Reviews from

in the past

build a cool base, get raided by large red men, beat up the large red men and make a bone chandelier out of them for your cool base!

Una secuela muy esperada, que no cumplió para nada con las expectativas.

оптимизация плохая

Better than the original but with a kinda dumb story.

Fun game beat it in around 30-40 hours, definitely recommend playing with at least one other person. Be prepared for low fps though, game is badly optimized.

Je suis le fils de la nature ok mais tu m'expliques comment je serai né par la science étant donné que je suis chrétien peut-être ?

Sons Of The Forest (2nd review after 100%)
PLATINUM DIFFICULTY: 5.4/10 (Mostly grind)

Graphics: 4.6/5

Story: 2.4/5

Gameplay: 4.6/5

Soundtrack: 2.4/5

Bugs(0= None ; 5= Unplayable): 2 (Fell off the map)

Fun factor: 3.6/5

Characters: 3/5

Final thoughts: 4.2/5 (4 in backlogged) After playing this game for over 20 hours and achieving 100%, I can confidently say that this game is much better than I initially judged it to be. I compared it a lot to the first The Forest since I played The Forest and Sons of the Forest back to back, but this game shouldn't be compared to its predecessor. It clearly had major improvements, mainly in its graphics, combat, models, and building system. However, it didn't really feel like a survival game like the first one; it felt more like a horror game with some elements of survival. The story honestly is just bad. I was trying not to be so harsh on it in my first review, but honestly, I'm glad the story isn't its main focus.

ABOUT THE 100%: It has a lot of collectibles (16 Blueprints, 50 Notes, 4 video tapes, and a few clothes), but none of them were a pain to collect since by the end of the game, I already had most of them. The miscellaneous trophies were easy to get, just boring. The only multiplayer achievement is pretty easy, and you can get it in under a minute if you are lucky enough to find someone in the servers willing to help, or if you have a friend (which I know you don't). Overall, it's an easy platinum.

Awesome game I enjoyed it a lot of keep it up Endnight Games Ltd!!!!!

Survival games are not my thing to be honest. I only bought it to play with friends and I would say that would be the only time I would find this game enjoyable.

This review contains spoilers

I've played SOTF on release day and it wasn't a pleasent experience so to speak. It was very poorly optimized and buggy, but hey, it was early acces, who am I to criticize the game when it barely stared to walk?

I waited one year for the full release, and, it has changed alot, it doesn't seem so, but for me, it really did.

Everything felt that bit more smooth and pleasent to play, don't get me wrong, the big criticize the game gets is the BIG map that is very empty, but the addition of carts and the one wheeler that I forgot the name are geat, albeit annyoing to use since there aren't many roads.

I adored the addition of multiple characters, not just you and cannibals. When I first enterd the big dinner area and saw the son's protagonist of The Forest I was really stoked.

The ending also got better, even though it felt a bit abrupt.

Also Kelvin is the best, props to him.

ı like kelvin and ı hate new lighter

Big Head mode is essential for any playthrough.

Very solid game and gameplay big improvement on the first, however, the ending left me wanting more.

Me hubiera gustado que... me hubiera gustado más. Esperaba con muchas ganas este juego y no decepcionó. Buenos gráficos, nuevas maneras de construir que te permiten hacer bastantes cosas, ciclos de estaciones del año que cambian el gameplay, los vehículos están muy bien, los enemigos suponen un reto y, sobre todo, jugar con amigos es divertido.
Pero no lo sé, no acabó de hacerme tanto "click" en la cabeza como el primero, y creo que es sobre todo por la historia. Te va dando muchas motivaciones, abre muchas posibilidades y hay algún momentazo, pero luego no me parece que las resuelva bien. El final es abrupto y confuso (hasta el punto de que a nosotros nos dio todos los logros -tiene varios finales- de una) y nos quedamos todos como "¿wait, what?", con la sensación de que faltaba más, que se había desaprovechado todo lo que nos habían ido presentando de manera tan meticulosa.

O seo o nos perdimos nosotros algo. Pero para mi ese es el resumen : un juego con una gran presentación en pantalla, que te va creando una expectación y cuyo último tercio baja mucho.

La batalla final está lograda, eso sí.

É bem bonito, divertido de jogar com amigos. Não acho que seja um jogo interessante para se jogar sozinho, até então, mas vale ressaltar que tive menos de 10 horas totais de jogo.
Infelizmente caiu naquele limbo de jogos que o momento da vida adulta te faz perder o embalo. Talvez dê outra chace no futuro, talvez não.

Was a disappointment, especially when you compare it to the first game

but I do know that full game came out on February 22, 2024
so I will play this again and give it another chance

would be five stars but sometimes kelvin pisses me off

Nice graphics but the first one is better

choppy wood game but now your pc cant really run it and its still empty af

good job dumbass

Was really excited for this, but the gameplay loop was too similar as the first one with not many new interesting things added to keep me going like the first game.

If you were like me and played this during the first versions of early access, it was truly an unfinished mess and I wish they didn't charge $30 for it, or at least delayed it by a couple more months so it could be polished a bit more. I haven't gone back to see every addition to V1.0 and beyond to be fair, but I can't see it becoming a 4.5 or higher.

Juego decente que es muuucho mas divertido con amigos. Jugarlo solo da un poco de miedo por lo asqueroso de los bichos pero las cuevas son un poco cripticas y una paja no tener mas opciones de iluminación para explorar.
Aunque hoy mismo tenga mucho contenido, calculo que mientras mas updates vengan, mejor se va a poner como fue el caso del primer juego asi que vale la pena rejugarlo cada cierto tiempo para ver todo lo nuevo.

Just an overall upgrade of the first game, in every possible aspect. It hands hold you to progress on the story to unlock more stuff to mess around even more, which I find pretty neat. But the story feels kinda rushed, it stops so suddenly. If you are like me and you like to just build and dick around, great game.

Good game its very fun if you play along with your friends otherwise you will shit urself once it gets darker

After having played it since day one of early access, I can say the full release has perfectioned every aspect of the first game and its improvements and additions. It almost fell like it's a completely different game compared with what it was at the beggining. That said, it's so refined in terms of gameplay and mechanics that I feel its essence has been lost. I don't feel it has the same charm the first game still has to this day, and I can't stay attached to it that much

The one wheel in this game makes you the fastest thing alive

Lot of mechanics mashed in together. Quantity > quality. Still fun

talvez um dia eu volte se conseguir jogar com uns amigos e qnd tiver finalziado o jogo
mas n me pegou tanto como o primeiro

this game i think was a mess in a lot of ways, but it is good to play with a friend you don't talk to that often. the ending had us howling at how fucking stupid it was. who was that guy? who was the other guy? why is kelvin here, he looks so good in his pink pajamas. why are they fighting? who is this guy's dad?

it was pretty unfortunate too that after the first couple of hours, there was little tension on the game. base building was almost entirely unnecessary, with nothing in the world threating your movement, travel was little but a time suck. the emergent gameplay aspects of a game you'd want to see from a survival game with a lot of systems are almost nonexistent. at no point did it drive home the fantasy of "having to survive in a hostile world". but whatever, thats ok.