Reviews from

in the past

Great tactical game where each character has its own use and abilities, giving you different tools and making you switch your strategy every stage

It’s soooo Good. I really liked characters and storyline, each of them has very unique abilities that help you in different situations,all maps are built differently you always have to change your tactics in each map.

Anche questo va annoverato tra i giochi sottovalutati.

Great game right up until the last mission

Had a lot of fun playing this great game with a friend and finishing it on the highest difficulty level. It's really impressive what Mimimi has achieved here with a small team and how they revived an old forgotten genre almost single-handedly. Great map design, really good enemy placement and a really tough difficulty level really captivated us both. The characters complement each other perfectly in terms of their abilities, each has their own way of playing and it's fun to combine the different skills. The writing wasn't bad either, even if the main story is very clichéd. Great game :)

Great concept and many great aspects, but it never really got interesting for me personally.

I'm not very good at stealth and this game requires you to execute complex plans almost perfectly. First levels are fun but difficulty curve smashed me

It's always fun to sneak around as a ninja, but after playing Desperados 3 you can't unsee the missing ingredients.

Game's tough, but the Japanese flavor added a lot for me.

Loved it, I wish I could give it like a 4.75.

so much fun. Story is whatever it's fine but the gameplay is the big selling point

It's tempting to refer to any bird's-eye-stealth-real-time-strategy-esque game as a Commandos title, as that series introduced and defined this peculiar genre. In any case, Blades of the Shogun tries its hardest to make this style of game playable and I can't help but admire it (a decent story with genuine emotional turns helps). Nevertheless, it admits the shortcomings of its genre by pinging the player every sixty seconds with the reminder, “Did You Save?” As with its predecessors, BotS is more about save-scumming and brute-force replay than real strategy.

Buen sistema de combate y sigilo, al mismo tiempo que personajes únicos. La historia es típica pero es interesante, y los retos de cada nivel son realmente difíciles si quieres hacerlos. El doblaje al inglés también está bastante conseguido. A más avanzas te ponen más y más enemigos hasta el punto que se pasa de ir improvisando y consiguiendo los objetivos a tu manera; a hacerlo exactamente como ellos quieren o no te lo vas a pasar. Una gran pena, pasa lo mismo en Desperados 3, pero al menos aquí es solo con las últimas misiones.

Pas mon type mais c'est pas forcément mauvais

Un jeu de tactique (sans blague) qui se déroule au Japon. C'est joli, l'histoire était intéressante et le gameplay assez riche avec les différentes aptitudes et utilités des différents personnages. Je ne le terminerais pas, je crois qu'il ne me reste que 1 ou 2 niveaux pour arriver au bout, mais j'ai laissé une trop longue période entre ma dernière session et celle ou j'ai tenté de terminer, reprendre à l'avant-dernier niveau sans se rappeler comment fonctionne les mécaniques du jeu c'est pas évident.

This is a good game! But I fell off of it after the fifth level or so. Not for any particular reason; I just lost interest and moved on to other things. Can't see myself getting the urge to return to it, either.

It's a well made stealth game. I just got bored of it after a few hours

Brilliant stealth with a lot of cool mechanics. The AI of the enemies is pretty bad however.
P.S. Aiko queen.

Played Shadow Tactics for a Discord's quarterly game; not my usual genre, so this was challenging for me. After the third mission, I even had to switch to easy mode. (That felt like it did little, especially later on.) I did enjoy the game. The story and characters were alright; mostly, I liked the art style.

I did not enjoy constantly spinning my camera around to view enemies and use objects like doors. At times, hiding bodies and interacting with doors needed to be pixel perfect. If you didn't click just right, you'll be spotted. Even while using the eyesight that highlights hidden areas.

There are two missions in particular that force you to be VERY rigid with a certain character. You have to go in one path. Unlike the rest of the game, it's pretty open to how you want to play. But these two instances really soured my mood because it made it unbelievably difficult. Probably not a big deal if you better at these types of games; I'm sure you're better than me. But damn, those were unfun and frustrating.

Really my only complaints. Just be better than me at the game and you'll most likely enjoy it even more.

Parece interessante, mas não é meu estilo de jogo favorito

desparados 3 is better than this in literally every single aspect

it was decent but got too hard for me tbh

As someone who prefers Commandos 1 to its sequel, I find Shadow Tactics to combine the best aspects of Commandos 1 and 2. Add in a great setting and an approachable modern design, this is up with the classics of the genre.

Played it after finishing Desperados 3, desperate for more — but it's a big step-down. You can clearly see how much D3 improved over this. The level design, the dialogues, interface... Shadow Tactics was fine, but I need D4!

A must play for strategy lovers with great graphics and gameplay, story is not that good but the point is definitely gameplay.