the added risk of not being able to get a star if you over-roll. It’s understandable that the gameplay is still very largely influenced by MP3, given that this is so clearly the preliminary outing for MP on the GameCube, but in retrospect, it holds up pretty poorly in design and mini-game selection to most games before and after it.

The presentation is solidly okay. The music is nice and the 3D models look pleasing as well, but it’s all very stock and boiler-plate feeling compared to just how striking MP3’s art design was. The taking out of the old pre-rendered 2D boards for big 3D environments look awful, with 3D tracks lying floating above poorly textured and ugly 3D planes to give each board their theme, it’s hard for MP4 not to feel like a steep cosmetic downgrade. It’s not bad in a vacuum, but in comparison to what came before (not to mention after), it’s difficult to be too kind beyond, once again, allowing for the context that this was the first one on its console.

Verdict: Hesitantly Recommended. There is certainly worse Mario Party to play, but not by much. It’s missing a lot of features from my personal least favorite, MP3, but it’s also an exercise in higher lows and lower highs. It’s a perfectly adequate Mario Party experience, but whether on the N64, GameCube, or almost any console after that, really, you don’t need to look far for a Mario Party experience that will be much better than this.

I will beat you in domination every day of the week.

Moderate Mario Party but many of the boards are just straight up bad.

Not the best yet one of my favorites regardless! It has some problems in design like the lact of more interesting applications for the shrooms, the design on most boards which involves getting stuck on loops far more frequently than in other Mario Party games, or how easy the story mode is even on expert mode (which ain't that bad of a thing actually but still). But what it does right it does! The board's art style isn't a downside to me because this is the only Mario Party with neon paths so it helps to recognize it and give identity. Also normally I preffer crazy games and while I think MP4 is more on the tame side, it does by achieving some cozyness and even peace which rivals the ambience a game like Final Fantasy 9 or Trails in the Sky FC would give, it brings me back to my childhood. The board soundtrack might be one of the best in all MP as well, the themes for Toad and Koopa's boards are really pretty and catchy, Bowser's theme is agresive and opresive heavily contrasting the other ones and setting up Bowser's Gnarly Party as a surprisingly epic end, and the title screen OH THE TITLE SCREEN! The most beautiful 15 second jingle I've heard in my life! Lastly, MP4 is a blue game, uses color blue in most of it's promo art and box art, and that's great because I associate the color blue with the number 4! If there is a Mario Party I'd like my children to grow up with, is this one.

It has really good mini games, but I don't really like the boards

I have fond memories of this game; I've played it endlessly with my brother as a kid and even longer with friends as grown-ups. However, most of the mini-games are still fun, the boards themselves are exciting and unfair in the best ways possible and it's simply an amazing time with friends. I am aware that most of this is my nostalgia, but I'm fine with that. The movement on the board is slow and the button-mash mini-games are something I don't miss, however. And singleplayer? Come on, but is that really relevant to a Mario Party?

Gosto bastante de Mario Party, primeira vez jogando o quarto game e só digo q é foda. Tem vários minigames clássicos q já tinha visto em vídeos na internet, 2 exemplos são Domination e Trace Race.

>> Prós
• DIVERTIDO : Acho q é um ótimo game pra passar o tempo, ignorando a competitividade e focando em só querer curtir os minigames.
• MINIGAMES : São 60, é um bom numero e vários q são ótimos.
• JOGABILIDADE : Os controles da franquia MP são simples, não tem oq reclamar.

>> Contras
• Nenhum.

>> Perso Favorito = Daisy.

>> Minigames Favoritos
• 4 PLAYERS : Domination ( recorde de 119 Whomps derrubados ).
• 1 VS 3 : Goooooooal.
• 2 VS 2 : Revers-a-Bomb.
• BATTLE : Trace Race ( consegui 80% ).

Eu amei esse jogo e todos os mapas, é divertido de jogar com companhia do que sozinha

Suffers from being the first Mario Party on the GameCube, and thus the first in its graphical style. Has fantastic minigames, and mediocre boards because they hadn't yet worked out how to have the character models interact with a real 3D space. Still fun, but probably play one of the others if you're only going to play 1

Besides Mario Party 8, this was the other Mario Party I loved so much. The boards are great, minigames are fun, the character roster is a bit short and some pathways are a bit too hard to enter but it's still raw Mario Party emotion and it rocks.

Mario Party 4 is such a mixed bag that it's not even funny. On the one hand, it has some of the best minigames the series had seen to this point. I mean, Dungeon Duos is peak MP. But then on the other hand, it has some of the lamest boards to choose from. They feel so samey & 95% of the interesting aesthetics take place... below the main path with all the spaces? It's just a little strange & sours the overall package.

I have the absolute fondest memories of this game so going back and being hit with a face full of shoddy map design shaped retrospect was a little disappointing.

In a way I'm quite nostalgic for it, but it definitely suffers from the early pixar-esque melted cheese CGI look. There's almost a sense of uncanny valley, where the maps should be full of life, and there are elements of life but they're so few and far between that they actually kind of exasperate the emptiness.

Top tier mini games though IMO, and at the end of the day that's what matters

Probably one of my least favorite Mario Party games, especially when the GOAT Mario Party Gamecube game, Mario Party 6 is also on the same console.

This is genuinely the worst mario party game of all time and its not close. Garbage items, garbage maps (that are almost all the same), mediocre minigames at best and absolutely soulless. Quite literally has nothing going for it

This is a tough game to formulate my thoughts on because I don't have much to contrast it with. The only other games in the series I have substantial experience with are Super and 2, and this feels very in the middle between the former's universal lameness and the laters hilarious, chaotic, fun.

I played through all the maps and I think overall there are plenty of noteworthy positives amidst an overall blandness and confusion that's omnipresent throughout the game.

Starting with the negatives, I think everyone agrees that all the boards are disappointing, both visually and layout wise. I think on every map there is an opportunity to get stuck in a small loop and have to get lucky to get out, there are a lot of coin toss moments that decide which sections of the boards you can go to, and independent of the luck-based elements I feel like it just takes a long time to maneuver to different sides of the map. Every Mario Party board in the series forces you to go in a certain direction down each path, but the identical metallic paths on every board in this game with their perfect 90 degree turns make it feel more arbitrary and time consuming which directions around the boards you can go.

The production values certainly aren't great. While they definitely modernized the look of the characters, and the models and textures are objectively higher quality with the jump to the Gamecube, I've come to love the fugly, puppeteer-esque look of the N64 graphics and the goofiness and personality it brought to Mario Party. And the music is... there I guess.

And lastly the items are kinda lame. There's not much that's interesting or outside of the series staples. The mini and mega mushroom gimmicks are fine, but there are too many paths and minigames locked behind mini mushroom paths, and it's weird how they are locked to dice rolls instead of something like skeleton keys.

But on the positive side, there's a decent selection of minigames. There are definitely quite a few groaners, but even some of the rage inducing ones like Order Up and Stamp Out lead to a lot of the classic chaotic fun of yelling at your friends. SOME are bangers though: Dungeon Duos, Mr. Blizzard's Brigade, Hop or Pop, Right Oar Left, Chain Chomp Fever, and the BEST Mario Party minigame ever: BOOKSQUIRM!!! A game of Mario Party is not complete without Booksquirm!!!

I had a lot of laughs and good memories with my friends playing through this, it's definitely a decent baseline for Mario Party. But I'm also happy to move on to hopefully more consistently fun games in the series.