Reviews from

in the past

The Amiga was home to many godawful ports of arcade titles, middle of the road originals (if they were good, chances were that you could find a better version on another platform), and ugly art styles that age like fine milk.

To this game's credit, it at least looks and sounds good, but otherwise, there's not much good that can be said about the gameplay.
No surprise the DOS stole Commodore's throne in retrospect in the early nineties when:

- VGA.
- Sound Blaster/Roland.
- Better game design philosophy.
- And proper Controller support.

were all becoming more commonplace in PC gaming, not to say that the 90's was perfect mind you, but it certainly held up better than the Amiga era.

So awesome and cool yet so hard and frustrating.

shoutouts to user C_F for recommending the PC engine version, which is vastly superior from the first version i played.
at first i played the genesis version because i though ''it can't be that bad'' turns out it can and it will be that bad, this is a unfair games, at times you will get hit, you will get bonked out of your mind and there is nothing you can do about, you only have one life and if you die thats it, trial and error at its worst, the saving grace was the art, the weirdness of it all and the music.
but then i heard of the pc engine version and gave it a shot, and i was surprised by it, its still a game that overall really dislikes you and want you and your whole family to choke on a cactus, but now it has remorse and gives you a live system, more fair hitbox (for the most part), but it will still bonk you to your place, it will still let you softlock yourself and it will still hate you.
at least this version have some very nice FMV to come and a even better soundtrack, i was pleasantly surprised.
and the best part, now Aarbron moans like a girl every time you get hit
(btw what are these monsters in the box art ? they aren't even in the game)

A technical tour de force mated with generic action game combat that was overly difficult on purpose. There was a lot of potential here given the eclectic visuals and great soundtrack, but they messed it all up with the subpar gameplay.

Uma neurose projetada pra testar o hardware do Amiga e ser difícil, não se importando se é justo ou não.

Se destacava pelas 12 camadas de parallax scrolling e os gráficos absurdos pra época. Não é de se impressionar que o visual carrega o jogo nas costas (algo que até um dos designers admite) porque de resto você tem um level design extremamente podre e sem nexo.

Mas de modo negativo e positivo, conhecer esse jogo foi bem interessante e fez eu me apaixonar pelos trabalhos do Roger Dean.

Every review on this site seems to be for the Genesis version. That version is dogshit that runs too fast and is nearly unplayable.
I would heavily rec the PC Engine version on the other hand. It's much more atmospheric, especially with the creepy 3D CGI. The turning is snappier, the player can set extra lives and continues should they need to, the collision is precise, and the built in turbo makes the game much more manageable. It's genuinely a great action platformer, if a bit short. I laughed out loud (LOL'd) when I picked up a powerup that drained my health. SOUL!