Reviews from

in the past

This game is just beautiful, not only does it have the best combat system out of the Souls-Games, it also is the only one whose story one can understand without VaatiVidya explaining it too you. For anyone struggling just remember: "Hesitation is defeat" -Some old drunk guy

To me, it's the best From Software game. They've rectified all past errors and enhanced it even further. It's the only game from the company with a real good storytelling, the others are either mediocre or poor. Nothing much to say, straight Masterpiece!

Um dos melhores jogos da From Software que eu tive a oportunidade de jogar e platinar, a coisa que eu mais amei nesse jogo foi claramente a gameplay. A mêcanica de parry e a quebra de postura é absurdamente satisfatório, incluindo também, vários bosses memoráveis.

Obrigado, Sekiro! "Hesitation is Defeat"

This is serious skill issue for me. Might pick it up later on tho.

As the first ever souls-game I played and got 100% in <65 hours I want to say that it is incredible, would recommend and wish I could experience again for the first time...

Amazing combat system (perhaps the best OAT) the gauntlets of strength are really some of the best additions of any fromsoft game. The most rewarding gameplay and bosses I have experienced and really I don't understand why a similar thing is not included in games such as Elden Ring (the gauntlets of strength that is). It works especially well with the combat in Sekiro though and has me really anticipating a Sekiro 2!

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Oynanış olarak üstüne yok.

Orangutan bossu o* çocuğudur.

esse jogo é simplesmente insano um dos melhores combates que ja joguei extremamente punitivo e ao mesmo tempo recompensador

"hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat" "hesitation is defeat"
i'm loosing my godd damn mind but isshin the sword saint is my favorite boss in all of fromsofts games

definitely the best game I have ever played. Many said it was the hardest Fromsoft game but I actually found it to be quiet easy because the core combat mechanic is really simple (I haven't got the chance to play other Fromsoft games yet)

FromSoftware created music, bosses, and environments on par with their other games, and then proceeded to elevate it all with the best combat system I have ever played. While other Souls games bring out raw emotion in their gameplay, this game truly teases out the most visceral emotions. The bosses in this game are the best gaming has to offer.

Me senti frustrado com a grande dificuldade no começo, mas quando comecei a me acostumar com o combate comecei a sentir muito prazer de cada obstáculo superado, jogo incrível, rico na hisotira e referencias na Cultura japonesa, ambientação, e gameplay incrível

o UNICO jogo que skill importa de vdd

Nao sei pq demorei tanto pra jogar essa obra prima, possivelmente virou meu segundo jogo favorito da from, sekiro simplesmente é insano de bom em tudo

Hesitação é derrota

Absolutely fun but strangely one of the easiest or directly the easiest of fromsoftware games

Personally i didn't liked, it's not my type of game, but it's fun and deserved GOTY

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This game is perfect and I don't think I've had a gaming experience like this before. Fighting bosses felt like training. I knew that, with enough time and practice, I'd eventually beat even the hardest boss. You really do feel yourself leveling up as you beat each boss.

The only flaw is the intro. Truly, everything before Jinsuke Saze feels like a waste. The enemies and bosses do almost nothing to teach you how you're supposed to play the game.

Jinsuke Saze is the first instance where the game pulls the gloves off and stops messing around. If you can beat the pair of Jinsuke and Genichiro, you're more than set for the rest of the game.

very enjoyable boss fights 👍

Simplesmente uma das melhores experiências com jogos da fromsoftware que eu tive, jogão demais, tanto em história como em level design, toda a composição do jogo me cativa e mesmo depois de platinar, continuo sendo um dos meus jogos favoritos.

El mejor sistema de combate que jamás he podido llegar a probar, difícil a cagar pero vale la pena cada intento

maybe the most satisfying combat system i've experienced. fromsoft just doesn't miss